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Sometimes it pays to peer into traditional Americana for insights into the Construct. American Folk music can be a pretty insightful place to look, and if you can hear the subtle messages, perhaps you can gain an appreciation for what is being said such that the older music even sounds pretty good.
Actually. I am trying not to date myself.
But when I was growing up, of course I had no choice but to listen to the music of my parents. Country music was a favorite of my father, but so too was what could be termed "American Folk". A group that comes to mind here is "the Kingston Trio", a group I still listen to from time to time when I get the chance.
Two songs come to mind that sound so heavily influenced by Freemasonry that you just have to wonder.
The Lemon Tree
One song that comes to mind is "The Lemon Tree". The lyrics go like this: When I was just a little boy, my father said to me, "Come here and learn a lesson from the lovely lemon tree.
My son, it's most important," my father said to me, "to put your faith in what you feel and not in what you see."
Lemon tree, very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is a thing one cannot eat. (Repeat chorus)
Why is this important?
Now draw from the other side of the Occult coin. Consider the Jewish occult ritual of Passover where they rededicate themselves to their daemon.
Why must we eat bitter herbs (maror) tonight?
"Three times in Scripture (Dt. 4:20; 1st Kgs. 8:51; Jer. 11:4), Egypt is called an ‘iron furnace’ which Yahveh delivered us from. An iron furnace was a furnace that was so hot, it melted iron. It symbolized the intense suffering and bitterness we felt as slaves of Pharaoh.
"In this life, before we gave ourselves fully to Messiah Yeshua, we walked in deception, confusion and the bitterness of this world. We trusted in ourselves which is a very bitter slavery to Satan.
"Now we bless Yahveh for taking us out of a life of anger and bitterness. We take and eat some bitter herbs tonight with a piece of matza to remember the life of grief, hostility and heartbreak we led before coming to Messiah Yeshua. Tears should come to the eyes, to remember the slavery and affliction of Egypt and Satan.(4) We eat it with the matza to show us that even if there is suffering in Messiah, He is always with us to temper it and us."
Of course, the whole Egyptian story is most likely a storied fairy tale (actually it is, but you know how children and their beliefs can be), so this ritual of consuming a bitter root is in direct contradiction to avoiding the eating of the "lemon tree" whose flower smells beautiful but for whom whose fruit is not possible to eat.
Because Jewish metaphysics is all about the destruction of the Osirian and Isisian (matriarchal) cultures and systems, they eat of the bitter fruit which is, of course, representative of "Jehovah/Typhon/Seth" in Western systems and yet is the "savior" of the patriarchal and destructive Setianist or Jewish systems.
Although the vampire of Jehovah/Typhon/Seth may be beautiful and sweet to behold, in truth it is a very bitter fruit to eat and cannot be eaten unless delivered with sugar (Christianity to the non-core "genetic" controlled subgroup). The sub group which is core to a worship of this daemon eats too of "matza to show us that even if there is suffering in Messiah, He is always with us to temper it and us."
Freemasonry, a system that was preserving the Sacred Feminine, it could be said, was a system that warned against the total partaking of Jewish Setianism through a the tempering influences and worship of "CHRIST" and the positive attributes of Christianity, or those aspects of Christianity that were fused to Osirian and Isisian traits of charity and goodwill to all..
In the crafting of the word LEMON, the word LEMON simply expands to read "Le Mon", or "the One" . From here such words as MONSTER and MONEY may be seen to be derived, and when too fused to "lunar" or "Levantian magic", he "le Mon" was something that might smell sweet and be a delight to the soul (eye), "the le Mon, or the One" was something that simply could not be eaten as a spiritual construction.
Jewish "Setianist Priests" clearly knew and understood this Occult formula too, and so they "modified the essence of their daemon" as represented by the "bitter fruit" by adding in the matza to remind the laity that partaking of this deity is really something that comes with bitter rewards regardless, but for which would be ritualistically tempered with matza. Hence we find the ritual to read, "We eat it with the matza to show us that even if there is suffering in Messiah, He is always with us to temper it and us."
Freemasonry would warn against any partaking of the core of the daemon. The very word LEMON, fused to a fruit that is bitter and cannot be directly eaten (even though it smelled and was delightful to the eye) was clue and insight enough.
Setianists would modify and transpose their ritual and "temper it" such as to make it intellectually and ritualistically palatable with the warning to the laity practitioner that regardless, a belief in this daemon and worship of same comes with its bitter rewards.
In the version released by the Kingston Trio, we find this spoken introduction:
Throughout history
There've been many songs written about the eternal triangle
This next one tells the story of a Mr Grayson, a beautiful woman
And a condemned man named Tom Dooley...
When the sun rises tomorrow, Tom Dooley... must hang...
Of course, "the eternal triangle" is the "3:4:5" triangle of the Pythagoreans, and the inherent links to Pi. In this format, we can consider "Grayson" to be Osiris, "the beautiful woman" to be Isis, and "the condemned man" to be the "savior god" as Jesus hanging on the cross. Of course, the quick intro to "the eternal triangle" is masked rapidly into the gray aspect of the song, but we find in another version by Doc Watson the following:
You dug the grave four feet long
And you dug it three feet deep;
You rolled the cold clay over her
And tromped it with your feet.
Well. If the grave is 3 feet long and 4 feet deep, what then is the hypotenuse but 5, again returning us to the "Golden" or "Eternal Triangle" encoded in subtle but different manifestations through the same song theme by the Kingston Trio?
And of course, we could always digress into the use of the word NOOSE in "hypotenuse"?
A House is Not a Home - unless there is a Family
Another bit of American that you hear little of today is the phrase "A House is not a Home without a Family". Of course, a "family" in the context the phrase was designed meant "children" in the "Leave it to Beaver" archetype.
So how does this phrase help us to understand AND reveal the Construct?
Through the use of H:P transpositions. What this means is that we substitute the H for P to better illuminate designed archetypes in words.
