Words as esoteric constructions turn and twist and spin with near instantaneous rapidity. There are relationships of words to things. This is planned and constructed. Study Paracelsus with a fine tooth comb and find the reference to schools responsible for "naming things". They would later be called Pi On the Ears, or more profanely, "pioneers". Red is a past tense of a present condition, in that R is the woman and ED is the past tense. It defines a current condition unique to the female.
B is the profile of a pregnant woman, while ED is a past tense. Hence BED defines a place in time and space upon which a present condition happened, as it were.
The "garden" is a past tense of a present condition, just as sure as harden is a past tense of "hard". With N's as D's as T's transposing instantly, Guarded become Garden becomes "gartet", and what exactly does the garter belt protect?
Beware of "Past Tenses as Present Conditions". Notaricon breaks down the word into a series of letters that defines words or concepts, and "prepositions", "prefixes", and "suffixes", all add color to the word caste against the notaricon coding.
In the word RED, R defines the philosophical concept, while ED as past tense adds color to the philosophical concept. This should not be a secret to you who are of the West, for our great traditions of the Greeks is rich in this knowledge and study.
In Cratylus
we see a long discussion regarding the use of Letters to create words. Very high level discourse on Qaballa, when you break it down, and this Qaballa is all related to a Western science.
Soc. And when the teacher uses the name, whose work will he be using ?
Her. There again I am puzzled.
Soc. Cannot you at least say who gives us the names which we use ?
Her. Indeed I cannot.
Soc. Does not the law seem to you to give us them ?
Her. Yes, I suppose so.
Soc. Then the teacher, when he gives us a name, uses the work of the legislator ?
Her. I agree.
Soc. And is every man a legislator, or the skilled only ?
Her. The skilled only.
Soc. Then, Hermogenes, not every man is able to give a name, but only a maker of names ; and this is the legislator, who of all skilled artisans in the world is the rarest.
Her. True.
Socrates would later be quotes as saying,
"Soc. Then, Hermogenes, I should say that this giving of names can be no such light matter as you fancy, or the work of light or chance persons ; and Cratylus is right in saying that things have names by nature, and that not every man is an artificer of names, but he only who looks to the name which each thing by nature has, and is able to express the true forms of things in letters and syllables."
Qaballa. A Western Esoteric Tradition
The point to consider at this stage is this: Osirian systems within Western traditions played a tremendous role in the shaping of names with the express purpose to infuse basic truths about "the things to be named". There was a science and a position (the Legislator) responsible for the naming of things. Thus you will find links to "the thing to be named" which seek to draw upon a series of connections.
For instance, the word "Belle" means woman in French, and yet a "bell" has a shape from which a tone or ring may be generated. The relationship between the Belle and the Bell is the removal of the Letter E, yet each maintains their esoteric link via the imagery that each seeks to portray.
The Letter B is clearly feminine (shape of Pregnant woman), and a "Bell" is as the shape of the woman as viewed frontal or rear.
A philosophical discussion in the likes of Cratylus could prove beneficial, but alas, we do not live in such times. Letters have values in both number and descriptive essence. In its purest form, the Letter B is a B, while it will transmute into Be and Bee the same, and share value with R, which is ARE and BE the same.
To assume that there is not a rooted history in this manner of thinking, we again turn to Cratylus,
Between Letters and Names
Soc. A very simple matter. I may illustrate my meaning by the names of letters, which you know are not the same as the letters themselves with the exception of the four e, u, o (short), o (long); the names of the rest, whether vowels or consonants, are made up of other letters which we add to them; but so long as we introduce the meaning, and there can be no mistake, the name of the letter is quite correct. Take, for example, the letter beta- the addition of e, t, a, gives no offence, and does not prevent the whole name from having the value which the legislator intended- so well did he know how to give the letters names.
A key point to remember as you move forward is this: there are Letters and there are Names, and as the Cratylus dialogue points out, the names of Letters are not harmed by the addition of additional letters to the letters, hence creating a Name, but from a practical aspect relative to Qaballa, Names are not Letters, and hence Letters are not Names.
English maintains a high degree of Letters which are not names, even as they are words through the process of Notaricon.
ABC are perhaps simple examples of this principle of Letters being words, but not "names", while the Letter Y is clearly a question, or a quest, equally, in that it represent the Male as the I and the Female as the V. Yet is it not a name.
English is peculiar in this respect, and hence represents its own distinct and unique study relative to the Qaballistic Arts.
The names of Letters have unique esoteric properties that further link back into the core of the esoteric Construction, but they do not in and of themselves aid purely in the deconstruction of the Construct for their numbering systems are based on their own numbering systems.
For instance, BEIT has values of 25920 when set in English, which is the exact number of the Great Year as espoused by Plato, while BETA contains the roots of B and T, which returns you to the mathematical formula of 4*9 squared, which is the exact same number. In English, our Qaballa is very pure and direct.
In the word SOUL, we may remove the Letter U (you) to reveal the essence of the thing. You are a fragment of the Sun as SOL. This, again, is part of the science and craft of the Letters as hinted at through Cratylus, and in the English language we may find a vast treasure trove of knowledge and information if we are to study the Letters and words with an acute attention to detail.
"Soc. Very good. But you had better watch me and see that I do not play tricks with you. For on the same principle the son of a king is to be called a king. And whether the syllables of the name are the same or not the same, makes no difference, provided the meaning is retained; nor does the addition or subtraction of a letter make any difference so long as the essence of the thing remains in possession of the name and appears in it."
The operative clue was "appears in it". Names cannot be changed such as to remove the operative nature of the Thing.
This article, is, admittedly, not one of my finer efforts, but it has sought to inculcate the reality that Qaballa is well rooted in Western traditions, and the naming of "things" has traditionally been an Occult science. If you research deeper into the phenomena, you will learn that Hebrew as "kabballah" relative to language really does not take root in the West until the 1600's.
You cannot fit a round hole into a square peg, and what this article does is provides you with a little bit of insight into the Western traditions and roots of the Craft of Qaballa, and then intends to hint at this knowledge being imbedded into what would become English.
The concepts were clearly well rooted and established and it is naive to believe otherwise, regardless of the failure of the academic system to properly address the factors that contribute to the construction of words of a language.