The Isisian Codes holds that "letters" manifest into "names" and that through a study of "reason and philosophics", this form of "holistic view" enables the "viewer" to have a more "unadulturated" or "skewed" vision of "reality", a vision which is akin to "seeing behind the veil of Isis".
To this end, a series of words have been decoded to show the binary nature of how English is encoded. For instance, GOD has a value of 7+15+4 = 26 using the ordinal value of the Letters. This 26 is akin to the diameter set in time of the Solstices/Equinox's. It is said to be in perfect harmony or balance on only one day, the Letter G, which has as it's opposite the Letter Pei.
Thus the word GOD(DESS) entails two codes. GOD shows the "correlational diameter", or "the One", while DESS reveals the O, or the Zero, in that the formula contained in DESS shows that the letters have values of
Since we know that GOD is akin to a "diameter" set against the "weeks of the year", and that the Sun is akin to the "male energy", and that EARTH is akin to the "female energy", and that EARTH has ordinal values of
We can then show that 5+1+18+20+8 = 52 weeks in the Year, or is the Circumference whereas GOD is the Diameter. Thus through "rational thought" and "philosophical reason", we can equate the Formula of DESS as being symbolic of the "Circumference". This can be shown very clearly and succinctly in the formula of
(S*S)+E = (19*19)+5 = 366 or
(S*S)+D = (19*19)+4 = 365
In each case, we can show clearly a rational philosophic behind the coding of the words "GOD" and "GODDESS" such that it appears pretty clear that a rational knowledge is being designed and encoded into the formation of English, and this the study of English as an esoteric artform can reveal numerous hidden mysteries when rational analysis (reason) and philosophics are entertained as a part of the equation.
Since the material is but a literal reflection of the material, we can also surmise that "names" will or can have a "pre-ordainded" or "planned" manifestation such as to aid the soul as it manifests in the material to assist in ones task in life.
An example of this is perhaps a "Tiger Woods". Although the "reason" Tiger was given the name "Tiger" is from his fathers acquaintance to a fellow soldier in the jungles of Vietnam, who can argue that a "Tiger Wood" is not a powerful name relative to the world of Golf where the traditional use of "woods" to hit the ball off the "Tee" is of paramount importance.
Although "one event", the acquaintance with a fellow soldier nicknamed "the Tiger" served as inspiration for the naming of what is the elite of the Golf world in the name of "Tiger Woods", this also serves as a reminder that there is an interconnectiveness to all things which at the surface belies rational explanation from a classical "western" sense.
The Study of Letters assists us to come to see this interconnectiveness in ways that enable us to pierce behind the Veil of Isis, in which ISIS is defined as the Formula of ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH. Speech itself is "the Goddess" and the medium and the esoteric science through which we seek a comprehension of "reality" wherein "reality" is defined as "thought" while "creation" is the projection of this thought into a material existence.
Thus in Gematria, we see clearly that ISIS is interconnected in a form with SPEECH, and we should not assume that such is not a deliberate. But this leads us often to an arguement with "traditional academia" who often seek to impose their "views" on the Craft of Letters without necessarily even understanding how the Craft of Letters works.
So the otherday, as I was acquainting myself with the Santa Monica Library, I came across a section of books about the English Language. There were a few, but as an "English Occultist" studied in the Letters, there was one that IMMEDIATELY caught my eye such that got a library card so that I could take the book home. It is called, "The Story of the English Language." Still yet, it wasnt the "title" that caught my attention, but the "name" of "author", a certain "Mario Pei", that made me shake my head for here was another clear example of a name providing clues into the "mysteries" of "language", and since we hold that English is a hyper-dimensional representation of a harmonic known as "Pi", and that the Hebrew Letter Pei is an Isisian Code for Pi, consisting of the Letter G spun 180 degrees on its axis, and it is Pi that is speech, and that Pei has an "esoteric meaning of Speech" in "traditional Kabballah", here was another example of "a lifes work" being encoded into the very name of the practitioner.
So who was Mario Pei?

