What is the intent of such a ritual? From where does the Owl have value and is the Owl being used for a negative purpose, or is this ritual part of an admixture of evil (Setian) with good (Osiris/Isis), and the good uses the symbols as a show of force in the face of evil equally? The owl, of course, has come to symbolize wisdom, and so the properties of the owl as a product of nature are then fused to the Occult as referenced by Higgins.
Listen to the Original "Inside the Eye - The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult, Seg 1
Listen to the Original "Inside the Eye - The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult. Seg 2
Indeed, the owl provides us with a ready made example of demonstration of the idea of modifications and transpositions, which can then be set against acroamatic ciphers and/or
Here at the Illuminatus Observor, our purpose is to help all regain control of the symbols from the face of irrational fear even as Occult formulas are de-storied and laid bare.
Let us peer now into the Owl as an sign of the Occult.
The Owl in Illuminatus Mythology
In the "Hymn to the Mystic Fire", at the third line of Mandala 2, we find the following statement:
"O Master of the Word, thou art Brahma, the finder of the Riches: O Fire, who sustainest each and all, closely thou companionest the Goddess of the many thoughts."
Then, in the beginning of On Isis and Osiris, we find the following statement in Chapter 1,
"the end and aim of which is the knowledge of Him who is the First, the Lord of All, the Ideal One. Him does the god urge us to seek, since He is near her and with her and in close communion. The name of her shrine also clearly promises knowledge and comprehension of reality;"
This is what is known as a "modification" or "transposition". Each of these statements is inferring the identical principle, or conceptual. In the Hymn to the Mystic Fire, the "fire" is "Agni". You must then go into the various attributes of Agni to ascertain what the co-relations are from an Occult basis.
In Sukta 14 of the Hymn to the Ancient Fire, we read:
"With all these gods, O Agni, thou who art the activity of speech, arrive and do thy work."
Agni is regarded as the artificer of Religion and a messenger between mankind and "the Gods", among so many other attributes. Yet Agni is but a transposition for Osiris, wherein the root code of Agni is the sound of GN from which is derived so many words relative to fire, including the word IGNITION, or to start. And as Agni is the "primitive fire", we can not that within the word FIRE may be found the very ROOT of the word FIRST, and so what is FIRE is AGNI, and NG-LAND all the same, this serves as a reminder that that the world was not found on Jews and their god, that the Occult does not revolve around Jews and their god, and that religions fabricated from Jews and their god are bound to be corrupted and false teachings en masse.
So within the Illuminatus System is a knowledge of the relationship between the OWL who is close to "him" who is "the Ideal One" and from which comes all knowledge, and a seemingly "satanic" ritual that revolves around the Ideal One as AGNI in close communion to the OWL as "the Goddess".
What we see unfolding is the relationship between Isis and Osiris and a deeply held truth in practice still today against this higher esoteric based knowledge system. As Aurobindo explained in his "Doctrine of the Mystics",
"The whole world is a dumb and helpless sacrifice in which the soul is bound as a victim self-offered to unseen Gods. The liberating Word must be found, the illuminating hymn must be framed in the heart and mind of man and his life must be turned into a conscious and voluntary offering in which the soul is no longer the victim, but the master of the sacrifice. By right sacrifice and by the all-creative and all-expressive Word that shall arise out of his depths as a sublime hymn to the Gods man can achieve all things. He shall conquer his perfection; Nature shall come to him as a willing and longing bride; he shall become her seer and rule her as her King".
The OWL is ISIS (SPEECH), the One is (RELIGION), the Letters are "the gods", the Alphabet is "the God".
Deciphering the Owl as a Symbol of the Occult
When we view the word "occult", we trace our meaning back to the word "occultation". An "occultation" is a term that speaks of one astronomic body covering another. When the Moon covers some far off distant star, that far off distant star is "occulted". When the Earth covers the moon (hence creating the phases of the moon", then the moon is "partially occulted". When there is a solar or lunar eclipse, we have a condition of a full "occultation". This is just one very small example of what is meant by Higgins when he states that,
"We have advanced far enough in our investigations to have perceived that the underlying principle of all mysteries of philosophy and religion, past and present, have been what might be termed "ciphers" or "cryptograms" of the ascertained phenomena of nature;"
Comprehending this is the "epoptic part", or the philosophical part, of the Illuminatus system.
