I was lucky. With a leap as I felt the hands grab my winter jacket, I managed to get one leap in and the resultant throw resulted in more of a slide and I managed to keep my head from hitting the freezing concrete.
After calls to the US Embassy, I managed to get myself admitted into Hotel Dieu. It as here that I was introduced to "morphine", which I refused at first. Finally, acquiescing, I accepted the morphine, and sorta laughed at the name. MORPHINE. MORE FINE.
I shared a double room and in two days I received a visitor coming in for his own medical problems. It took a bit to for us to speak, but we did. His was then in his middle 70's and introduced himself as Father Bidgras, the semi-retired head of the Sulpecian Order of the Catholic Church. As I learned, it is the Sulpecian Order that is responsible for setting up seminaries the world over. Father Bidgras felt that the Catholic Church was well placed in Latin America and in parts of Asia, but he was lamenting the fate of North America.
Inevitably, however, the conversation turned to religious matters. He shared his views of the "god head" and I shared the Isisian Codes. I listened much, and he listened much. On about the 3rd day, Father Bidgras said, "When I was in Seminary, we devoted some time to the information you are speaking about it. I did not understand it. We were told that it was the language of the devil."
I sorta chuckled and said, "You know. You may be right. But if you want to defeat the devil, it might make sense to understand how he thinks, and since he thinks in number, it might make some sense to learn of what it is I am doing so you can fight back on a level playing field." He thought about it for a minute and slowly, shaking his head said, "Yeah. You might be right."
Now here is where it gets interesting.
Strategize for a second and picture yourself a daimonic element and you want to overtake this world and make it your own. For whatever reasons, having humanity "worship" you and sing praises to you is of paramount importance. How are you going to accomplish this if the existing order is quite established and the race is thriving?
Afterall, the Pyramids of Egypt, Avenbury in England, Machu Pichu, etc., all point to a fantastic level of spiritual and technological development. And what if, per chance, the religious system of these Ancients is predicated on Pi set against "number", and an esoteric or hidden Alphabet that contains the whole of the philosophy? How are you going to alter the reality such that your views become the dominant and primary belief system, even as the existing order has already imbedded the codes that prove that you as the negative daimonic creation remains anything but a highly corrosive, caustic, and destructive creature?
It is not so difficult.
You first break off a strand of the existing human race. You call these people "the Chosen Ones", for you are "chosen" to destroy what previously existed. The tales state that
During his absence the tradition is that Typhon attempted nothing revolutionary because Isis, who was in control, was vigilant and alert; but when he returned home Typhon contrived a treacherous plot against him and formed a group of conspirators seventy-two in number. He had also the co-operation of a queen from Ethiopia who was there at the time and whose name they report as so. Typhon, having secretly measured Osiris's body and having made ready a beautiful chest of corresponding size artistically ornamented, caused it to be brought into the room where the festivity was in progress. The company was much pleased at the sight of it and admired it greatly, whereupon Typhon jestingly promised to present it to the man who should find the chest to be exactly his length when he lay down in it. They all tried it in turn, but no one fitted it; then Osiris got into it and lay down, and those who were in the plot ran to it and slammed down the lid, which they fastened by nails from the outside and also by using molten lead. - Source, On Isis and Osiris, PlutarchNow think about the above for a second?
1) The company was much pleased at the sight of it and admired it greatly, whereupon Typhon jestingly promised to present it to the man who should find the chest to be exactly his length when he lay down in it. They all tried it in turn, but no one fitted it; then Osiris got into it and lay down...
Does this remind you of any Occult rituals of import? No? How about that of the Skull and Bones? "According to rumor, initiates engage in strange bonding rituals such as lying in a coffin and reciting their sexual history in front of all the members. The object of such rituals is to create intense loyalty among members of the society. Some critics allege that these rituals contain satanic overtones." - Source
If a "laying down in a coffin" is part of the ritual, then it is being linked back to the story of Osiris, and then it is merely a matter of having access to the balance of the ritual to determine whether the ritual is a promise to grant the Initiates "this world, in leiu of Osiris", meaning to further the destruction of the planet. That the ritual is being peeled off of the Osirian story should be a pretty obvious play from an Occult perception.