Mario Pei was really "Dr. Pei", a linguist, teacher, and author of numerous articles and books on language. He is said to have knowledge of worlds 2796 languages of his day (the middle 1960's). George Bernard Shaw attributed to him that Dr. Pei said that Dr. Pei's "prodigious memory and knowledge reminded him of Isaac Newton." He did not seem to comment on how he knew Isaac Newton to have made the claim, but we can look over that for practical matters.
Dr. Pei taught Romance Languages at Columbia University beginning in 1937.
I found some of Dr. Pei's information rather fascinating and in some respects, rather dismaying, especially the beginning sentence where he states that, "Unless we choose to accept the doctrine of predestination, it is chance that makes history. The panoramic view of men, nations, races, religions, languages, often depends upon the cast of the die, the turn of the card, the whim of the historical moment."
In truth, this is not a fair statement and belies the efforts of people to push and pull the human race into different directions, either for ill or good will. This aspect of human relations is often sloughed off as "conspiracy" by they who are not knowing, or hinted at by such allusions as "the Illuminati" or the "machinations of Secret Societies" by those who are in the know and seek to raise the knowledge of this aspect of human conciousness and its influence on human relations especially in the realm of politics, religion, and the influences therein of Nation States.
Dr. Pei went on to add, "The English we speak is not the fruit of deliberate human design. It is the sum total of a long series of historical accidents, behind which the only design that is perceptible is God's."
Again, we have to take umbrage at the statement. How can someone as studied in the English language make such a simplistic sweeping statement? How was he so sure that English is not indeed succinctly and ingeniously designed to hide a particular knowledge and that its rise to prominence was not only calculated over time and space, but designed and secreted by those very societies so that the vagueries of "outside influence" was expeditiously removed to reveal the Code as it rests today?
In truth, although the very practice and nature of "Secret Societies" is to "act in secrecy", we know that within a fortnight, "modern English" essentially "appeared" within a single generation in the 1300's, keeping remnants of its Germanic and Anglo Saxon past, but "popping on the scene" in a dramatic fashion to become clearly the dominant power in of all the world's languages.
Indeed, in the formative years of presenting the Isisian Codes, I was driven to produce a work based soley on information gleaned from the Western Traditions from Hermeticism to Masonry without seeking "academic influence" on the Work such that I could present a system of thought unbiased by preconceived thoughts and ideals.
So when my conclusions began to be presented, I was surprised by the sometimes vicious attacks by the "existing order" who taught that "the Isisian Codes" could not be true and then basing this statement purely from an academic point of view, all the while failing to realise that I was putting forward an Occultic work purely based on the meditated and rational analysis of the English Letters.
It often would come down to the word "Etymology". Etymology clearly failed as a basis for a "philosophical" doctrine. The "key" aspect of "etymology" are the Letters "tym", and this "time", or a concept predicated on seeking to impose upon the concept of a linear progression on the language. "Linearality", or the focus on a "time sequence", by its very insinuation, denies the ability for "trans-dimensionality", or the solving of Letter values as an archetypical form and the subsequent projection of these archetypes into human thought and ultimately manifesting as "Tiger Woods", or "Mario Pei".
As I continued to glance through Dr. Pei's work, it was clear that as perhaps the pre-eminent etymologist of his time, he was keenly aware equally of this crafts shortcomings.
"The mission of the linguist is to describe what has happened to a language rather than to philosophise upon it." he mused. Such are the limits of "etymology" as a thought form. It cannot cover for the role of the philosophy contained within the language, and Mario Pei seemed to have an inherent knowledge of just such a "possibility".
Why else wax upon the mission of an etymologists not including the philosophizing of the language?
The Role of Qaballa and the Development of Language
The role of the "Qaballist" is to "philosophise about the Letters" and to attach meaning to them such that a philosophical metaphysical science or construct can arise. The etymologist is restrained by a linear approach that seeks not to solve the idea of crafting, while the "Qaballist" of English is to establish the esoteric parameters that define the English Language.
The Isisian Codes is this story.
One of the earliest historical references of Britain we know of is from the 5th Century BCE, when Herodotus writes speaks of "the Tin Islands" but adds that "he knows nothing of them". Perhaps this could go down as one of the earliest "mystifications" or "cover-ups" of an established Elite order, for this statement is belied by the very name he gives to them. Aristotle, about a century later, tells us that, "beyond the Pillars of Hercules the ocean flows around the Earth, and in it are very two very large islands called British: Albion and Ierne, lying beyond the Keltoi."
