Why is that?
An occult deconstruction is really about revealing the nature of the design and the Construct. This "deconstruction" is only regarded as being "of the Occult" owing to the nature that the Construct, which, although hidden in plain view, remains essentially unexplored, lacking in discussion, and hence hidden (occulted).
One need not attach mystical mumbo-jumbo bogeyman principles to this philosophical reality: the Letters, and with it, the Language, remains a system of overlapping constructions that, when taken as individual units or as sub-units, reveals in subtle shadows the larger Construction upon which it has been based.
This very concept, of course, flies in the face of some mass market academic thinking. I cringe every time I hear of some "etymologist" spinning yarns about how the language evolved without any logic or reason and that it "evolved". The very fact that the language has a "grammar", or rules, tells you that the construct HAS BEEN BASED on some form of logic and reason.
Extending this "logic and reason" to include the fabrication of the very Letters soon follows.
Food Tastes Better when Eaten out
One observation that always amazed me was "Why do people feel a need to go and study foreign letters such as Hebrew or Runes?" Mind you, as a student who was formally educated into these affairs, I really did not have much choice myself.
The study of the Runes and Jewish letters seemed as if a "requirement" before one could "graduate".
At one point, and don't ask me to do such now, I was writing whole letters in runes with the idea that if I used the runes as an actual tool of personal communication, I would be better able to penetrate their mysteries.
Regarding Jewish letters, which at that point in time fell under this idea of Jewish exclusivity regarding Kabballah, most of it appeared to me to be conjecture and nonsense - irrational at best, and borderline psychopathy at worst.
The main issue for me, however, during the whole process of this education was this: "Why do people have this pressing need to go off in search of these "mystical letters"? I could never really answer such satisfactorily, but I do have a theory.
Human nature, sorta like eating out.
Have you ever noticed that when you go out to eat, or otherwise dine out at a friends house, etc., that the food always seems to taste better? The "uniqueness", the "difference", the "unfamiliarity" adds to the mystique and experience. What one has tasted dozens of times, on the other hand, breeds familiarity. With the familiarity comes a desensitized sensory experience.
The study of runes and "Jewish letters" carries this mystical equivalence. Yet nothing, at least relative to solving the riddle of the Construct, can be solved through the singular study of any of these given "esoteric systems".
It is sorta like "Kabballah! Oooh! This is so mystical!"
Yeah. Sure. And eating out always tastes better too.
A Traditional Study of the Letters

For example, we may draw from Plutarch who says,
"As for the robes, those of Isis are variegated in their colours; for her power is concerned with matter which becomes everything and receives everything, light and darkness, day and night, fire and water, life and death, beginning and end. But the robe of Osiris has no shading or variety in its colour, but only one single colour like to light. For the beginning is combined with nothing else, and that which is primary and conceptual is without admixture; wherefore, when they have once taken off the robe of Osiris, they lay it away and guard it, unseen and untouched. But the robes of Isis they use many times over; for in use those things that are perceptible and ready at hand afford many disclosures of themselves and opportunities to view them as they are changed about in various ways."
In this instance, the "Robe of Osiris" is the Alphabet, while the "Robes of Isis" are the individual Letters which are spun into words that describe physical reality in all its manifestations.
Name Values and the Letters
When one immerses themselves into a traditional study of the Letters (note that I am not saying that a traditional study implies a proper and accurate study), one invariably is led into the Rabbinical schools. One is taught that the "Alphabet" comes from the Jewish "Alef Beit", for starters, but this whole logic is predicated on a particular vein of religious thinking.
"If God created the world as described in the Bible, then all things must derive from Jews because Jews were the first created." Then you can snicker and laugh at the academic rationalizations that turn Hebrew into a root language which branches out to eventually evolve into a hyper Occult link to English (as taught in some Setianist schools).
However, our business is not a business of irrational insanities justified through the application of funded agenda after funded agenda at the academic level - ours is a precise and surgical study into the Occult nature of the Letters.
In this way, we can rapidly cut through the obfuscations.
We know that "reality" as exhibited through the Alphabets of the world present a series of precise mathematical or phonetic transpositions. Further, there are "letters" and there are "names". A deeper study into Rabbinical Kabballah reveals, for instance, an often tortured logic relative to their lettering system. There are holes in their system of Gematria.

