The "bee" is one of the most important of Nature's creatures within the web of life. To highlight this very point, the "bee" has been given its very own verb in the English language, "to be". And, to represent how the "bee" as a verb is representative of the ever changing nature of the Occult, the verb breaks down into many seemingly unconnected words and spellings.
You "are" (another important letter, aligned with B in the Isisian Codes)
I "am"
You/We "were"
I "was"
He/She/It "is"
One letter, five permutations.
Join "The Fetch" on HiveMind1984 Radio at Blog Talk Radio, January 28, 2011 @ 11:00 PM EST!
Within Secret Societies, the "bee" is ever present. One must simply open one's eyes and look. The beehive is the omphalos, or "navel" points as practiced in various cultures through history.
Of course, "bees" and their "hive" represent the ultimate in "order and reason" as an Occult construction. After all, what is invoked when one wants a child to act "properly"?
Behave! (bee-hive)! Act as the bee hive!
Join "The Fetch" for another fascinating excursion into a de-storying of Occult signatures with
Garrett of:
Hivemind1984 Radio on Blogtalk!
Show Date: January 28, 2011
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 AM PM EST (6:00 AM January 29, Amman, Jordan)
Live Show URL:
Show Length: 1 hour
Topics of Discussion: The Illuminatus Observor and the Isisian Codes
Listen live or catch the show on archive, here at the Illuminatus Observor or at Garrett's Hivemind1984 Blog Talk Radio.
Other Links of Interest:
HiveMind 1984 Max Forum
HiveMind1984 at Youtube
Looking forward to being with you!
De-storying the Signatures of the Occult as only Masters of the Craft can do!
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Show starts at 10:00am Eastern Call in or listen live!
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Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Coincidentia Oppositorum, Reality, and the Occult - The Fetch - LIVE - Star Theory Radio
After years of debating "the narrow vision" of the "scientific mind" in forums across the world wide web, "the Fetch" will finally discuss the relative limits of "objective analysis" as it applies to the world of Qaballa.
Join me for a what should prove to be a fascinating discussion with Kyle Hunt of Star Theory on the intricate relationship of the "Coincidence of Opposites", "De Docta Ingnorantia" (The Ignorance of Science), and how you can better understand the limitations of purely objective reasoning.
This show will be especially of interest to everyone who seeks to better comprehend the language of the Illuminatus via the Isisian Codes.
Show Title: Coincidentia Oppositorum, Reality, and the Occult
Show URL :
Show Time: 9:00 - 11:00 PM EST (United States)
Check for your local time
Show Format: Live - Call in Talk Radio
Show Length: 2 hours
Thanks to everyone for their support from the Red Ice Radio and Occult of Personality interviews. The response has been phenomenal so look forward to even better cutting edge occult material from "the Fetch" at "the Illuminatus Observor"!
Join me for a what should prove to be a fascinating discussion with Kyle Hunt of Star Theory on the intricate relationship of the "Coincidence of Opposites", "De Docta Ingnorantia" (The Ignorance of Science), and how you can better understand the limitations of purely objective reasoning.
This show will be especially of interest to everyone who seeks to better comprehend the language of the Illuminatus via the Isisian Codes.
Show Title: Coincidentia Oppositorum, Reality, and the Occult
Show URL :
Show Time: 9:00 - 11:00 PM EST (United States)
Check for your local time
Show Format: Live - Call in Talk Radio
Show Length: 2 hours
Thanks to everyone for their support from the Red Ice Radio and Occult of Personality interviews. The response has been phenomenal so look forward to even better cutting edge occult material from "the Fetch" at "the Illuminatus Observor"!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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