The Qaballist sees such with an added philosophical dimension. Albion is "albino" and "the White Shores of Dover" while Ierne is "Ireland" and equally "urn", or "that which is black" through the allusion of "ash". It is our first glimpse into a "white and black" aspect, a "Caine and Able" archetype being affixed to the shores from which English would burst forth.
Clearly the requirement of "tin" to the "bronze age" was something that the traders of the world understood, and the then bustling tin mines of Britain were certainly well known and the traders knew where to get the tin they required. Knowledge of "Britain" to the "middle east" and its "religious concepts" can be surmised from the very fact that trade existed. The cultural links, at least, went far beyond in time sequence the later "christian conquest" of England.
The Qaballist says that there are "islands", or that which rises above the waves, and there is that which is "without tin", or "con-tin-ents", that describe that which was not of this particular island.
Druids of Gaul were already using a form of Greek Lettering, while in Ireland they were using a form of "Runes", themselves a system predicated on "esoteric values" affixed to each of the symbols. Again, with "rabbinical Kabballah" via the "secretion of the Sepher Yetzirah" in the middle 11th century CE, we know that a system of esoteric letter systems was firmly established in Western Europe, although they appear to have equally used a "spoken word" form of knowledge preservation comparable to the Rishis of India, for little to nothing of written work remains, either destroyed by the vagueries of time or the willful denial of their knowledge to subsequent races save for what was passed through the written word.
What is clear is that the Druids of pre-Christian conquest were using "Esoteric Letter Systems" of both Runes (Northern German) and Greek (Mediterranean), some 1000 years before the Rabbinical "Sepher Yetzirah" would be "secreted" onto the Occultic scene; the esoterics of each system preserved to some degree in the residual Runic knowledge that survives today, as well as the known esoteric nature of Greek as espoused by Plutarch in both Isis and Osiris (under allusion) and The E at Delphi, where the an esoteric letter system is clearly advanced and discussed save the rudiments of how this system was set into a philosophical totality.
By the 5th Century, a small group of Danes would come to migrate to the Shores of Albion. Known as "Frisian", the language was so close to "modern English" that the little rhyme of
"Brod, butter en grene chiese,
En wat dat net sayse ken
Is kin uprjuchte Friese.
translated reads
"Bread, butter and green cheese,
And who cannot say that
Is no upright Frisian."
The Etymologist recognises the Frisian comparison to English and realises in the written works that little of this language was set down to survive today; the Occultist sees Friday, and Frisian, and Freya, and Isis subtly existing subsurface, and although we know of the Frisian language existing as early as the 5th Century and can note its clear links to modern English, and it is at this stage of the history that the Occultic works from the 19th Century regarding English appear to converge with the more "modern" science of "etymology".
The Frisians are linked via etymology as "Indo-European" speakers, and this major class of speakers is linked to such sub-groups, or stems, including (see Mario Pei, The Story of the English Language, Lippincourt, 1967, pg 8) the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs, among others. The early languages were peculiar in that there seems no written works that survive from the early speakers. Etymologists theorise that at one time "indo-European" was of a single homogonized language and that through successive periods of migration, the language became more and more spintered.
The Occultist points to the "holy records", and recognises that this "homogonized language" was purposely divided and scrambled to the benefit of a ruling class, which would maintain the original keys (code and toungue) and thus leaving the mass of humanity divided by the simple act of inability to communicate. The Etymologist theorises that this original anguage was a "primitive Indo-Iranian" which would develop in Sanskrit.
The Western Occultists via Masonry tell us that "...and the language, in it's written form, came into manifestation; the religion was the Cult of Osiris, or Freemasonry (both of these names being applied to the ancient universal mystery religion) and the language was Sanskrit. The word Sanskrit or Sanscrit is a corruption of the words Saint Script, meaning the Writings of the Saints, the Atlanteans recognising and accepting that language was a gift of the Gods. With them, language and religion were identical since the essence of language is the truth and vice versa."
