To support such a statement, the Illuminatus Observor has recently reached the 100,000 visitor plateau. Quite a milestone for a blog as technical and difficult as this one proves to be!
Within the voluminous pages found on this blog are key insights and hints into the core of the philosophies of the Illuminatus as they were crafted and grafted onto and into the English language. The work here seeks to preserve the formulas and thought processes that went into the construction of this great language and its "gods", or the Letters that make up the 26 digit Alphabet that is the foundation of the English.
Over the years, I have written 100's of thousands of words in mass market forums dedicated to such topics as "Wicca", "Alternative History", "Current Politics", "Conspiracy", "Contemporary Occultism", and so forth.
Over these same years, the information contained in the Illuminatus Observor has always been found an enthusiastic and energetic following. Consequently, upon its launch in July of 2007, its initial promotion was met with a surprising (to me) successful and gratifying) response Seeing such, work began in earnest to fill the Illuminatus Observor with pages designed to provide unique individual insights into the Craft with the hope and intent that as the work expanded, enough insights and knowledge could be provided to enable the studious reader and interested student to be able to slowly put together the pieces in a way that one could never have achieved without "insider insights" that are provided here at the Illuminatus Observor.
With some satisfaction and relief, I can hereby state that the initial aims and intent of the Illuminatus Observor are being met.
The Illuminatus Observor is not an easy blog to follow. There is no chronological or logical flow to the work. This is not by design; rather, the very nature and methodology of "blogging" does not lend itself to such a natural structure and flow.
I can only write on topics as topics come to me, and rarely am I able to put together two or three blogs in a row that build upon the previous. However, if you are astute, you can find strings of articles that are indeed "summative in nature", wherein a previous post will provide helpful insights into a post that follows.
I will not try to go back and find them for you. Such is not the intent of this article.
The intent of this article is simply to say THANKS.
The Illuminatus Observor has surpassed its 100,000 visitor!
"Keys" from "the Keymaker"
The primary purpose of the Illuminatus Observor is to provide you with critical and, essentially, obscure or hidden keys and insights into the core occult structures or signatures within the English Language. Equally, it is not my purpose or claim that other languages do not have within them their own occult structures or signatures.
Indeed, if you have been patient as you sift through the Illuminatus Observor, you will find (or have found) that occult constructions and signatures embed within other languages can be shown to logically reveal a pattern of modifications and transpositions utilized in the crafting of sacred nomenclatures as the passed from culture to culture and race to race.
Yet we must not lose sight of reality as we immerse ourselves in these studies.
Dead languages serve their purpose, however:
The "universal language" of this planet is and remains English, and as such, there can be nothing more important and critical to understanding the philosophical workings of "secret societies" than to understand how modifications and transpositions were effected such as to return us to the one prevailing language that has the power to unite humanity in ways that so few others really are able to do. Is this not, too, on a par with anything else that has been equated to that which has been known as "the Great Work"?
Further. You must take note and beware.
There never was and never will be a single solitary "key" to resolving the philosophical web found in the language other than that which is euphemistically known as "the Word".
Surf the web to your hearts content relative to this subject matter.
Only at the Illuminatus Observor will you find "the Key". But more importantly, only at the Illuminatus Observor will you find "the keys" necessary to return you to "the Key".
Still. You must "know thyself".
Between "Response" and "Acceptance"
The Illuminatus Observor. The Illuminatus Observor. The Illuminatus Observor. The Illuminatus Observor...
Why is this?
Because there is a mindful disparity here at the Illuminatus Observor between what may be termed "a successful response" and what may be termed a "growing acceptance".
English Qaballa as a contemporary study and artform has long been dominated by those who, essentially, are Crowley acolytes. Yet the study of English as a "qaballa" may be inferred from an indepth study of Freemasonry equally, and the direction and hints derived from a study of Freemasonic philosophy has little or no relevance to the static cipher as provided and sought after those who immerse themselves in Thelema.
In Thelema, many wax longing for obtaining the order & value of the English Alphabet. Few who indulge in this search offer any rational and sustained effort to attribute new meanings to the Letters. This irrational search fails to recognize that there was massive collective effort that had already solidified the order and value of the Alphabet: the 26 digit cipher was already sealed.
A shift at Q (the Isisian Codes) would set the Alphabet into an ingeniously crafted phonetic set based on the 9. The vowels would all be set at the integers 1, 5, and 9. From this matrix, incredibly simple ciphers could be embed into the language. Truth could mock the folly of those who tried to craft otherwise.
Even Crowley and his "daemon" seemed to already understand this, for as was stated in the "Book of the Law", "Begone! ye mockers; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I have forsaken you."
"Gee", we can only snicker. Crowley or his daemon are going to "foresake us".
In modern acronymic language: BFD.
The ciphers were already set and it had been determined some time before that the most logical "spelling" of the word "Qaballa" (seeing how it has so many variants) was to spell the word using the letters "QABALLA". There remains a logic and reason for the use of the letters QAB in the spelling of the word "QABALLA". .
