The Sepher Yetzirah remains one of the more enigmatic and "mystical" of the primary documents generally associated with the Craft of Gematria. This article will shed new insights into the manner and form within which the Illuminatus system was designed and encrypted.
The Sepher Yetzirah is regarded by many as perhaps the most important of all the Qaballistic texts. In truth, since we know that most Jewish history is fabricated from earlier tales, the idea that "Sepher Yetzirah" was a uniquely Jewish invention flies in the face of reason. The reality is that the Sepher Yetzirah provided a fragmentary insight into earlier Pythagorean mysticism.
From "Fact Index", we find the
following statement:
Antiquity of esoteric mysticism
Early forms of esoteric mysticism existed over 2,000 years ago. Ben Sira warns against it in his saying: "You shall have no business with secret things" (Sirach) iii. 22; compare Talmud Hagigah 13a; Midrash Genesis Rabbah viii.).
Apocalyptic literature belonging to the second and first pre-Christian centuries contained some elements of later Kabbalah, and as, according to Josephus, such writings were in the possession of the Essenes, and were jealously guarded by them against disclosure, for which they claimed a hoary antiquity (see Philo, "De Vita Contemplativa," iii., and Hippolytus, "Refutation of all Heresies," ix. 27).
That many such books containing secret lore were kept hidden away by the "enlightened" is stated in IV Esdras xiv. 45-46, where Pseudo-Ezra is told to publish the twenty-four books of the canon openly that the worthy and the unworthy may alike read, but to keep the seventy other books hidden in order to "deliver them only to such as be wise" (compare Dan. xii. 10); for in them are the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the stream of knowledge.
Instructive for the study of the development of Kabbalah is the Book of Jubilees written under King John Hyrcanus, which refers to the writings of Jared, Cainan, and Noah, and presents Abraham as the renewer, and Levi as the permanent guardian, of these ancient writings. It offers a cosmogony based upon the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and connected with Jewish chronology and Messianology, while at the same time insisting upon the heptad as the holy number rather than upon the decadic system adopted by the later haggadists and the "Sefer Yetzirah". The Pythagorean idea of the creative powers of numbers and letters, upon which the "Sefer Yetzirah" is founded, and which was known in the time of the Mishnah (before 200 CE).
Gnosticism and Kabbalah
Gnostic literature testifies to the antiquity of the Cabala. Gnosticism — that is, the cabalistic "Hokhmah" (חכמה "wisdom") - seems to have been the first attempt on the part of the Jewish sages to give the empirical mystic lore, with the help of Platonic and Pythagorean or Stoic ideas, a speculative turn. This led to the danger of heresy from which the Jewish rabbinic figures Akiva and Ben Zoma strove to extricate themselves;
Kabbalistic Dualism
The dualistic system of good and of evil powers, which goes back to Zoroastrianism, can be traced through Gnosticism; having influenced the cosmology of the ancient Kabbalah before it reached the medieval one. So is the conception underlying the cabalistic tree, of the right side being the source of light and purity, and the left the source of darkness and impurity, found among the Gnostics. The fact also that the Kelippot (קליפות the primeval "husks" of impurity), which are so prominent in the medieval Kabbalah, are found in the old Babylonian incantations, is evidence in favor of the antiquity of most of the cabalistic material.
It is clear from tracing the historical record that much effort has been invested into the fabrication of Sepher Yetzirah as a wholly Jewish invention. Yet an equal effort to trace the historical record proves otherwise.
The "mistake" of many Western occult practitioners remains the failure to view the Sepher Yetzirah in perspective. The Sepher Yetzirah is a source "Illuminatus" document in that it contains an overview of the larger use of numbers and letters into the fabrication of reality. This "reality" is hardly limited to a Jewish cosmological view, and it is naive to presume that the principles contained within the Sepher Yetzirah were not perfected and demonstrated in a more contemporary work - that of the English sound set.