2) and those who were in the plot ran to it and slammed down the lid, which they fastened by nails from the outside and also by using molten lead.
Those who were in on the plot sealed the coffin with lead. Can we not say, then, that those who were in on the plot were "the leaders"? Think hard about the channels. The "leaders" are those who were in on the plot, meaning that the "Chosen Ones" are "the leaders", for they are the ones to seal the knowledge out of mind from the masses to whom the knowledge remains their birthright and gift as they manifest into the courser planes called "life".
3) but when he returned home Typhon contrived a treacherous plot against him and formed a group of conspirators seventy-two in number. He had also the co-operation of a queen from Ethiopia who was there at the time and whose name they report as so.
Now. Think about THIS ONE. What is the importance of this? Have you ever wondered why "the leaders of Israel" have this belief in "Jews from Ethiopa"?
"Approaching the crisis in a way strikingly different from that of all other parties, the government of Israel has focused its attention on a single small Ethiopian community, the Falashas, whose identity as 'black Jews' has long been a matter of controversy in Israel.
"Using funds estimated at $300m, contributed by well-wishers, mainly in North America, the Israelis have sought to pluck this whole community out of its natural environment and to transport it wholesale to Israel, there to embark on a new life in circumstances as different as they could be from the ones they leave behind." - - Source
Perhaps, more importantly, there was and remains "an Occult reason" for the repatriation, for the conspirators, or "leaders" were in alliance with "the Queen of Ethiopia", hence as part of the mythology, the Ethiopians have a unique relationship to the success of "the Chosen Ones" as Osiris murderer as by repatriating the Ethiopians, the "leaders" are voicing their unilateral support for "Seth", or the negative spiritual forces.
Now we know that the Isisian/Osirian schools were spread the world over, so there would need to be a new creed to destroy the former ways. This would become "the Ten Commandments", wherein all doctrines the existing would be henceforth caste in a light that called for unilateral death sentences. So terms as "idol worshippers" would be used to define the open face of the inner secrets to "the God".
For instance, the Letter Y is as the Letter X, wherein the upper V is the Feminine and the Lower I is the Masculine, to create "the child Horus". This stone reminder of the spread of the Isisian/Osirian Mystery Schools lays silent as a testament to the inherent nature of the Letter Y.
In the new paradigm, the "leaders" simply defined such possessors of knowledge of the God as "idol worshippers", and then turned the ignorant masses onto the defenseless priestcrafts.
The initial blow was swift and deadly, resulting in an effectual decapitation of the Mystery Schools. "These are nearly all the important points of the legend, with the omission of the most infamous of the tales, such as that about the dismemberment of Horus and the decapitation of Isis." - Source, Isis and Osiris, Plutarch
Overtime, there were two sides racing: the Osirian Systems as those aligned with Masonry who would work to imbed the knowledge of "the Gods", resulting in America, and the Setian forces, the "dark Illuminatus", which has been one step behind sweeping the knowledge of the Ancient ways out of historical view.
The long road of man's descent into ignorance has been nearly complete, even as mankind's technological feats marvel many. The choice stands: will technology be used to advance mankind, or will it be used to complete the agenda of the "leaders" so many aeons ago?
With Osiris arisen, the knowledge is now open and available to illuminate the Illuminatus for what it has become, a tool of Setian black magic.
Do you have a reading list or any suggestions for someone looking to substantially increase their knowledge on these topics?
Hi Bodo.
Sorry for the delay in replying. I have an extensive list of information that I wanted to weave into the blog. Please give me some time to figure out how to best format it so that it presents well within the template being used.
Regards and thanks for your inquiry and interest.
The Fetch
Thanks TheFetch.
I'm looking forward to it.
Are you familiar with Canadian Glen Kealey and his decoding of the "EASTERN EUROPEAN DESDEMONA ALPHA-BAS SECRET CODE"
I dont get this. So who are the good and the bad? I guess both groups are bad - we're just caught in the middle right?
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