As we have stated before and will repeat again and again, the "Omnific Word" is really a cohesive philosophy based on the 1 as male and the 0 as female. It is these two forces that form the conceptual and create an apparent firm truth upon which all creation is based. The female in all cases will encompass the male; hence, (s)he will encompass he, goddess with encompass god, and so forth. Further, the Illuminatus Philosophy is based on the first 32 digits of Pi.
Words are viewed co-relationally. The word, "solstice", for instance, is a word broken into 3 components. Sols as sun as summer. T as a marking point of the sun measured at noon zenith (exaltation), and Ice as "winter". Hence the sun, measured against a height of T will be exalted at the "Sol's T" and the Ice T, or the highest and lowest points as marking point created from the observation point of Earth as a product of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.
To denote that a code is existent, it is written as SOLSTICE.
Words are fused to numbers, letters, and sounds, and within each of the numbers, letters, and sounds are further imbed a range of philosophies based on Universe truths. The placement of numbers against letters is not static. Numbers set against letters are dynamic based on multiple cipher systems, and as such, the Illuminatus Philosophy is highly intuitive and flexible and difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain by human ideas regarding "machine code". Like the serpent, the attempt to pin down the system to a simplified code system proves slippery.
It is this intuitive element that enables the Illuminatus Philosophy, traditionally defined as "Luciferianism", to easily fool and deceive they who are not versed in the logic and usage of numbers set against letters and sounds. This is by design, not so much by the various secret societies that have flourished over time, but as a pragmatic reality that the whole has been shattered and splintered like "Humpty Dumpty".
The building of the Construct over time has been a noble intent to reveal the inherent corruptions, deceptions, and falsehoods of "reality" as crafted by the ruling powers, "Satanic" in a pure Christian sense. Thus the numbers, dynamic as they are, even as they have a static appearance, provides a mechanism for the creation of a philosophy fused to the very speech of humanity.
This is done precisely so as to reveal that which is "truth" and that which is "false". There is a logic involved that is based on a conceptual. The ability to penetrate the conceptual is known as an "apperception of the conceptual". The acquisition of an apperception of the conceptual enables the aspirant to penetrate the fog and confusion and thus gain a glimpse into the construction of the term known as "reality" from a pure Occult construction.
The inescapable truth is that of 1 as male and 0 as female. Thus Pi as a number whose manifestation can be viewed but it's absolutes never ever comprehended, becomes a perfect symbol to describe what can be known in a Universe that is entirely unknowable as an absolute reality.
The totality of reality can never be viewed as a pure mechanistic construction.
Signposts Along the Way
View article regarding the above picture here.
Still, these sign posts convey a message that some seek to hide, while others set in place with the specific intent to reveal.
There is no reason to believe that the language itself, admittedly crafted against letters, numbers, and sounds, would not too be stark reminders of a people "who knew" and felt awed and inspired such that an over riding motivation would be to leave their mark on the material even as they transited to a dimension far apart from the material reality known as "life". These sign posts, like the word SOLSTICE, take on the simplistic cloak of a word, but such simplicities often reveal a far more hidden knowledge attainable only to they who know such exists AND have the intuitive and intellectual capability to penetrate their mysteries.
The questions, and hence the answers, would be a likely starting point to place in plain view a knowledge of a hidden truth. If only we would look. This blog is created to entice you to do just that, in the hope and wish that some of you may learn to see.
The Five Gods
VOWELS, fused as they are to the word OWL, bely a further hidden conception. We may define the five pure vowels as A, E, I, O, and U. Mythologically, we may link these vowels to the birth of the 5 gods in Egyptian mythology: A is Osiris, E is Horus, I is Seth, O is Isis, and U is Nepthys. A rational analysis of this pairing shows an inherent truth and logic that is sound and rooted in acroamatic truths. The myths are hiding the larger constituent components of the hidden sacred Alphabet.
The Letter Y, itself "sometimes a vowel" is as Dionysius who, being human, is so admired that he is invited to join the company of the gods, and as such, the letter Y becomes a symbol of the wide array of "savior" gods that have populated human mythologies.