The Occultist then asks; are these clues or are they misdirections, for it is clear that language can be used to deceive. But what if there is an underlying truth in the language, a truth predicated on a simple idea that is timebound and yet timeless? Could there be a relationship of Frisian to Freemason? These are questions that cannot be found without an immersion into the Secret Societies themselves, their ideals, and then a testing of these ideals against one's own Occultic experimentation into the phenomena known as Letters.

For one can reason, if the Languagee contains "truth", or more appropriately, "the Truth", then what "is" this "truth"? How can it be harnessed? If it can be harnessed, can it be abused and misused by forces of a darker side of Universal properties?
The Occultist seeks some form of "Esoteric Significance", of which one of those sciences is that of Gematria, wherein it is held that if words have absolute values such as
ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH and
OSIRIS = 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION
Then if Gematria is a science, albeit metaphysical in nature, then indeed there is in appearance the link between ISIS and OSIRIS and the aspect of a Speech Religion of the Gods, as intimated by the Freemasons aligned with the Isisian Mysteries.
Although the Frisians are known as early as the 5th Century, the academic world by and large doesnt deal with this element or its influence or possible influence in the periods from the 5th Century. Dr. Pei does not assist in shedding light on this period (up to Beowulf) when he states that, "At the most, we may be forced to subscribe to the theory of a standard written tongue, differing from the oral forms, only for a period that follows the unification of the English kingdom and the settling of the Danes."
Within the Danes would be the subgroup called Frisians.
Pei continues about this period. "The seven seperate kingdoms (sometimes more, sometimes fewer), or "Heptarchy" that arose out of the invasion, were loosely connected by shadowy bonds, and more often than not fighting amongst themselves." Here we have more inferences to a form of ongoing "mystification", or the holding together of a society via a "shadowy" aspect. This "shadow" glue would give way to the Alfred the Great of Wessex.
It is this period that we must call into question equally the clarity of Dr. Pei's thought, for he then describes the "Christianization" of the people of England as a "Christianization of barbarians". Clearly the Druidic schools were on the wane, and perhaps like the later Aztecs, all but lost when the Christian hoardes effected their conquest, but to classify a people whose empire (runes are found even in Constantinople) as being "barbarians" is highly dismissive of the forces which would become "English Society" at the elite levels.
By the year 700, what would become "English" was firmly in the hands of an Elite versed in Levantian magic, or what is known to the laity as Christianity. The "bards" who had created the imagery in words and who had composed the Old English verse, were to give way to a new form of English embodied in the works of Beowulf.
360 Years or so later, modern English would burst on the world scene in what would be perhaps the greatest Isisian Illuminati protest against the existing orders: the Rosecrucians via "Bacon" would give to the world the underlying knowledge of their codes, and leave clues to the deciphering of them in a work known generically as "Shakespeare".
"To be or not to be" would be a key, as in is B a 2 or is it not a 2, seeing that it is comprised of the 1 and the 3 in its formation? Then is B not the sum of 1:2=3 (1+2=3), in that it is comprised of both the 1 and the 3, yet being placed at 2(B)? The Isisian Numbering System would by then compete with the "established Rabbinical Kabballah", but only in allusion and within the Initiated Orders, while preference would be affixed to the Rabbinical Kabballah as the paramount system.
Final Historical Observations
Indeed, from 1350, when English in its current form appears to burst on the global scene, to the works of Shakespeare, voluminous to a degree that defies the work of one person under the technological and literary dispersion necessary to complete such works, it becomes clear to the Occultist that Shakespeare is akin to the Prose Edda's, a protest against the destruction of pre-existing knowledge in favor of the rapidly rising existing order, yet so cleverly written in a series of "plays" that within them, a "spoken word" set of keys would be of great benefit to fully comprehend the totality of the archetypical wisdom contained within, and equally, as the Rishis before, the Spoken Word could be used to transmit knowledge through time and space independent of the vagueries and fickleness of time.