An effort was set to infiltrate Isisian Code ciphers into core English Gematria study groups ere the spelling of "Qaballa" was clear and precise. A search of "English Qaballa" yielded a huge amount of work by Jake Stratton-Kent (listen to the interview with Jake Stratton-Kent on Occult of Personaly here). Only Jake Stratton-Kent seemed to have a handle on what was determined to be a "proper spelling", but his system was wholly dependent on Aleister Crowley, and "English Qaballa" in its purest form is clearly anathema to what Crowley was doing.
Initial efforts to insert Isisian Code ciphers into various study groups (Thelema oriented) were met with some initial success, and not a small amount of acceptance on the fringes.
The Isisian Code work was rapidly met with a typical confrontational environment, and study group leaderships banned the work even to the point of deleting work from websites ( comes to mind as does Jake Stratton-Kent's forums), and so the links of "English Qaballa" to a more traditional Freemasonic study were being censored and erased.
Consequently, when time came to begin to build a market and audience for the Illuminatus Observor, strategies were put in place in order to ensure that never again (barring proactive censure by Google or other search engines) would the inquiring public be denied the ability to find information that showed the links of English Gematria and English Qaballa as an esoteric artform wholly independent of Crowley and his do as he wilted philosophies.
Today, with the growing acceptance and active linking of this site by so many readers and supporters of the Illuminatus Observor, the Illuminatus Observor has managed to become one of the more relevant of searches for information within this genre.
Now, whether you use Yahoo or Google, two of the recognized leading search engines in the market today, the Illuminatus Observor ranks in the top ten on wide range of topics and key words within this subject matter.
If you want to search for "corporate occult logos", you are not directed to Jordan Maxwell: the first two or three entries are invariably the Illuminatus Observor.
Viral Marketing, Market Acceptance
Your support and efforts at so many sites, forums, blogs, and personal pages has done much to enhance the search engine relevance and bring new clicks and faces to the Illuminatus Observor family.
Your comments at the Illuminatus Observor have more than a few times resulted in visitors from search engines.
All of these efforts are greatly acknowledged and appreciated.
These viral efforts can only have a positive influence on moving the Isisian Codes from a "private resource" to that of mass market acceptance. Indeed, recently, one of the many friends and supporters whom I have met through these efforts, one who happens to be a highly educated Freemason who is too knowledgeable in the "left hand" arts, was quite supporting and encouraging the work to continue.
As he and I know, nowhere has this information been able to be so clearly deconstructed and dissected.
It is your continued support and efforts that make what is currently a very free resource such a gratifying effort. It is clear that many of you are beginning to comprehend the nature of this work and have found for yourselves an appreciation for what is perhaps "the genious" in the way in which the information has been packaged and put forward.
It is not an easy subject to write about.
The Illuminatus Observor - Moving Forward
This is not about the strenght of those who are ignorant. Ignorance is perhaps one of the strongest substances within the material universe, able to withstand even the most calculated and ingenious of eleucidations.
But knowledge and wisdom remain yet a far more powerful force, and once attained, can never be destroyed nor taken away. The ignorant masses are always manipulated by the educated few. The educated few are manipulated still further by the enlightened who have come to truly grasp the nature of the Construct.
It is just the way it is.
When the "enlightened" have trended toward ignorance, rationalizing their way into a belief in absurdities, such comes the rise of "godlessness" and a general decay in the health and well being of a society.
The Illuminatus Observor is intended to provide knowledge that fights back against "enlightened irrationalism", which is, so to say, a form of educated ignorance.
We are very much living in this form of world today, and there needs to be rise in new leadership, fed on the sustenance of Occult truth, not the truths as so many believe as they are unable to pierce as to how it all has been crafted.
The Illuminatus Observor is so designed to penetrate the inner and outer cores of crafted reality.
The "Philosophy" is the target for which there is an elite which seeks to destroy.
Hitler rose to power in 19"32". "9-11" is an evil mesmer. The NOT SEES flew a "swastika", yet the "swastika" is a symbol for the Solar Wheel.
What culture would dare destroy the knowledge of the Solar Wheel and the wisdom of the Ancients?
The Illuminatus Observor provides you with the insights and formulas designed to beat back the shrieking of those who clearly are immersed in their intellectualized ignorance.
But you must take the initiative to become involved in your own destinies.
The Illuminatus Observor will continue to grow as a resource to aid in what ways we may.
The Illuminatus has reached 100,000 unique visitors from its inception. The Illuminatus Observor will reach 100,000 unique visitors for the fiscal year
Thank you to everyone who has supported and "spread the Word".
If you enjoy this site, please take a second or two to vote for the site in Conspiracy Top Sites as linked below. The Illuminatus Observor is firmly in the Top 100. Lets take it to the Top 20.
And keep those links to other forums coming!
Congratulations from Berkeley and your readers in LA.
Hi D! Congrats to you and hope you are doing great with the new digs. Will call very very soon to see how you are doing.
Enjoy the new experience and stay active in the community.
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