From a mathematical fusion, we find the following co-relations:
H = 8 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 36
P = 16 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16 = 136
H and P are co-relationally identical in that each invokes "36". Since P is masculine, we may presume that ACH too is masculine in that H too is a representation of PI.
Since the Sum of 1:3 is 6 and the Sum of 1:8 is 36, the very sound sets of ACH, namely the letters A, C, and H, are invoking Pi, while the design of the Letter H is as the Greek Letter Pi.
H, then, is a masculine identifier.
With this in mind we may deconstruct the words HOUSE and HOME to reveal the formula "A House is not a Home with a Family (children)" as follows:
H = P = Male
O = O = Female
HO-USE = Male - Female USE
However, if a child is present, the formula is changed to read
H = P = Male
O = O = Female
ME = ME = Child (or M = unison of Male and Female as ADM and EVE, which then presumes a Child)
A "HOUSE" is something that the "male" as H/P and and femine as "O" "USE", but becomes a HOME when the child as "ME" is invoked.
In this way we may use a little Americana to reveal the hidden nature of the Construct in the language.
Both Inside the Eye and the Illuminatus Observor have had a tremendously successful year and this would not be possible without the great support each has received across multiple segments and markets across the world wide web.
Inside the Eye has had a phenomenal level of traffic since it was relaunched about a month ago, seeing over 10 GB of traffic in the month of December.
These podcasts are holiday themed but revolve around commentary on the comments and questions received through emails or on the Illuminatus Observor.
Sites mentioned in this podcast set includes the following:
Best wishes to everyone for a successful and healthy 2010 and look forward to more insightful articles on the Construct here at "the Illuminatus Observor".
According to legend, it is said of Osiris the following:
One of the first acts related of Osiris in his reign was to deliver the Egyptians from their destitute and brutish manner of living. This he did by showing them the fruits of cultivation, by giving them laws, and by teaching them to honour the gods. Later he travelled over the whole earth civilizing it without the slightest need of arms, but most of the peoples he won over to his way by the charm of his persuasive discourse combined with song and all manner of music. Hence the Greeks came to identify him with Dionysus. - Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris, 13; 68-70
Why this might be an important insight on an article about "Sport" and the Mysteries" will reveal itself soon, but for now, lets immerse ourselves into the world of Sacred Geometry and the Master Number.
Sacred Geometry, the Master Number, and Sacred Sequencing
In Sacred Geometry, the first 2-dimensional shape is that of the circle. From a "form" perception, we may view the circle as being complete "unity". However, within Sacred Geometry is the idea of "form", "sequence", and "geometry", each with its own unique esoteric properties. In sacred form we find basic vibrational qualities of simple geometric shapes. In sacred sequencing, we view reality through a mathematical sequencing. This blog is a very chaotic but insightful demonstration into the use of sacred sequencing to view reality.
The very basic components to the circle, then, would be the basic idea of the circle as a form, but in sacred sequencing, we view this form as being a sequence of numbers which we call "Pi". In the Illuminatus philosophy, the first 32 decimal digits of Pi form the primary digit sequence to the underlying philosophy.
In the Sanskrit, there is a hymn to Lord Shri Krishna, the Lord Shri Shankara, where, when using Vedic mathematics and gematria, shows that Pi is encoded out to 32 digits. This same 32 digit sequence is the most probable inspiration for the 32 or 33 that appears on the Eye of Providence in many Freemasonic works.
When we view Pi as a form of sequencing, we view Pi through a series of mathematical transpositions and modifications within the sequencing channels.
One of the primary examples of encoding words into "Pi Proportions". In this way, we use the Platonic Cycle of 25920 years and reduce it to its "Pi Proportion". The way we reduce concepts to their "Pi Proportion" is to view cycles in time as being representative of circles, and hence Pi. However, the "Pi Proportion" may viewed as either its full cyclical orbit or sequence or its half orbit or sequence. In the case of the Platonic Cycle, this is formed by the relational view of the Polar North Star set against the wobble of the Earth. This period, divided by two, gives us a co-relational value or diameter in relationship to the time of the cyclical orbit or movement.
When we divide the 25920 years by 2, the value is 12,960 years. This creates the gematria word of LIFE.
Within this system of "Pi Proportion" gematria crafting, there are numerous methods through which gematria coding may reduced.
In the case of the word LIFE, this word reduces to a number known as "the Master Number", which is often written as "11:11". In a system of gematria, Letters share in the process of sequencing in that Letters behave as if they are numerical sequences.
In order to understand how this is so, one need only run through the dictionary. The word "ABSTRACT" will come before the word "ACCESS". This is precisely so because the Letters are rationally and intuitively understood to partake of a mathematical property. In logic, we recognize that since AB represents the alphabet digits of "12" respective, while "AC" represents the alphabet digits "13". Since "12" precedes "13", then the alphabet sequence of AB must come before the word AC.
This logic can be extended out to the 3'rd, 4'th, 5th positions of the Letters of words.
This very "profane act" of ordering words in a dictionary according to a mathematical sequence not only aids greatly in the categorization of the language, but the very act serves to impress the very inseparable properties of letter as numbers and sounds.
The very basic held Qaballistic idea that "letters/numbers/sounds" comprise the whole of the creation, upon further reflection, reveals itself through a very simple understanding of the ordering of a dictionary.
Having a rational comprehension of the logical framework upon which "sacred sequencing" works, we may then begin to peer into the patterns that are impressed archetypes upon the greater of humanity. In the case of the word LIFE, we simply reveal that L is the 12th digit, I is the 9th digit, F is the 6th digit, and E, having a right to remain silent (it is the 5th Amendment to the Bill of Rights), reveals that the sum of 1:5=1+2+3+4+5=15=O Letter, or the "zero sound".