Dr. Pei comments on a simple but self evident fact. The invention of the printing press had a solidifying effect, a "gelling effect", as it were, on the language. In the Isisian Mysteries, the "written word" is equated to "Osiris" in that "the written Word" is really the manifestation of Osiris in the physical, and this "Written word" becomes morphed into what is now called "religion", or a tendency to grant to the "written word" a paramount importance.
The "spoken word", or "Speech", is defined as Isis. Isis is said to be "white", or representative of "paper", while Osiris is associated with the color of "black". You will find a series of cleverly imbedded codes that attest to this, yet such makes no sense apart from an English centric philosophy, for Osiris is equated with a "Crop" in hand, wherein "crop" is then spun to form PORK, or the Pig, whose Letters are comprised of "PI" and "G", and whose sounds are "OINK, OINK", wherein the O can be equated to "ZERO", or "no think", which is ISIS, (the Zero), and thus INK becomes the Written Word is the 1 is Osiris.
Other formulas can be derived from this set, but this gives a flavor for the methods of imposing a series of transpositions to arrive back at the 1 and the O while fusing a series of myths and allegories against this reality (binary as a Yin Yang representative).
The "etymologist" will sometimes protest against this form of transposition, quite unawares as the nature of how it can all seemingly "appear" in a modern codeset or language, but Dr. Pei appeared more retrospect in his analysis.
Noted Dr. Pei, "The invention of the press had led to a spreading of education, communications, and social consciousness such as Chaucer and his precursors would have never dreamed possible. In the latter half of the 15th Century some 35,000 books were printed in Europe as a whole. Between that time and 1640, over 20,000 printed works appeared in English and on English soil."
That this was an age of "elitism" where only the well do to could afford such luxeries is often touted. It would be clear then that with over 50% of all published works appearing in English and on English soil, "Osiris" had arrived. With the tool, or "weapon" of the Printing Press, the knowledge embodied in English was clearly being set down into the Written word. Dr. Pei noted, "The impact of these works on popular culture and literacy can hardly be overestimated; neither can their effect on standardisation and uniformity be minimized."
We are left to ponder. Did the "press", which was certainly known as "an embodiment of OSiris" by various Initiated orders, rush to "seal in a crypt" what would be seen as "modern English", setting down the parameters which would shape and guide mankind far into the future? For with the "written word" comes a another simple reality as mentioned by Dr. Pei: linguistic standards trend to be "frozen" as regards both the linguistics and the grammatical forms.
Dr. Pei then added, "So long as there is no "point de repere", no authority, real or fancied, for the language, the language continues to evolve in its basic feature, morphology." But what Pei does not appear to wish to factor in, or was part of the occlusion, was that there could very well have been a central core to the design in the fabrication of the language.
Max Mueller wrote some decades before Dr. Pei in "The Science of Language", Max Muller, another Illuminatus/Secret Society maven, stated in "Science of Language",
"We must distinguish between historical change and natural growth. Art, science, philosophy, and religion all have a history; language, or any other production of nature, admits ONLY OF GROWTH. Let us consider first, that although there is a continuous change in language, it is not in the power of men to either produce or to prevent it."
The role of the Occultist is to reveal what "science" cannot due to the constraints of the scientific calling to inclide its very definitions and logic that science is restricted to. One method we employ is to find "subtle links" in word usage, and with "Dr. Pei", a name that means in Kabballah, "Speech", being known as "the premier person on the planet of the world's languages", we must then cull such works with a fine tooth comb to find any threads from known Illuminatus works and then use our skills as Occultists to try to piece the puzzle back together.
In this example, we have Dr. Pei (Speech)referring to the genesis of the press (Osiris) resulting in a "freezing", or gelling, of the language, and then speaks that in the absence of "no authority", the language must by definition grow through morphology. In Max Muller, he equally states that a distinction must be made between historical change and natural growth, but seemingly glosses over the fact that LANGUAGE went through an historical change: the creation of the Press, which would be seen as a "return of Osiris" amongst Isisian versed Initiated Orders.
This "historical change" provided the mechanism to seal as in a crypt the underlying dynamics of the Isisian knowledge into the language, and none were "more busy" that they of the English variety, contributing over 20,000 works of a total 35,000 throughout all of Europe. 57% of all printed works went were contributed for a market that was less than that of German, French, and Latin, and for which the "exodus" of English across the globe would soon follow.