Alphabet Cosmology and Sepher Yetzirah
The most prominent idea of
Sepher Yetzirah is that of a cosmology based on the Alphabet. We find this in the very first paragraph of the text:
Section 1. In thirty-two mysterious Paths of Wisdom did Jah, the Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, the Living Elohim, the King of ages, the merciful and gracious God, the Exalted One, the Dweller in eternity, most high and holy--engrave his name by the three Sepharim -- Numbers, Letters, and Sounds.(8)
Yet it is from the Pythagorean schools from which the West derives its primary source for a cosmology based on Number. Since the Greeks equated their letters to numbers long before it became fashionable in the Rabbinical schools, we must hold that the idea of Numbers/Letters/Sounds remained the domain of Western esotericism wholly developed outside of later Rabbinical schools.
Indeed, the very art of Gematria, or the assigning of mystical significance to names via the use of number, was long too developed by the Greeks independently and long before the Rabbis would mesmerize themselves with their own mystical and often irrelevant to the Construct significations. Says Cornelius Agrippa in "
Of Cabalie",
...therefore this Cabala of the Jews is nothing else then a most pernicious superstition, by the which they gather at their pleasure, divide, transfer words, names and letters, scatteringly put in the holy Scriptures, and by making one thing out of another, they dissolve the connections of the truth, the speeches, inductions and parables, and here and there construing them by their own fictions, would bring the words of God to their follies, defaming the Scriptures, and saying that their fictions have foundation on them.
What becomes lost in a Jewish centric occult dirivation is the reality of the totality and universalness of number when applied to collective conciousness as a universal occult phenomena. Agrippa comments vociferously on this issue, too:
So I acknowledge that this Cabalisticall art, which the Hebrews brag of, and I sometimes diligently and laboriously sought after, is nothing else then a meer rhapsody of superstition, and a certain Theurgicall Magick: but if it proceeded from God (as the Jews boast) and conduceth to the perfection of life, health of men, to the worship of God, and to the truth of understanding; truly that spirit of truth, which hath left this Synagogue, and come to teach us all truth, would not have concealed it from his Church even untill these last times, which indeed knoweth all things that are of God, whose benediction, baptism, and other mysteries of salvation are revealed and perfected in every tongue, for every tongue hath the same equall power,
The point being made is simple: the Sepher Yetzirah is not a document for which the principles apply only to Hebrew letters. Each and every tongue, if diligently studied and enumerated upon, would reveal adumbrations, or shadows, of the underlying principles of "truth" from which, in a cosmology of a higher perfected reality (Garden of Eden), such letters as primary building blocks to the names which become things would eminate.
Says Peter Bull, in an article entitled
Gematria - the Missing key at Masoncode.com,
The crux of the matter here, as Sherlock Holmes noted in the dog that didn't bark in the night, is that something is missing. There has been no credible work ever published on the subject of Latin gematria. We are informed that the subject exists and that it is important, but nowhere is it expounded. Why not? The reason for this omission hinges on the fact that gematria is not confined simply to the ancient languages, as the brethren would have us believe, but also extends to the modern European languages which are based on Roman (Latin) script. Some of the greatest secrets of Freemasonry are hidden in the gematria coding of these languages - not least of which is English.
So the first truth of the Sepher Yetzirah is that it is more of a public occult document of a more hidden occult truth and reality, that Letters; fused as they are to numbers and sounds, comprise the whole of the philosophy. The Alphabet of English is just as mystically (and perhaps far more) significant than the Hebtrew.
The English Alphabet itself constains a cosmology set into the order and value of the Letters. There are two traditions: the Oral and the Written. You fuse ISIS = 56 = SPEECH = oral traditions and you fuse OSIRIS = 89 = RELIGION = written traditions.
Isis and Osiris contain the "speech religion of the gods", where in the "gods" are the individual letters of the Alphabet, while "the God", as Osiris, is the Alphabet itself. The "great secret" is that English is based on Pi and a whole reality, set against concepts as "the Pi Proportion", ingeniously conceal and reveal in equal measure this core cosmology that has been woven into the Letters and the language.
The Great KEY is Pi.
And using, of course, the very ART and CRAFT of GEMATRIA, this very "truth" that the Construct is based on Pi may be easily revealed as being "true" through a simple construction of words set against number and added to reveal "the truth".