We can then begin a series of reductions to find the least whole number through which 12960 may be divided by a single digit. What is meant by this is the following:
In this sequence, we find that the smallest whole number through which 12960 may be represented as a factor of a multiplication by 2 is 405, meaning that 405*2*2*2*2 = 12960
Along each step of the way, one could then begin to affix actual encoding archetypal meaning, or one may begin to search for "synchromystic" road markers as an insight into the Construct. You should also be aware that literal archetypal constructions and gematria are encoded using this technique, but that the most common number used is that of the "6" in that the Construct is set against the 6.
In the case of the Word LIFE and its constituent gematria value of 12960, we can show the following sequence:
12960 / 6 = 2160
2160 is the diameter of the Moon in English miles and is also the number of years to a single sign of the Zodiac.
2160 / 6 = 360
360 is of course the number of degrees to a circle and hence is another sequence representation of the extension of Pi as a decimal digit "Word". 360 is also known as a "default IP address" in that 192.168.x.x reveals that 192.168 = 192+168 = 360, so for all of you who are into networking and computer IP addressing, the next time you type in the common default address of 192.168.x.x, perhaps now you can see Pi springing up its head again.
360 / 6 = 60
Here we have the number of degrees to each angle of a Hexagon and since the hexagon is a "sacred form" of the more complex "sacred geometry of the "cube", we may view the "cube" or "60" or "hexagon" as reduced representations of Pi.
60 / 6 = 10
The number 10, therefore, is the least whole number of 12960 as a division of 6. The number 10, of course, being comprised of the 1 as the diameter and the 0 of the circumference is yet another pure expression of Pi as a "sacred sequence" reduction.
However, as a pure occult construction, the reduction of LIFE as a series of "6's" is codified in the "Torah" in the story of the Serpent and Eve at verse, ahem, Genesis 3.14 (pi).
"And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:"
This is what is known as an acroamatic cipher, or a form of oral or written instruction or story about a key letter or component to the larger Construct. In this case, the serpent as represented by "snake eyes" is referring to the design of the cube (pi) in that if we number the cube as that of the dice, when you have snake eyes showing, you must "go to the belly" and utilize the "6's" that are but the belly of the serpent, or the digits of the dice that are resting on the surface of the table.
This sequence is derived from another form of sequencing known as "the summation". Through a summing of whole digits, we can show the following:
The Sum of 1:1 = 1
The Sum of 1:2 = 1+2=3
The Sum of 1:3 = 1+2+3 = 6
The Sum of 1:4 = 1+2+3+4 = 10
The Sum of 1:11 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+8+9+10+11 = 66
Hence the "1" and "1" of "snake eyes" as thrown by the "1"s of the dice may reduced to being represented as "11", and then when summed from 1:11, then reveals the two 6's that are resting on the table as being "the belly of the serpent". In other words, from "two doth come 11" as encoded by Shakespeare,
O monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of two!
Two 1's as "two" may also be viewed as an 11. This "2" of "11", typically set in a Gemini or Twins or "number II" in Roman numerals all reveal "66".
When set against the sequence of the Alphabet, we note that the sequence of 11:11 may be reproduced in the A, J, and K, or the Ace, Jack, and King in that the A is the 1st letter, the J is the 10th Letter, and K is the 11'th Letter.
This forms the more prescient code of 11011, which, when ciphered back to the belly of the serpent, reveals 66066, or the mathematical expression of 6*6*10*6*6, or the number 12960, which is the word "LIFE".
Sports Stadiums - Citadels to the Sun
The great "constant" is the mythological word, which is Pi. Pi, in its representation of "form" may be accurately portrayed as "the Circle". The circle, of course, is 360 degrees. The number 360 may be viewed as a factor of 36 and 10.
Now a bit of Hermetic Qaballa fundamentals:
In the Hermetic Art of Qaballa as it applies to Gematria, any whole number arrived at through the division of a whole number by a whole number is said to be a "fractal" of the original number. Although you may arrive at numbers with decimal values, often the decimal will float. However, for this representation, it is best to first resolve how the concept works when applied to whole numbers.
However, all of this division and redivision (or multiplication upon multiplications) is really just another way of forming sequences. The easiest demonstration is the fractal of 10. Hence 36 may be a viewed as a fractal of 360, 3600, etc. 36 may also be viewed as a fractal of 72, 144, 288, 576. You must be aware of the number and how it may be appearing in a series of progressions.
For instance, we may write the term "36", but we know that the whole number being represented needs to be multiplied by 10, or 360. Hence Isis "secret number is "36", which may sum to 666, or multiplied by 12 to arrive at 360 in which the 12 represents each sign of the Zodiac and hence the 36 represents a division of each sign into segments of 3.
When we view this concept of fractals when set against the "the Master Number", we often note that the Master Number is written as "11:11". Yet we also know that 1's are 6's and so the sequence 11:11 is really the sequen we know that the product of this esoteric code is derived from the sequence of transpositions of 11:11 = 66:66 = 6*6*6*6 = 1296. 1296 is a fractal of the more lucent Pi Proportion term of 12960. 12960, in turn, is more lucidly represented as AJK, or 11011. Here we note that the "0" in the middle of the formula 11011 is really an occulted (partially hidden) 10.
From here you may deduce that 11:11 is a fractal of 11011.
Another way of understanding this is that the "0" is really shared by both halves of the formula 11011 in that 11011 is 6*6*10*6*6 = 360 * 360. Since the product of 360*360 totals 12,960, or the number of years to half of the Great Year as put forward by Plato, we may then discern that "LIFE" as an Occult construct relative to Qaballa is really comprised of two circles. Further, we find that the "1's" of 11011 are really ciphered "6's".
Why is this important?
Because one is inundated with Occult coding in logos that then grace the fields of sports stadiums. The formula of 11011 is really 66066, and this is really 6*6*10*6*6, which is further extended to representation of two halves being multiplied together, or 360 * 360.
This 360*360 becomes the symbol of the Vesica Piscis, while the expression of "A's as 1 are 6's" becomes the reverse formula of VISA, or VI'S (6;s) (r) A's
We may then anchor further sequences to the 360. By taking the fractal of 360, or the number 36, we may then sum the sequence of 1:36 to reveal 666, or the Secret Number of the Sun.