We can then expand this concept to include the questions: WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHO, and WHERE, with HOW the substitute for the Y of "sometimes a vowel" in that HOW can be either a question or a statement. Each of these questions are then answered with a primary set of words: WHAT is answered by THIS and THAT, WHEN is answered by THEN, WHY is answered by THY, WHO is answered by THEE, and WHERE is answered by THERE. There is a sixth question, however, and this is the question HOW, which is sometimes a question and sometimes a statement.
The pattern, consequently, is really quite simple and clear. The questions and the answers are set against a set of clarifier letters that do not change. For the questions, the clarifier letters are WH, while the clarifier letters for the answers are TH. Thus the changeable letters are AT, EN, Y, O, and ERE. It makes sense that the questions, therefore, are really hiding the code for the vowels A, E, I, O, and U. How has its own special characteristic that is wholly removed from the pattern.
When placed in the exact sequence above, the questions reveal Pi to the first 6 digits.
The Questions and Answers as a Reflection of Pi
In the letters AT of whAT, we have the Isisian Code of 14, and we know that Pi is 3.(14).
In the letters EN, we utilize the double headed eagle as shown at the start of this article. N is the first letter of the second half of the Alphabet and E is the fifth. Hence EN can be viewed (and should be viewed) as being reversed to show the code of NE, or 15.
In the letters AT(EN) we have the sequence 1415 and we know that Pi is 3.1415.
In the letter Y, we have the Isisian Code of 9.
In the letters AT(EN)Y we have the sequence 14159, and we know that Pi is 3.14159.
In the letter O, we know that O is the second letter of the second half of the Alphabet, and so we affix the number 2 to this letter. We could apply the Isisian Codes and show that O is the second letter in reverse from P, but like a note on the music scale, a C# is a 3 in the Key of A, but will change value depending on the key being played. This exercise is an example of how to stay in key relative to the coding, the mechanism left for you who are interested to ponder. Suffice that O is a 2.
In the letters AT(EN)Y(O) we have the sequence 141592 and we know that Pi is 3.141592.
The above series was really relatively easy to solve for as the pattern is obvious. But what of the letters ERE of whERE? We return to the Isisian Codes. The letter E has a value of 5, while the letter R has a value of 2. The sum of the letters ERE are thus 5+2+5=12. From the end of the Letter I, the end of the first sequence of the Isisian Codes (1-9=A-I), we simply add the 12 to end at the Letter U, itself being set at 21, and the sum of 1:6 having a value of 21, or U. We thus use the 6 from the Sum of 1:6=21=U, a pattern so common as to be simple to understand with a moderate level of practice in reading Occult word codes. SUN, for instance, itself has a value of 365, with U taking the 6 digit as a process of the summation series.
In the letters AT(EN)Y(O)ERE=U we have the sequence 1415926 and we know that Pi has a value of 3.1415926.
Thus we reveal that the Questions are revealing Pi, or 3.1415926.
So what of the question HOW?
The pattern reveals that WHO and HOW are sharing the exact same letter sequence. Just as TWIN from the summer solstice reveals the sign where the Sun is at its peak (Gemini), and that the T is "hopped to the bottom of the word" to reveal T-WIN-T-er, we have a sequence where WHO shows that the W is "hopped to the bottom of the word" to reveal HOW.
WHO, being the fourth question, is also symbolic of the 4th year, and so every 4th year we must add a day, or a "leap year". Thus W "leaps" on the 4th year to reveal HOW, and since the birth of the 5 gods occur on the day in which the sun did not shine, or the intercalated time that creates "the leap year", that HOW is on the intercalated or leap year day, this period is akin to Dionysius joining "the gods" who themselves exist on the leap year day, or the intercalated period required to create the leap year.
The WHO HOW sequence is known as "the Who How Hop" and reveals a further aspect of the larger code, a subject left for another day.
A special thanks to my friend Adnan who was kind enough to leave behind his computer while this article was completed.