I am not one known for paranoia, but I am prone to observe the changes which occur as a matter of coincidence. Call it "synchronicity", if you wish.
An event happened in the very early days of the budding public Internet (1998). As part of my research into these matters, I was "clued in" that the AUM Triglyph was a very critical and insightful symbol, and them available contextual Masonic material would prove quite helpful. At the time, I did not know what the AUM Triglyph was all about let alone what it appeared as.
In earnest, I used the then available search engines and to my surprise, found a grand total of 3 images which showed the AUM Triglyph.
In 1998, I was still quite new to understanding the whole of the Illuminatus System and had yet not enough time to truly wrap my mind around the totality of the Construct. But I was already well aware of how the acroamatic cipher was being used to craft various mythologies and ciphers, and so I recognized immediately what was being transmitted.
To my surprise, the AUM Triglyph was essentially the symbol for the Sanskrit "OM", with one glaring change. Replacing the right side of the Om glyph was the Greek letter Pi. The left side of the Om glyph was essentially unchanged. What we were looking at was a classic example of a transposition and modification and the transposition and modification was pointing directly at an acroamatic cipher based on the Letter M.
In frenzied excitement, I wrote my observations and analysis, inviting all who were interested to go to the links at the search engine and see for themselves. Within one week, the links were removed.
The images have never returned.
"Hermetic Masonry" and "The Beginning of Masonry"
The problem came in the manner in which works were indexed.
Take, for instance, this "Table of Contents" from "The Beginning of Masonry":
It looks inconspicuously identical to this "Index" or "Table of Contents" from Hermetic Masonry:
Indee, a word by word comparison of the two tables of content shows that they are identical and based on most logic and reason, it would be safe to assume that the two titles are identical books being marketed under separate covers and titles.
However, nothing could be further from the truth.
Hermetic Masonry contains a whole section on AUM and its relationship to "the Word", with the implication that "the Word" is Pi. Included in Hermetic Masonry are hand drawn geometric forms which show the "Cosmic Egg" and its relationship to Pi.
Why the two books released contain identical Index's or Tables of Content, we can only theorize, but it is clear that the section dealing with the AUM glyph is purely removed from radar screen relative to the Index or Table of Contents in Hermetic Masonry. Further, many of the hand drawn images are quite clear in their references back to a 26 digit code system and the code systems reliance on "Pi" as the backbone for the entire system.
AUM Triglyph goes so far as to hint that the glyph "OM" itself is missed drawn - implying that the glyph as drawn within the Masonic systems is the proper rendition.
Essentially, Hermetic Masonry argues not so cryptically that it is the Letter M that is at the core of glyph "OM". Obviously, it is, but how do you go about rationalizing such a theory.
It is really not so difficult as you can now observe.
Om and the Letter M
To begin, we recognize that the Illuminatus created codes that could be read forward or backward. In some cases, words read "forward" would be "for good", while words read backwards could be views as "for naught", or negative.
In this way, the word SATAN could be viewed as the letters
This would give rise to mythologies of SATAN being a "bringer of Light (Pi)", while the letters ZION would be in reverse
N = 14
I = 1
O =6
Z =26
Hence "Jehovian systems" as Christianity (Osirian knock-off, as it is), would vilify SATAN as Osiris, and would glorify ZION, which would be as an "arch enemy" SATA(Pi).
The "oral traditions" would be given a euphemistic name of "TAROT", while this would be opposed to the "written traditions" as defined by TORAT. EVIL would be bad and LIVE is good.
Other forms of reversals might reveal just elements of how the philosophy was being constructed. The Letter E, for instance, when set into its lower case "e", reveals the "circle and the diameter" in design and shape. E, being located at number 5, is simple summed from 1:5, to reveal 1+2+3+4+5=15=O Letter, for O is located at the 15th position of the Alphabet.
In this manifestation, E has indeed "special properties".
Since E=O, the very obvious is that the word (Letter) EM = OM. This is so simplistic and overtly obvious that its inherent truth need no explanation.
Thus M must equal the Sanskrit OM as referenced in Hermetic Masonry, but again, how do you argue the point further?
We can mystify this all and call the exercise a "qaballistic construction", but really, it is all quite logical when you understand the nature of acroamatic ciphers.
Says Manley P. Hall in Secret Teachings of All Ages,
The acroamatic cipher is the most subtle of all, for the parable or allegory is susceptible of several interpretations. Bible students for centuries have been confronted by this difficultly. They are satisfied with the moral interpretation of the parable and forget that each parable and allegory is capable of seven interpretations, of which the seventh--the highest--is complete and all-inclusive, whereas the other six (and lesser) interpretations are fragmentary, revealing but part of the mystery. The creation myths of the world are acroamatic cryptograms, and the deities of the various pantheons are only cryptic characters which, if properly understood, become the constituents of a divine alphabet. The initiated few comprehend the true nature of this alphabet, but the uninitiated many worship the letters of it as gods.
The various glyphs are equated to as "gods". This means that we should be able to show transpositions and modifications as these acroamatic ciphers are being utilized within various cultures, and two of the core cultures within which this was done was Hebrew and Sanskrit (Hindu).
When we break apart the Letter M, we reveal a "division" comprised of 3 letters, I, V, and I. Ever heard of the IV(Y) League? The Letters I, V, and I are from the Letter M, exploded, as it were, to reveal its constituent components.
The Letters I V I are simply reordered to reveal V II.
This is the word S-EVE-N.
SN is 3.14, which reversed forms the word ADM (1413).
The tale of ADAM (ADM) and EVE, therefore, is an acroamatic cipher for the Letter M.
The glyph of OM reveals a "3", which is the Goddess (from the Letter B), while the "trunk" is as the phallus of ADM, or PI.
Since Male is 1 and Female is 0, each of these glyphs (M and OM)is utilizing male/female duality in order to show the relationship if the creation to that of Pi.
All that is needed is the keys to understand the nature of how the glyphs were crafted.
In the AUM Triglyph, the "trunk" figure" has been simply replaced with the Greek Letter Pi.
All of this links further back to the number 36, wherein we can show that L is the number 3 and F is the number 6. LF becomes the EL-EF-ANT, wherein the LF ANT is a form of political statement from a historically far removed reality.
Still, the key remains that it is PI that is the "Masonic Word" which was lost and left to be recovered.
--Authors Note - It was intended to provide you with further analysis and insights, but viewing rights to the copy on Google Books was greatly curtailed towards the time of writing to the time of original research for the article.