In all cases, however, the great constant remains. The number 360 or its fractal of 36 all cipher back to a number sequence representation of Pi.
Now consider the dimensions of sports stadiums.
American Football is set on a grid of 100 yards from goal line to goal line. Since each yard is comprised of 3 feet, 100 yards times 3 feet totals 300 feet. The number 300 is the sum of 1:24, or the Letter X, which is a representation of the union of male and female. When you consider that the each end zone is 10 yards, adding another 30 feet half, then the total distance of the playing field, end to end, is 360 feet, a number that matches the degrees of a circle.
Further, in the manner of "sepherim", the field is delineated first into 5 yard increments, to reveal 365 days in a year, and these 5 yards are further delineated by single yards as if to reveal the leap year, or 366 days. This pattern is actually used in the design of the 26 of English.
Then, of course, we have Beis, or Base-ball.
To me, it remains one of the most beautiful games ever invented. Perhaps this is because the relationship of baseball relative to Pi is nearly impossible to escape.
For instance, how could a fan of the game familiar with Dodger Stadium not see the prominent "360 FT" mark in the corners of the Los Angeles Dodger Stadium for years upon years?
Of course, Dodger Stadium is one of those stadiums whose symmetry is absolutely stunning in its beauty. But this beauty is also a property of its design around universal (Pi) measurements.
For instance, the official measurements for Dodger Stadium appear as thus:
The two foul lines are measured at 330 feet. Doubled, it produces 660 feet, a "110" half of the Master Number. The distance to right and left field are 360 feet each, which if mirrored one against the other creates again "the Master Number of 360*360, or 11011. The total value of all primary outfield measurements total 2525 feet, which when divided by the total number of entries of 7 returns the average outfield length of 360.714, so close to 360 feet so as to be inconsequential.
Of course, we are not applying a calculus to the average dimension, but showing how the general dimensions are designed to match or revolve around Pi.
Another stadium that is famous for its Pi dimension is the right field line of Yankee Stadium.
However, a further analysis of Yankee Stadium reveals similar designs around Pi.
The "Old Yankee Stadium" had dimensions that revealed Pi in two unique ways. First, Pi was (and remains) prominently displayed on the right field foul pole. Pi is right.
The first 6 dimensions from left field to right field yielded a result of 2217 feet, a "Pi representation number" in that 22/(1*7) = 3.1428571. When the 314 feet of right field is added back into the equation, the total outfield measurements show 2531 feet, which when divided by 7 reveals an average measurement of 361.57 feet.
Although "361" surely is a "Sun number" (a co-relational 1:36=666 number), the new Yankee stadium seemed to correct the errors in the formula as the new design shows the following when measured from left to right:
The first six dimensions reveal measurements of 318+346+390+408+383+362 = 2207, a Pi representation number in that 22/7 = 3.1428571, or a reciprocal 7 representation of Pi. When Pi (the right field corner) is added back in, the total is 2521. When 2521 is divided by 7, the average measurement is 360.1428571, a value closer to Pi in circle degree representation than Dodger Stadium, which is synchronistically similar.
Since 360 times 7 yields up a value of 2520, a number that has digit commonality with the Great Year of 25(9)20, the "House that "Ruth"" built has surely become a citadel to the Sun as one can willfully design.
You may then take any given stadium and apply the same process and what one finds is that the "mesmer number" trends towards 360, or Pi. Of course, this is but the "hidden" or "outer measurements". The inner measurements are designed such that the distance between each "base" is 90 feet, as in 90 degrees of a circle, with a total number of feet from "home to home" being 360 feet, while the distance from the pitcher's mound to home plate is 60'6", a number that when multiplied again (6*60) reveals 360.
Even the way the game is designed, the numbers become but ever so important representations to the larger Construct.
Even the world's most popular sport may be viewed as having been designed around the circle.
According to FIFA rules, the maximum distance allowed for soccer (futbol) local matches is 130 yards (120 meters), while this figure is adjusted for International matches to a maximum of 120 yards (360 feet) or "110" meters, a "Master Number" representation.
The above representation provides many examples of the "Master Number" in either it's "36", or "11" representation. Surely one could too consider the world's most popular sport as being designed around "the Word", or the unknowable constant of Pi.
The Construct in the Field of Play
Aside from the Master Number and Pi being integral to the design of sports field of play, the games that are played on these field of play are equally designed such as to encode the Master Number, or 11:11. In both American Football and International Futbol, the number of players per side is set at 11 players against 11 players, or 11:11.
Whether his is by intent and design we may only speculate and add a healthy dose of conjecture. However, at least as the Master Number is reflected within the game of Football, it is impossible to escape the parallels, especially considering that the fields of play are equally preserving and celebrating this most of important of Occult principles.
In the game of American football, the very shape of the ball is as the "yoni" of the Vesica Piscis. No doubt that the shape of the ball aids in the way that the ball is able to cut through the air to aid in the playing of the game, but still, we cannot escape this fundamental reliance on the realities of "sacred form".
Whether this is by intent and design we may only speculate and add a healthy dose of conjecture. However, in the game of Football, whether International or American, the parallel is not so easy to ignore.
The traditional design of the ball in international futbol yields perhaps one of the most important keys to the Construct. This is the principle of "5=6".
For those familiar with the OGD, you are aware that their degrees follow a pattern thus:
0 = 0 = Neophyte
1 = 10 = Zelator
2 = 9 = Theoricus = Moon
5 = 6 = Adeptus Minor = Spirit = SUN Now those who think that the Golden Dawn were possessed of some super secret mystical code unique to themselves are really only deluding themselves. In truth, the Construct as designed and woven into our Western culture has always been caste around a 26 digit "acroamatic Alphabet" that became what is modern day English.
