They were taken down, really, for two reasons.
Inside the Eye - The Original Podcasts were originally embed into various articles interspersed here on the Illuminatus Observor.
They will be returned back to their respective articles in short enough order.
This page will not be too "mobile friendly"....
Inside the Eye - The Original Podcasts

Back then, the free service allowed us 5 gig of download and the paid subscription service allowed 50 gb of download, a figure that was breached a few times and close to breaching often enough, a testament to the number of listens the shows were receiving.
These files are now being "preserved" and hosted at and can be listened to here:
Podcast 1, Seg 1 - One Basic Truth (originally released in Dec. 2008)
Podcast 1, Seg 2 - A Brief History of the Isisian Codes
Podcast 2, Seg 1 - The Acroamatic Cipher (Originally released in Dec. 2008)
Podcast 2, Seg 2 - Examples of the Acroamatic Cipher (Originally released in Dec. 2008)
Podcast 3, Seg 1 - Noel, Noel, and other Occult Codes - Pt 1 (Originally released in Dec. 2008)
Podcast 3, Seg 2 - Noel, Noel, and other Occult Codes - Pt 2 (Originally released in Dec. 2008)
Podcast 4, Seg 1 - Gematria and Esoteric Codes in English (Originally released around Jan. 2009)
Podcast 4, Seg 2 - Trolls and other Hazards and Distractions (Originally released around Jan 2009)
Podcast 5, Seg 1 - Superman as an Occult Construct - Pt 1 (Originally released around May, 2009)
Podcast 5, Seg 2 - Superman as an Occult Construct - Pt 2 (Originally released around May, 2009)
Podcast 6, Seg 1 - The Rule of Colel and Shifts of One - Pt 1 (Originally released around June, 2009)
Podcast 6, Seg 2 - The Rule of Colel and Shifts of One - Pt 2 (Originally released around June, 2009)
Podcast 7, Seg 1 - The Lambdoma and the Tree of Life - Pt 1 (Originally released around Oct., 2009)
Podcast 7, Seg 2 - The Lambdoma and the Tree of Life Pt 2 (Originally released around Oct., 2009)
Podcast 8, Seg 1 - The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult - Pt 1 (Originally released around Nov., 2009)
Podcast 8, Seg 2 - The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult - Pt 2 (Originally released around Nov., 2009)
Podcast 8 - The Owl as a Symbol of the Occult - The Lost Episode
Podcast 10, Seg 1 - Codes and Ciphers in the Language - Pt 1 (originally released around July, 2010)
Podcast 10, Seg 2 - Codes and Ciphers in the Language - Pt 2 (Originally released around Aug, 2010)
A Little History of the Isisian Codes

The Illuminatus Observor launched in July of 2007. By the end of 2007 and a lot of articles from the presentations presented during the late 1990's to mid 2000's were put down as a means to preserve the information while it was still "fresh in my mind". Mind you, the information had already been presented in numerous forums.
The original chronicling of the Isisian Codes was presented in some long forgotten forums at the very end and turn of the century, back in the "dial up days" when Napster was still running wild and the music business was just learning about the changes in distribution that was about to alter the music landscape forever. had yet to be launched, and the"Tech Bubble" was in full bloom and had yet to collapse.
The first large forum where the Isisian Codes was presented and welcomed was Ask a Witch Community. The owner, a young Jewish gal, seemed to take a liking to the material and graciously requested that the information be allowed to be presented on the side bar of her community (which I believe was originally hosted on a Microsoft community). This was accepted and the information was featured at the community for a number of years until a run in with a Noahidist rabbi entered to write about Noahidist Kabballah.
Needless to say, the two philosophies clashed, and the flame wars that ensued meant that the non-Jew had to go. I was subsequently banned. My material ran on the side bar for a number of years subsequent until removed at my request.
Eventually, the material would be presented in a large number of very forums, including some very large forums that included,, and Above Top Secret. The material garnered reasonably large audiences but was ultimately banned for "anti-Semitism" or any number of trumped up charges and excuses.
To highlight the popularity of the Isisian Codes, and the impact that the material had on the targeted markets and the developing Internet, one could read through an article entitled Censorship among Occult Practitioners at, or the fact that after losing a banning war at Above Top Secret, a spoof article entitled, "Dennis Fetcho and the Illuminatus Observor: A Cover for A Masonic Op?", hit the Top 5 hottest stories at Above Top Secret during what was a flame war between "The Fetch", aka Android1296, and Terry Melanson, author of Fire in the Minds of Men, and one of the driving forces behind and the creator of and The Way Back Machine.
One cannot argue that within its targeted demographic that the Isisian Codes, during its peak stage of online presentation development and release was not influential.
Thanks to dedicated readers and listeners of the "Inside the Eye - The Original Podcasts", these files, long lost here also, have been sent back to me. They have, for the most part, been edited to remove time relative material that went along with the podcasts (hey - I was trying to fill time back then!), and have now been re-uploaded at a new page created at Archive,org.