For instance, when we refer to the OWL, "we" know we are referring to the "TWO", and hence the letter B. Nature, being cyclical, will repeat patterns over and over within a range of a pendulum that swings from side to side, with some unseen force from time to time seeming to make the pendulum swing more to the right or the left, but always within a range or value that is measurable.
So we take the Letter B, and, seeing how it denotes "the Goddess", or the Feminine, we can note that the belly of the woman grows and contracts as it is latent with life, gives birth, and repeats the process again.

Thus we can equate in the "B" as a growth. When we reverse the B, we create the word EBB, as in the "ebbing tide". Thus B and EBB are philosophical truths fused to Nature and then encoded into the Letters as "the gods".
But the B is always linked to the C in that the C is located at 3 and the B is comprised of the mathematical formula of 1+2=3. 2 B or Not 2 B, that is the question. Further musings and pondering of such philosophics should lead one to a comprehension, said comprehension a glimpse into the apperception of the conceptual.
The Owl as a Symbol of the Goddess
The Owl as an archetype exists throughout many cultures, but the owl has direct links back to the worship of Ishtar, or the Queen of Heaven. In this relief, found in Iraq, Ishtar can be seen with two owls at Her feet.
In this case, the Owl is being linked to Ishtar, who is then linked to Isis who is then linked to Speech.
ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH
SPEECH is in close proximity to the ideal ONE, as referenced in Isis and Osiris and Hymns to the Mystic Fire, or Agni. Each the tales regarding Isis and Osiris revolve around a promise of gaining knowledge and insight if with patient perseverance, we study "the gods", or the Letters, in our effort to comprehend "reality".
The Construct is akin to the night, or wandering in the darkness, and hence the OWL, with its keen vision and ability to "see in the night" is the Occult equivalent of being able to ascertain reality and thus not be deceived by the illusions created from the "de-fining" of words that the make up reality.
All of this entails a long digression into the Mysteries, of which this article provides you with ample allusions. Still yet, the entire construction of the Illuminatus System is set against a series of numerical ciphers all equating back to the 0 through 9, with the 26 digit Alphabet being further caste against the 0-9.
Thus the Goddess as B and R are to be located at Number 2. Thus the word OWL is hiding a very simple and yet clever cipher, still further caste against Nature. The secret is in the transposition or ration of 3:4. The 3 is comprised of the Letter C, S, and L in the basic cipher system. However, the L is also known as "the fallen angle, or angel", in that the L when spun 180 degrees on its side becomes the Letter L.
Thus L's in certain words can be seen to be T's, and so we can take the word OWL, cipher the Letter L back to a T to create the word OWT, and then simple spin the word in reverse to reveal its inherent and designed code:
Thus what is being said is that "the Owl" is what is able to see in the night and it is the Owl that gives us wisdom and vision as we make our way through the Construct. So before you are so quick to dismiss this or that as mere "occult satanic ritual", it is best to get the real source meaning of the symbols lest you vilify what is really a higher level esoteric truth and reality, that the Goddess is the Owl, and that it is the worship of the Goddess that allows us to gain wisdom and knowledge, for as Plutarch said in "On Isis and Osiris",
"the end and aim of which is the knowledge of Him who is the First, the Lord of All, the Ideal One. Him does the god urge us to seek, since He is near her and with her and in close communion. The name of her shrine also clearly promises knowledge and comprehension of reality;"
Thus you will find the OWL next to the One in the Dollar Bill and next to the White House in Washington DC, a powerful message that what founded America was built on a comprehensive knowledge of Isis and Osiris, and a conscious worship of the Goddess who gives milk and honey and provides for a bountiful harvest.