The fact is, the "Master Number", set against 11 as a cipher for 66, which when multiplied reveals 36 (fractal of 360) and a cipher for 666 (sum of 1:36 = 666) is perhaps one of the primary backbones to the Illuminatus philosophy, a philosophy caste against the Sun and Osiris.
So when the Golden Dawn pontificates about "5=6", they are simply secreting a far more hidden cipher relative to the Construct, a Construct that was caste against English and "the Isisian Codes". Here is how it works:
In order to center the Alphabet against the "Master Number", we must create a series of concentric circles through the digits and letters.
Using the above matrix, we may then draw a circle around the "5" and "6", "4" and "7", "3" and "8", and "2" and "9", and then the "1" and "10", although this would require a bit of the modification of the above matrix. When this is accomplished, you have a dual set of letters wherein the addition of each pair adds to 11.
However, the use of concentric circle pairing only provides you with an intrinsic clue that does not become apparent until you break down the pairings into patterns as follows:
Does the Letter Set "AQ" at position 1 equal 10?
Does the Letter Set of "BR" at position 2 equal 9?
Does the Letter Set of "CS" at position 3 equal 8?
Does the Letter set of "DT" at position 4 equal 7?
Does the Letter set of "EU" at position 5 equal 6?
Does the Letter set of "FV" at position 6 equal 5?
Does the Letter set of "GW" at position 7 equal 4?
Does the Letter set of "HX" at position 8 equal 3?
Does the Letter set of "IY" at position 9 equal 2?
Of course, the center digit relative to a count sequence of 1 to 11 is the digit 6.
In a system that has been rationally designed around Pi, we would expect to find a rational clue encoded at the center point of "Master Number". Of course, we find precisely such.
The only position where we can apply phonetics and see a rational construction is at number 6, or the center point of the distance between 1 to 11.
Does the Letter set of "FV" at position 6 equal 5? Yes - the letter set of FV = 5 in that the word FiVe equals 5.
You can then see this concept encoded into the game of soccer in the traditional design caste into a soccer ball.
12 regular pentagons and 20 regular hexagons. The 32-panel configuration is the spherical polyhedron corresponding to the truncated icosahedron; it is spherical because the faces bulge due to the pressure of the air inside. The first 32-panel ball was marketed by Select in the 1950s in Denmark. This configuration became common throughout Continental Europe in the 1960s, and was publicised worldwide by the AdidasTelstar, the official ball of the 1970 World Cup. The familiar 32 panel soccer ball design is sometimes referenced to describe the truncated icosahedron archimedean solid, carbon buckyballs or the root structure of geodesic domes.
We then can begin to apply "Qaballa" and a knowledge of the Letters into a more comprehensive philosophical system. We note that in order to create a truncated sphere (Pi), the Sacred Geometry design is made from 20 regular hexagons and 12 regular pentagons. The number 20 applies to T and the number 12 applies to L. These letters form the root to the word LETTERS, and so we may question as to whether the design in the word Letters, wherein TL is 2012 respective, is not too being associated with "prophesies" of a "new beginning".
Baseball and the Garden of Eden
This 1886 advertisement for the game of Baseball, replete with "Horned Owl Letter B", perhaps hints at Occult signatures in the very early design of the game and its subsequent evolution.
Since we recognize a connection between the "Horned Owl" as that of Ishtar/Isis, we then recognize the link to "Eve" of "Adam and Eve" fame. When we return to story of Adam and Eve, we then, of course, must return ourselves back to the Garden of Eden.
Since baseball is a game whose goal is to "leave home and then return to", the very goal of the game carries with it the archetypal framework as designed into the Garden of Eden and the completion of the circle (Pi) inclusive. But how can the game of baseball be used to show the Garden of Eden as an occult construct?
Through the numbers.
The game of baseball has a total of 9 defensive positions, defined as shown in the diagram. The process of keeping score of a game is really just a series of notations using numbers and dashes or lines.
However, on the field of play, each team, again, is allowed a total of "11" "field" players.
Since each defensive player is also and offensive player, the additional two players allowed on the field are known as "base coaches", and their primary role is to aid as guides to the players as they navigate from home to home.
When these two base coaches are factored back into the field of play, we have another example of how the Master Number, or 11:11, is encoded into the world of sport. Baseball's method of encoding the Master Number is a bit deceptive because in general, the additional two field players are often not factored into the thinking, but field coaches are integral offensive players albeit their reliance and practice of athletic skill is essentially non-existent as a pre-requisite for fielding the position.
The 9 defensive players are not questioned as being part of the field of play, but the addition of the two base coaches cannot be ignored. They exist and are integral to the game of play. 9 players plus 2 on field coaches surely equate to the number 11.
But as we also know, from "two doth come eleven", and so from an Occult deconstruction, the two base coaches may be viewed as an independent number 11. When this transposition is effected, we now have the expression "9 players and 1 third base coach and 1 first base coach", or a numerical shorthand of "9-11".
This representation returns back to the Garden of Eden (our Home Base) via the following representation:
From the Sepher Yetzirah we are instructed to form the following matrix:
"Ten is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Understand this wisdom, and be wise by the perception. Search out concerning it, restore the Word to its creator, and replace Him who formed it upon his throne."
Here you begin to put it all back together, because through the various crafts of "Sacred Form" and "Sacred Sequencing", we know that at FV we locate the number 6. This is a sequence representation of the form above in that we have a two pentacles located inside two hexagons.
The "X's" traversing as a center point on each of the "5's" are Roman Number 10. The paths of "8" and "16", a binary progression, for them IXXI, or "10 not 9, 10, not 11". To return all back to its "creator" we must then trace from beginning to end as a circle, going forth and proceeding back to "home".
Within the "Vesica Piscis", which is "our home", we then find this matrix embed within.
The proverbial "Abyss" is the region between the line formed by "EF" as demonstrated within.
These 22 paths form the basis for the 22 paths of the Tarot.
As an exercise, you may then seek to try to place the astrological correspondences back onto the Sepheras.