brings one to an elaborate illogical conclusion.
The actual phrase is translated in English as YUD HE VAV HE. What happened to the "UD" in the term YUD? What happened to the "AV" of VAV? So we just ignore the letters UD in YUD when we make up its calculated Occult value? So how did you arrive at "26" while ignoring the total value of the letters within the phrase?
The Rabbinical Systems have no choice but to invent further rules that deal with these glaring holes and anomalies in their larger "kabballah" system.
But the food is always better when eaten out, right?
Acrophony and Occult ConstructionsThere is a simpler reality going on.
Hebrew, Runes, and Greek, are but examples of "acrophonic alphabets." Acrophonic alphabets essentially assign a word to the first sound of the letter of the Alphabet. In this way, the Greek "delta" is for the letter D, while in Hebrew it would be called "Daleth". The concept of use of "acrophony" in and of itself, if done in a random fashion, would theoretical contain no inherent Occult signature aside from the injection of synchronicity. It is no more complicated that we in English assigning to English "A is for Apple" and "B is Boy", "C is for Cat", and so forth.
Aviation letter call outs such as "Alpha Bravo Tango" for ABT are but examples of an acrophonic construction.
So to apply some mystical value to Hebrew without having some rational basis for the construction sends one into superstition. Why is Pei of the Hebrew called Pei? To solve this, you MUST USE ENGLISH (fancy that), just as sure as to solve for the "esoteric significance of Gimmel"?
Who died and made "acrophony" "mystical", after all?
The key is in what we may term "interlocking ciphers" and was hinted at in the Matrix Reloaded,
Interlocking Ciphers - Transpositions

Seraph: The code is hidden in tumblers. One position opens a lock. Another position opens one of these doors
Keymaker: If one fails, so must the other.
Such a script is actually quite a Qaballistic insight.
Gimmel is one of the locks, which I call a "hinge point" for it fuses one system to another and at the same time reveals the "Qaballistic" deconstruction for the name "Gimmel" as an acrophone for the phonetic of "G".
Phonetically clear enough. The Letter G is located at 3 and shares with it a phonetic equivalent to C. The shape of Gimmel reveals nothing. It's revelation is seen in the "English" in that the Letter C shares a clear design parallel to the Letter G.
C = G
Each is made of the Letter C, with the G having but a T located such that the horizontal of the T is set at the middle of the C. As per the Isisian Codes, the Letter C is 3 and the Letter T is 4.
C(3)+T(4)=G. The Glyph G is encoding the mathematical formula. The CODE is in English. The clue is in Hebrew, wherein the "clue" is but one of the many "robes of Isis" that lead us to the primary and principle truth, which may lead us to an appercetion of the conceptual.
But you don't have to stop at this explanation. We are dealing with often HYPER RATIONAL CONSTRUCTIONS across multiple language systems. For the LETTER G, we can surmise through direct esoteric analysis that indeed G is comprised of 3+4, or C+T (see the Isisian Codes value for T below).
In Hebrew, the Letter G is given an acrophone of GIMMEL WHICH ONLY MAKES SENSE WHEN ENGLISH MATHEMATICAL (ISISIAN CODE) ANALYSIS IS APPLIED. The mathematics clearly have not failed, but we do not need to stop. We can then delve and "check" our work even further.
The Cryllic alphabet as used in Russia, for instance, clearly shows the principle of "transpositions and modifications". Here is the Letter G in Cryllic.
The Construct is clear, and as shown in this case, the Letter G is the comprehensive glyph.
Gimmel is a corrupted transposition, per say, while Crylic provides us with an equally partial view of the larger philosophy behind the Construct which is the Letter G.
And you wonder why G is held in such high esteem within certain secret societies?
The letter is at the very core of the rational construction.
A Contemporary Analysis of the Letters

Of course you can get your "vitamin D" from "the Sun". They are one and the same.
Vitamin A "helps you see", but the Letter A is the "pyramid letter", and how, really, do you separate the pyramid from "the Eye of Providence"?
Of course vitamin A helps you see.
And what of vitamin C? Vitamin C is an "anti-oxidant". What is an "oxidant" but that which "rusts"? What "rusts" is symbolic of Jehovah/Typhon/Seth, and so an intake of "vitamin C" (SEE) is as an "anti-oxidant" which then fights back the oxidizing properties of Jehovah/Typhon/Seth.
Then there is the Letter O made quite popular by OPRAH. "O" of course is feminine, and, when fused to its representative number, or that which is called ZERO, we have but an anagram play on the word "ROZE", which then becomes ROSE which then becomes EROS which then becomes....
The Letter T (tee) is what "raises you up", or, when represented as "tea", is what "wakes you up".
O is Feminine is 15 is the "quince anos" celebration through much of Latin America.
It is all there to be explored and unlocked, but you will never get there trying to bang your head figuring out how the heck "gimmel" is a "camel" when the answer to the riddle remains hidden in the Isisian Codes and the English order and placement of the Alphabet.