It is this:
Under such an analysis, wherein Hebrew provides us with a phrase value of 1854, while in simple ordinal English a phrase value is revealed to total 314, or PI, it becomes clear that the English reveals an esoterically significant value, while Hebrew reveals little, if anything, of meaningful value.
This is the first rational lesson to be gleaned from the Book of Formation.
There is a cosmology inherent and embed into the Alphabet. This cosmology is embed into an inseperable system set against Letter/Number/Sound.
Forming the Philosopher's Stone
Occult texts are, by design, fraught with deceptions. Word imagery may draw a picture of one object, yet the object of the discussion within the words is but a reflection of another object. One must remain aware and rationally deconstruct what is being formed with words before one is so quick to accept a conventional and accepted view.
Nowehere is this principle better demonstrated than when studying the Sepher Yetzirah.
"Sepher Yetzirah", roughly translated, reads, "Book of Creation", while in English this is oft changed to "Formation". "Formation" is a far more accurate word in that the text provides literal information as to how to "form" the "Philosopher's Stone" as a geometric representation.
Hence we shall make some more sense from the "Sepher Yetzirah".
Section II provides us with a geometrical riddle:

The ineffable Sephiroth are Ten, as are the Numbers; and as there are in
man five fingers over against five, so over them is established a covenant of strength, by word of mouth, and by the circumcision of the flesh. (11)
4. Ten is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and
not eleven. Understand this wisdom, and be wise by the perception. Search out concerning it, restore the Word to its creator, and replace Him who formed it upon his throne. (12)
The Ten ineffable Sephiroth have the appearance of the Lightning flash,
(17) their origin is unseen and no end is perceived. The Word is in them as
they rush forth and as they return, they speak as from the whirl-wind, and
returning fall prostrate in adoration before the Throne.
Ten are the ineffable Sephiroth; seal up thy lips lest thou speak of them,
and guard thy heart as thou considerest them; and if thy mind escape from thee bring it back to thy control; even as it was said, "running and
returning" (the living creatures ran and returned) (19) and hence was the
Covenant made.
The above is often equated to that of the "Tree of Life", whereupon the "22 paths of the Tree of Life" and the "10 sephera" are said to be invoked in this treatise.
Now I have read this document (and reflected upon same) perhaps as much or more than any Rabbi going, and to wit I cannot fathom how ANYONE can be so insane as to identify this text with the Jewish Tree of Life.
Wishful thinking - perhaps. But a rational absolute description and connection? No way. No how.
Here is why.
The text in question refers specifically to a reflective command:
"Ten is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and
not eleven. Understand this wisdom, and be wise by the perception. Search
out concerning it, restore the Word to its creator, and replace Him who
formed it upon his throne."
The "reflective command" is an admonition to carefully study the words and reconstruct (deconstruct) what is being said.
Is the Jewish "Tree of Life" comprised of 10 Sephera and 22 "paths"? Yes. But no. You cannot simply "tear out the heart", which is Da'ath. Da'ath becomes literally an "11th" Sephera, and so the admonition to remain at 10 is actually destroyed in the Rabbinical construction. The Sepher Yetzirah actually contemns Jewish perceived exclusivity. The document is clearly not describing the Jewish or Rabbinical Tree of Life, and the brilliance of the Rabbi's has yet, after a perceived millenia and more, failed to reconcile the obvious problems in their design set against the primary book of formation - that of the "Sepher Yetzirah".
Let us begin to provide you with a concise, and yet simple, deconstruction. We shall now make some sense of the Sepher Yetzirah still further.
The Rabbinical Tree of Life is represented as having a "hole" where there is a non-existent but existing sephera known as Da'ath. Da'ath, wherein D is M, translates back the Osirian and Isisian Mystery Schools as "Ma'at". Ma'at is what "weighs the dead", and hence Da'ath will retain a "left and right scales" property, wherein "Akvah" is the "right side" and "Ehevi" is the "left side".
That "Da'ath" maintains the "Scales of Ma'at" properties and a simple and yet modified name is a perfect example of what is known as a "modification and transposition" of a sacred nomenclature, with said properties being modified from race to race to fit the sensibilities of the local "human spiritual capital".