Since the digits going into the point (sephera) located at the the Letter H are comprised of the 0, 5, 6,, 19, 18, and 21, you can sum these digits.
0+5+6+19+18+21 = 69
Since 69 is the sign of Cancer, we may place Cancer at this sephera. Since the sephera located at Letter G has emanating from it the numbers 13:14, this is Pi and hence is the Scales of Ma'at. Here you place the sign of Libra which then "weighs the heart".
You may then try to place the additional sephera as an exercise, but like baseball, there is a rational methodology to the exercise to return yourself to "home". Using the Tarot and numbers as your guidepost, you may then attempt to fit the astrological signs to each of the sephera. Two will be missing and contained in the "rabbinical tree of life" that is then overlay upon this matrix.
The Esoteric Lesson of International Futbol
Let us return to Plutarch as he writes on Osiris:
One of the first acts related of Osiris in his reign was to deliver the Egyptians from their destitute and brutish manner of living. This he did by showing them the fruits of cultivation, by giving them laws, and by teaching them to honour the gods. Later he travelled over the whole earth civilizing it without the slightest need of arms, but most of the peoples he won over to his way by the charm of his persuasive discourse combined with song and all manner of music. Hence the Greeks came to identify him with Dionysus. - Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris, 13; 68-70
Tribal quarrels were often settled over a soccer match.
The whole key to soccer is that one may not use one's arms, except in the case of protecting ones "goal". One of the most common features of soccer is that "using ones head" is an integral part of the game, and it is through the use of one's head that one is often found redirecting the ball towards the goal.
Now apply this concept to international disputes on a grand scale.
The lesson of soccer seems to be that the way to solve disputes is through using ones head and not through force of arms (military).
Sports can teach much about the Construct and when one contemplates the rules of the games, perhaps even find wisdom and the Construct embed equally within. Osiris conquered the world (won) not through force of ARMS, but through the powerful persuasion that comes from a sharp understanding of the totality of the Craft that shuns the irrational use of force of arms.
The idea of just what is "Qaballa" is, I suspect, so corrupted as to be nigh impossible to accurately piece back together. As proffered in modern Occult beliefs, Qaballa, in its many varied spellings, Qaballa is a uniquely Jewish fabrication. This idea is supported and perpetuated at nearly every turn of the page by mass market programming, mass market publishing, and so forth , so much so that one gets the idea that the concept has nothing to do with Jewish origination and the totality of the concept is and has been in obfuscation overload to hide this historical and esoteric reality.
The reason this line of thinking is necessary is because as the world confronts the growing very dark and dangerous Black Order Elites, what you find is that these Elites (Illuminatus) are generally motivated by two Occult philosophies. The primary pyramid is based on Lubavitch Kaballah, while the secondary (and perhaps primary if the latter group is to turn on the other) finds its inspiration in the OTO and related Setianist movements as the Black Lodge and the Temple of Set.
At their very core, these Kabballah's represent an extremely dark nature befitting of the daemonic forces that each of these movements worship and are beholden to. Since Qaballa represents the "gold standard" of Occult study and is the primary medium through which a comprehension of reality is gained, the blind insistence of studying this Sacred Science in a manner currently crafted serves to send spiritual capital (energy) directly into the very camp that is meant to deny and destroy any chance of humanity raising itself back up.
Of course, to not defer this Sacred Science known as Qaballa to being the exclusive domain of Jews is tantamount to heresy and calls of "Jew hating" and "anti-Semititism" are typically just a knee jerk away. The ignorant fools who have not studied a wit of this Sacred Science are all too happy to join in a ghoul crafted chorus designed to destroy the message and the messenger before any hints of an alternative reality, or, dare we say, the Truth, is able to resonate on the world below.
One basic truth may be used to build a mountain of lies - and if just dig down deep enough into that mountain of lies to pull out that one basic truth upon which that mountain of lies was established...
To begin, Qaballa, for all its critical importance to the Mysteries, to this date cannot agree on a spelling. It has been spelled in more ways than perhaps any other commonly found word in the English language. However, popular acceptance is that the word is derived from the Jewish verb QBL, which means, "to receive".
However, we must not let Hermetic overstatements go un-noticed.
The Letter Q is the Egg.
The Letter B is the Goddess Isis Pregnate with Horus
The Letter L could be viewed as an ending as in "tion", or some other form of cipher.
OF COURSE Q, B, and L mean "to receive". The very roots of the Letters are Feminine and so must mean "to receive".
Rabbinical Kabballah does not in any way recognize such obvious clarity because these Kabballah's deny the whole to the exclusion of their own self perceived realities.
Taken a step further, the popularized ideal is that QBL, meaning "to receive", is extended to the idea that "God", read here as exclusive to Jews and their mythologies, provided this Qaballistic knowledge to Adam, and, depending on the fairy takes one wishes to believe in, the knowledge was handed down to Noah and then on to Abraham, or some mythical sky god called "g-d" (we are supposed to capitalize this }g-d" as if we are to giver reverence to a foreign power) directly communicated the Sacred Science to Noah (hence the term "Noahide Laws").
Never mind that Noah is so absurdity fictitious that we could start a Santa Claus religion and get tax exempt status and be on a rational par with such lunacies, but this is where we are in this world today. The study of the Mysteries has devolved into a trapping of wisdom wrapped around a series of absurd and childish fairy tales and mythologies perpetuated as literal truths.
However, Western esotericism is a highly evolved system and historically these movements who were responsible for the ideals that comprise the larger body of Western esoteric arts have gone through intrigues, purges, infiltrations, as well as revisionism from within and without. A literal subsurface war has been raging for thousands of years between two occult forces, the former of the Osirian and Isian Mystery schools being chased and hounded and destroyed by Setianist force in an aeons play by Setianist force to create a their own brand of a dangerous and dehumanizing centralized "New World Order".