Dr. Pei noted: "The distinctive grammatical forms we have today, relatively few in comparison with those of modern Anglo-Saxon or of conservative modern languages like German or Russian, are substantially the ones that were halted in their tracks by the work of Caxton and his fellow printers."
Thus it was "the printers" who maintained the ability to channel knowledge and to shape it in a near "flash" in the historical scale such that once the dynamics were set in motion and sealed, the "results" or the "growth" of that set of knowledge in the language would become unstoppable. With the lessening of resources to preserve the knowledge through the "Spoken word" traditions via "initiatory schools", the "printers" were free to advance the language, or the "code" into more complex dirivitives.
Max Muller hinted at this but in a veiled allusion in the Science of Language: "We must distinguish between historical change and natural growth. Art, science, philosophy, and religion all have a history; language, or any other production of nature, admits ONLY OF GROWTH."
Language is an Esoteric Science first and foremost. Within it comes the very nature of Ceremonial Magic as a spoken artform. Who can deny that "spell casting" or "crafting" is not somehow related to "magic" and that the more profane "spelling" is not a part of this vein of thought? Thus to those who are the crafters of this knowledge, or are initiated into it however it came to be, there will be no "magic bullet" that says, "here I am!". Language, as Max Muller states, "only admits to growth." It will admit nothing else, because the language IS THE ESOTERIC SECRET to be sought after.
There is power in the knowledge of how the Langauge is crafted, and as Max Muller pointed out, "Let us consider first, that although there is a continuous change in language, it is not in the power of men to either produce or to prevent it." Harnessing "language" as a metaphysical resource is paramount to control of the material realms, for it is through language that men can caste spells on other men such that other men will do the bidding of the castor.
If you cannot see "the Twins" as "CASTOR" and "POLLOX", and that it is the CASTOR who is the Illuminated ones or they who are versed in this knowledge, then you cannot see that CASTOR and POLLOX is the TWINS is PI is the Great Secret of Language.
But let us digress back to Dr. Pei.
"But if the diffusion of the Written Word (Osiris)and its concomitant education and literacy have the effect of arresting certain phases of linguistic change, they also speed up, to an almost unbelievable degree, that other, more spiritual function and part of langauge which depends primarily not upon the blind working of the unconcious mind, but upon the deliberate functioning of the intellect. The growth of individual words, with their semantic burdens and endless possibilities of combination, is immeasureably spurred on by the activity of the concsious mind. This activity, in turn, is fostered and nourished by the printed form, and the reading and thinking that the printed form entails."
So as Dr. Pei is speaking about the burst of concious thought imposing itself on the language, which results in the removal of blind forces or the risks inherent in preserving a "spoken word" language set, Max Muller equally is speaking about "natural growth" that is not in the power of man to altar.

Equally, if a core code is exant, and this core code (as Frisian can be seen to be a core component to English in a very close approximation) exists subsurface, by controlling the Press this group could easily have imposed their knowledge on the whole. There were very few presses, relatively speaking, and these presses in some 120 years only produced 35,000 works, for which 20,000 or so were in English.
That such is possible can be ascertained from Mr Ralson Skinner, a mystic and Qaballist, who wrote a book entitled, "The Source of Measures, or the Hebrew Egyptian Mysteries in which he refers to an "old language referred to that concealed an inner meaning beneath the written word: "Such a use of ordinary language is now obsolete, but it has become a question with the writer whether at one time far back in the past, such was not the language of the world and of universal use, possessed however, as it became more and more arcane in form, by a select class or caste...Indeed it would seem that in the history if the human race there happened from causes which, at the present rate, we cannot trace, a lapse or loss from an original perfect language and a perfect system of science -should we say perfect because they were of divine origin and importation."
If Mr. Skinner is saying this this "system" is now obsolete, he was using Rabbinical Kabballah as a cover for he clearly states that the system was "obsolete". By the time of Skinner, Rabbinical Kabballah was already well established in the Mystery Schools: he was not speaking about Hebrew, but rather using Hebrew as a cover to speak about "something other".