Ma'at, or the principle of "weighing of the heart" is accomplished through "the scales", but what is being "weighed" is the "13" and "14" of the FEATHER.
F(E)ATHER = 31 = 13 (Isisian Code)
F(E=15)ATHER = 41 = 14 (Isisian Code)
This is further encoded into the English as WT for "weight", wherein the Sum of 1:W is 1:23 is 276 and the Sum of 1:T is 1:20 is 210.
276/210 = 1.31428571
Since the FEATHER is a sign of MA'AT, and the FEATHER is a WORD for PI, then we know that "the WORD" is PI, and so the Da'ath" itself is what must be "returned", for Da'ath is the HEART. All examples are in harmony and represent this basic truth.
We remains is that we must remove MALKUTH and place it back into Da'ath, for there can only be 10 sephera, not 9, and 10 sephera, and not 11. Malkuth represents the 11 sephera as we cannot simply ignore Da'ath, for Da'ath exists equally.
When we remove Malkuth and replace it back into Da'ath, what is created is the necessary structure to create the Gra Tree. The Gra Tree must then be "laid on its side" for the Gra Tree is symbolic of Eve while the Jewish Tree of Life is regarded as a masculine and hence "Adam".
Adam must first lay down with Eve before we can begin to rationally deconstruct the design.
Now we see that we have the following "formed" (and hence why it is a Book of Formation equally).
The rest, from here, becomes relatively easy to solve through OBSERVATION and ANALYSIS:
1) There are two 5 pointed stars (pentacles) - "
The ineffable Sephiroth are Ten, as are the Numbers; and as there are in man five fingers over against five," - CHECK
2) The paths that form from Gemini and Scorpio are intersected with an X (10). The path of 8 presents an IX when set against Gemini. This 10 and not 9. Equally, path number 16 next to Scorpio reveals an XI, or 10 and not 11. Be wise (aware of inversions) and seek this out.
So says the Sepher Yetzirah,
"10 is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten andnot eleven. Understand this wisdom, and be wise by the perception. Searchout concerning it, restore the Word to its creator,"
This was all accomplished through returning "malkuth" to "da'ath", which is really "the Word" because the GEM IN I is that it is the Greek letter for "the Word" PI.
3) Have you ever tried to trace the paths of the Jewish Tree of Life and thought to yourself, "Geez what a lame and corrupted design?" If not, you should. Nothing flows. It (the paths) starts. It (the paths) stop. They go here and then start there. There is no real rhyme or reason because there is only a twisted rhyme and reason. There is no REAL RHYME OR REASON.
Says the Book of Formation:
The Word is in them as they rush forth and as they return, they speak as from the whirl-wind, and returning fall prostrate in adoration before the Throne.
How do you set this back against the Jewish Tree of Life LOGICALLY? After all, if one is able to "de-construct" the document in favor of Jewish metaphysics, there should be a rational exlaination. It is all rational at the end of the day for it has been rationally constructed.
"A whirlwind" denotes a "circular motion". Here, again, you have to know your signs. The Sign of Cancer is "69". Can you have a "6" without a "9"? No. You cannot, because the archetypal pattern for the "6" is that of the spiral galaxy, to name but one whirling observable body.
To encode this truth further, the words FIVE and SIX encode both the 6 and the 9 as follows:
FIVE = F = 6, (IV) = 4 + E (5) = 9
SIX = S = 3 = 1+2+3 = 6; IX = 9
The Sign of CANCER is the "whirlwind" which then becomes the starting point for the creation of the PATHS. The paths never break and form an unbroken circuit from 0 to 21, denoting the PATHS OF THE TAROT (forget Jewish attempts to graft themselves onto the Construct).
Since ISIS is denoted as "the Throne", and ISIS is often refered to as the Sign of Libra, we know that the "North Star", at which Cancer is laid at the base (Earth relevant view), being the Scales, must too show that the paths of 13 and 14 eminate therefrom.