However, it should not be presumed by the casual inquirer to these affairs that the Osirian knowledge systems were not at one time quite strong and prevalent. In a book called "Qabalism" published by the Yogi Publication Society in 1925, a forward by the author reveals a more pragmatic and rational analysis of the idea behind Qaballa.
"To speak therefore of the Qaballah of the Jews in the sense that they were the recipients of the Secret Archaic Wisdom is entirely misleading. What they did receive was the Bible, which on the surface was a falsehood almost from beginning to end, but which hidden between its very words and letters did contain the Wisdom, although in such a manner as to have been utterly undiscoverable by scholars until today, "the time of the end" of that age whose commencement was marked by the establishment of Biblical allegory in the form of historical authoritative narrative. Which was subsequently declared by the Church to be infallible in word and doctrine, because it was the final declaration of the word of an infallible-God, put forth by him as a grace to his pet people; the miserable Jews who were not worth transportation to Babylonia after their subjugation to the armies of Nebuchadnezzar;..."
From an historical perspective, there is a strong vein within the Mystery traditions that scoffed at Jewish attempts to centralize the mysteries around their culture, and this vein continued quite strong up until a revival of knowledge that chilled with the declaration of war by global Judea on Germany in 1933.
Wrapping the Mysteries in a Jewish Flag
To those who enter into the Mysteries, one is is genuinely faced with a daunting task: the Mysteries at the public level have been totally co-opted. From the Tarot to Qaballa, it seems that a culture bent on destroying anything and everything that did not support the idea of a "Jews came first because of Adam and Eve because the Bible said so, a culture rich in over simplification of reality, could all of the sudden become the genesis to everything that ever was relative to Western Mysticisim, fall flat on its face. The whole agenda is an affront to basic norms of intelligence.
You cannot read through the primary Jewish book, the Torah, and not be faced with the utter horror of a people hellbent on destroying everything that stood in the way of "them" through the desires and action of "their god".
Their very fist commandment states that, essentially, failure to believe in their god, in whatever way they wish to sell it, is tantamount to a death sentence. The terrible literal hells brought to Earth under this under riding philosophy is tragically immeasurable and yet glorified in synagogues and churches even to this day.
From an Occult perception, the fusing of the mysteries to such a system of philosophical system has been accomplished through linking everything to Rabbinical or Setianist systems. The Tarot, for instance, has been fused to the Jewish tree of life, although this did not gain prominence until a Setianist occult hero made the connection in the 1800's. There is really no historical rhyme or reason for such a fusion, but people will commit their entire rational souls to trying to make such a logical connection. The desperation within which everything Western is attempted to be fused to Jewish mysticism would be laughable, if it were not all so deadly serious.
If one is to immerse oneself into a study of an English Qaballa, one of the primary "Occult" channels into which one is led is Aleister Crowley, a guy so unable to control his Craft that he died the equivalent of a modern day crack head.
Crowley's attempts to fuse English Qaballa to Jewish daemonic worship hardly would qualify as an astute way to go about trying to rationally comprehend the Mysteries as they have been woven into Western culture, but you cannot wade through the body of collective human thought (the Internet) and not find this very real reality attempted day in and day out.
It is bizarre to watch what appears to be rational and intelligent people rattling off insights into English Qaballa and yet they try to define same using Jewish letters and logic.
Why? Why? ----Why?
Hebrew is a 22 digit system that reads from right to left. English is a 26 digit system that reads from left to right.
Yet the study of an English Qaballa has, traditionally, defaulted into a study of cryptic messages left behind by Aleister Crowley. Yet, by the time Crowley arrived on the historical scene, a "Qaballa of English" was essentially already well established. The languages destiny as a Universal Language was already sealed on the heals of the soon to be imploding British Empire and rising of American Imperialism.
In deference to Jewish mysticism, history has given short shrift to the efforts of Western thought to the creation of a Universal Language through which an embodiment of truth could be established. Western Occultists, in even greater deference and ignorance of their own history, accept the Setianist historical tales as writs of facts and truths, and pity the soul too weak and feeble to challenge the prevailing intellectual order.
A Universal Language of Truth - Liebniz and the Universal Language
The creation of a Universal Language, however, had been the dream of Elites since long before the rise of English in its current forms, and all the properties and philosophies inherent to creation of an English Qaballa were already well established within Western thought through the efforts and works of these early Western philosophers and mathematicians.
Indeed, the early Renaissance period saw an active effort towards the creation of such a language, and nowhere was this more active than in England.
"Projects for a universal language seem to have especially flourished at this time in England, in the circle of learned men who founded the Royal Society of London. One of them, John Wilkins, had already published a work entitled Mercury, which appears to have been no more than a handbook for secret correspondence. But this work then suggested to George Dalgarno a better and more philosophical system. In theory, this system consisted of distributing every concept into one of basic classes or categories, each of which was designated by a letter that served as an initial for the corresponding words. Each class was then divided into subclasses designated by the same initial letter and distinguished from each other by the addition of a second letter. Finally, in each subclass there were gathered a number of words characterized by the same letters and distinguished by variations in a final letter.26 This was, in short, a logical classification of concepts expressed by words that were formed systematically, in an arbitrary order, and which played the role of conventional indices or markers.27
It is evident that Dalgarno's plan constituted not only a system of correspondence and translation but a complete and universal language and system of writing. Wilkins in turn responded to this system and improved on it in a new work.28 In place of the 17 first-order classes, he counted 40, but instead of designating them by letters, he represented them by conventional symbols and expressed the subdivisions (differences and divisions) by marks added to the left and right of the symbol for the class.29 Leibniz preferred a language that could be written with ordinary letters."
True to the spirit of Renaissance thinkers, the generation that had just emerged from the dark clutches of Roman Catholic Setianist force, the idea behind the creation of such a language was many fold, but always to a light to advance learning and advancement of "the Arts", a word which we could equate in today's world as being "the Occult philosophy".
Some of the ideas that flourished within this movement included the idea of a creation of a calculus that could reveal inherent truths, and this is what lie at the core of Liebniz' On the Art of Combinations.
First, all concepts must be resolvable into simple concepts by an analysis analogous to the decomposition of numbers into prime factors; conversely, they must all be obtained and composed by the progressive combination of these simple concepts. Next, the simple concepts or categories, which are the constitutive elements of all the others, are of a rather small number; but this does not prevent them from giving rise to the innumerable multitude of complex concepts, thanks to the marvelous fertility of the art of combinations. It will suffice, therefore, to assign to each of them a name or simple sign, so as to form the alphabet of human thoughts,44 on the basis of which all other notions can be expressed by combining the signs in the same manner as the corresponding concepts. Finally, logic, and more precisely the art of invention, depends entirely upon the combinatory,45 which instructs by discovering in order all the possible combinations of the simple concepts (or their signs), and by determining with certainty their relations of inclusion or exclusion, that is, by discovering all the truths relative to some concept.
From there is born the idea of a spécieuse générale or universal characteristic: a logical algebra that would replace concepts by combinations of signs, propositions by relations among these signs, and reasoning by a sort of calculus. It would provide a universal and infallible method for demonstrating propositions and discovering new ones from them. It would be, in other words, both an art of judgment and an art of invention.
The Isisian Codes - A Qaballa for All ?
"While still a boy, possessing only the rudiments of common logic and ignorant of mathematics, the plan arose in me--by what inspiration I do not know--that an analysis of concepts could be devised from which truths could be extracted through certain combinations and evaluated like numbers. It is pleasant even now to recall by what arguments, however youthful, I came to the idea of so great a thing."- Liebniz - Phil., VII, 185, 292. Cf. Elements of Reason (LH IV, 7B, 6 Bl. 7 recto)
"When I applied myself more intently to the matter, I inevitably came upon this wonderful idea, namely that a certain alphabet of human thoughts could be devised, and that by the combination of the letters of this alphabet, and by the analysis of the words formed from them, all things could be discovered and decided" - Liebniz - (Phil., VII, 185). See also the letter to Tschirnhaus of 1679, quoted in Chap. 4, §5 (Math., IV, 482; Brief., IV, 405-6).
I firmly understand how the Arts as currently being used (and abused) is not sustainable relative to the larger human family, especially as such pertains to the ideals of early Western philosophy, a philosophy that, aside from wars brought about by powerful banking (read Foreign) elements brought much in the way of the ideals behind individual human liberties and freedoms as the ideals have been idealized.
The current "command and control" structure, where all spiritual energy is fed back into a group whose idea is the bringing about of an Armageddon and the subsequent return and rebuilding of the Second Temple, an Occult ideal that has inspired and inspires to this day a slavish obedience to a Zionist entity whose leadership across the globe cares not a wit for the general condition of the human family, cannot be sustained.
Moshiach as proffered by current Kabballists is every bit a political agenda as much as it holds a spiritual belief. The spiritual reality for the Kabballist to bring about Moshiach is but spiritual motivation for the political agenda. There was a reason why early Masonic founders sought to divorce religion from the political work of the populace: the gates of hell of the Medieval period are being revisited upon the world.
The Isisian Codes provides a foundation stone for a renewed return to reason, and indeed may be a direct product of planned knowledge embed into the language for the express purpose of elevating thought such as to inquire and rise above confusion and will deceipt.
The Isisian Codes is an incredibly fluid Qaballa. It is based on a constant that has inspired philosophers from time immemorial, and holds that at the core is the fundamental philosophical construction known as "the Word".
This Word is Pi.
Knowable but unknown, no other symbol of truth comes to signify a neutral representation of "Deity" than this number. There are no dogmas when one returns all reality to "the Word".
The system is based on natural counting. 0-9.
It relies on a series of combination's and transpositions as argued and envisioned by some of the West's brightest and egalitarian minds.
It is based on a language that is arguably the imost Universal of all human tongues. Its letter construction yields up an enormous amount of archetypes for the combining and transposition of concepts.
The language truly invites all.
The language has a rich history of Secret Society influence which can be shown through a rational analysis of the construction of words.
More importantly, an intensive study of these affairs will show that Secret Societies dedicated to the Goddess Isis, to the Sacred Feminine, to that which gives through the building of wealth through a crafting of healthy social structures, where charity and compassion for the unfortunate is projected against the rights of the individual to spiritually mature and grow while seeking after one's purpose.
The Isisian Codes, so named, is but the outer revelation of a philosophy crafted into language in secret, and its study makes for a viable alternative to the irrational Occult systems of today that seeks to destroy all that has been built.
It's study will reveal the folly of contemporary Occult structures based on YHVH and Jehovah/Typhon/Seth.
Armed with superior Occult knowledge, the irrational arguments of Setianist logic falls by the wayside. That which is a vampire cannot prosper in the light.
The "Owl" as a Symbol of the Occult has varied and nuanced layers of deconstructions. Aside from the mythological connections of the Owl to Athena and Ishtar, "goddesses" that directly link back to Isis, the Owl also contains observable natural properties that signify an ability to see in the dark (read Setianist ignorant world). Of course, we cannot exclude a Qaballistic construction to the very word "OWL".
These podcasts provide a uniquely Isisian Code view of the Owl as a Symbol of the Occult and give a glimpse into the way in which Hermetic Qaballa is used in the construction of words as Occult constructs.
Pi The Alphabet And The Isisian Codes The Owl As A Symbol Of The Occult Podcast 8, Seg 1
Pi The Alphabet And The Isisian Codes The Owl As A Symbol Of The Occult Podcast 8, Seg 2
The Owl As A Symbol Of The Occult The Lost Episode
Hope you enjoy these shows. They will also be found as companion links in the most widely read article at The Illuminatus Observor, "The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult".
As always - thanks for the continued support and to your linking of the blog in forums and websites all across the World Wide Web. Your efforts greatly help spread the word and contribute to the growth of the Illuminatus Observor as simply one of the best Hermetic Qaballa blogs in all of blogdom.