The VALUE of the "spokes" eminating from CANCER reveal
0+5+6+9+19+18+21 = 69 = The Sign of CANCER
While the path eminating into GEMINI from the base are the numbers 6 and 9, and so forth. You cannot have a 6 without a 9.
All the PATHS and SIGNS must be appropriated placed, for ALL IS A MAP OF THE ARCHETYPAL MIND that has been caste against Letters/Numbers/Sounds, with symbols being inferred to be included as part of the Letters and Numbers.
Ten are the ineffable Sephiroth; seal up thy lips lest thou speak of them,
and guard thy heart as thou considerest them; and if thy mind escape from
thee bring it back to thy control; even as it was said, "running and
returning" (the living creatures ran and returned)
The second realization to come through making sense of the Sepher Yetzirah is that the document is not speaking about a Jewish metaphysical invention. It was and remains an encrypted document of a much larger Hermetic occult knowledge utilizing the very destructive forces of Jewish metaphysics to preserve the core of the constructed knowledge.
Letter Number Transpositions
Western esoteric constructions are based much on Greek culture and through extension, Roman civilization. In a larger system predicated on Letters/Numbers/Sounds, it would stand to reason that Roman Numbering would too play a role in the larger design known as "the Construct".
The very fact that Roman Numbers of I+V+X+L+C+D+M = 1,666 might make a few people glance a knowing wink relative to the usage of Roman numbering Occult constructions, but it is amazing who often people dismiss the use of Roman numbering as an Occult construction within a "Letter/Number" system. Never mind that Aleister Crowley, who painted his own Tarot Deck, ordered the Major Arcanum of 0-21 as 0-XXI, invoking Roman numbering.
For those who care to venture further, we can make addition sense of the Sepher Yetzira through the use of Letter Number transpositions.
Says the Book of Formation,
"11. He selected three letters from among the simple ones and sealed them
and formed them into a Great Name, I H V, (28) and with this He sealed the
universe in six directions."
What EXACTLY is "the Great Name" that can be comprised of the Letters IHV?
We already know that the "Great Name" is Pi, the Omnific Word, carried out to 32 digits (32 being a key number within the Sepher Yetzirah).
Let us digress for a moment.
The "Sign of the Home" is known as "Cancer", which should be written as CANCER. CAN is a word, but it can be broken down into constituent components as follows:

In this formation, CN is 3.14, or PI (written esoterically as 13.14), whereas the Letter A is the Scales of Ma'at. We then have remaining letters of CER, 352, using the Isisian Codes. Why "352"? Because the core of the Construct is based on Pi and 666, and when we add 314+352, we arrive at 666.
CAN = 314 + CER = 666
ADM and EVE = 1314 and 666
CANCER is represented by the digits 69, wherein "the Eye" is the center bright ball as represented by a spiral galaxy becomes the interlocking circular portions of the 6 and 9.
This number is a key number and appears in the Torat in Genesis in the form of an acroamtic cipher:
Genesis 3:15,
"and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
The "circle" of the 6 is the "head" while the "tail" of the 9 is the "heel". When placed "side by side", CANCER as a SIGN becomes 69. The 6 and the 9 then become added divisions of male and female, wherein Female is 6 and Male is 9.
This whole series of alternating IHV into various permutations is exalted in the 9th position. You cannot have a 6 without a 9.
The pattern in the 9th position is as follows:
"Ninth; He looked to the right, and sealed the South with V I H."
Here we simply make a transposition.
V is located at number 6, and so we transpose to F for clarity
I we leave as itself
H is set at position 8, which is the Letter X, and do we transpose the H to an X.
This creates the more readily apparent formula of:
VIH = F IX, or the DIGITS 69. Paranthetically, a PRE-FIX" means, that which came before "the Word".
The Sepher Yetzirah is demonstrating a form of transposition and modification of the SIGN OF CANCER again, for the SIGN of Cancer is the 6th position of the Jewish Tree but is the 1 or start position of the Hermetic Garden of Eden.
Slowly, and with some patience, making sense of the Sepher Yetzirah is coaxed from the shadows of the Occult. It is far more rational than at first sight deceives.