People will ask me, "Fetch. What is the point to learning all this? How do I put this to work in real life?"
I really cannot answer that for you because the Illuminatus Observor, being created to demonstrate the Isisian Codes, remains an insight into a philosophical construction that remains one of the greatest mass secrets going - that true enlightenment and insight comes not from patriarchal sky god philosophies, but rather from "the Goddess".
After all: if Freemason's worshipped "the Morning Star", a star that is often said to be "Lucifer", how do you gloss over the FACT that the "Morning Star" is none other than a planet called "Venus"?
Who, then, is "Venus" but the Goddess Isis, and with the Goddess Isis, a philosophy, or religious construct, as it were, that brings wisdom and insight?
I cannot tell you what these insights and philosophical constructions can do for you, for to each individual is the lesson to apply what is seen into a meaningful comprehensive reality that propels the individual forward.
What I can say is that through the use of these codes I have propelled myself into the very inner circles of ruling elites - incredulous at times at their naive and simplistic understandings as to how the greater world order operates, but always, always, on the lookout for kindred souls who have become aware and share in this remarkable journey.
This journey recently found me being invited by Iraqi expatriates within some of the Tikrit elite of Iraq to visit their homes and simply have a look at the inner workings of the dynamics that is now their society.
Herein is a little diversion from the tediousness of "esoteric codes". Herein is an insight into how the knowledge contained within these secrets is applied in the quest to create a better world...
IA 4th Infantry Escort
There are really two ways into Iraq from an American perspective, as a general rule: either by vehicle through Jordan, or via daily flights by Royal Jordanian into Erbil, from which transportation needs to be coordinated. These flights land about 2:45 AM local time, so a quick trip to a hotel (unless housing is arranged) is a general necessity.
Our security for the trip was to be provided by the Iraqi Army 4th Infantry Division. The security unit, comprised of a lead vehicle and chase vehicle arrived at about 9:00 AM. We left Erbil at 09:30 and headed into Salahaddin.
Our first stop was to meet with General Salah, the commanding officer responsible for all of Salahaddin field of operation. Under his command are 35,000 soldiers of various levels of readiness. One of the bases is located in a town called "Dabuk" and our purpose was to be present as a support contingent to witness the handover of the base from one officer to the next.
The presentation was pretty simple with little fanfare. General Salah gave a speech, followed by the outgoing commander, and then Col. Ekvall of the US Army 1st Infantry was invited to say a few words followed by Master Sergeant Smith (NCO), a former sniper now on the front lines of diplomatic efforts by the United States to stabilize the central part of Iraq.
Then the incoming commander for the base gave a short "thank you speech" and off to lunch we went.
IA 4th Infantry Division
We traveled light. This means that armor on vehicles was kept down to B5-7 grade. These vehicles are no match for RPG's or KPG's, but the upside is that you are pretty non-descript. Unless there is specific intelligence out there to target your vehicle, the likelihood that your vehicle would be proactively attacked was greatly reduced. MRAPS (Mine Resistant Armored Personnel Carriers), for instance, carry a much bigger signature and are far more likely to be targeted and thus hit.
Still, the ride into the Iraqi Army 4th Division HQ's was not without its stressful moments. Not knowing the terrain, I did not know enough to be stressed, quite frankly, but there were two small kilometer stretches that posed great advantages to ambushing attackers and it was through these avenues that one could see the American contingent leaning far away from the windows of their armored SUV.
Indeed, just a couple days later, a US contingent in much heavier armor (larger signatures) found themselves being targeted in these exact areas for which US personnel were so wary. The lesson seemed to be - travel as non-descript and fast as possible.
However, for us, we arrived at Iraqi 4th Infantry HQ without much excitement. The trip in was exciting enough.
IA 4th Infrantry HG was in the former "guests residence" during the Saddam regime. Named "The Chirac Palace" in honor of French President Chirac who came on a state visit, the guest palace had been taken over and now houses a small contingent of the American 1st Infantry Division and the main staff of General Salah, commanding general (CG) of the Iraqi 4th Infantry Division.
I was given Pres. Chirac's former bedroom as living quarters, but day one was not yet complete.
The Yoni in Sadam's Entrance Room
There was quite a lot of excitement regarding my presence - no American civilian had ever gone into Iraq in the manner in which I had and I am sure there were quite a few puzzled questions as to precisely what I was doing there.
The rumor going around that day was that a new vacancy had opened in the provincial government: the governor had just been voted out of office by the provincial council. The joke going around was that perhaps I wanted the job and had come in for an interview.
Well...we certainly had a unique interest in the inner workings of the provincial government. It was one of the primary reasons for my trip. So, with an new acting governor in office, I found myself being sent a message to prepare to leave the base - we were heading to Sadam Hussein's private residence along the Tigris to be a guest for dinner at the now governor's residence with the acting governor.
After a very traditional Iraqi dinner, the governor treated me to a tour of the house. What struck me most about the outer and inner design of the residence was the inclusion of Masonic symbolism related to the Goddess. Symbols which can be found in many buildings in Los Angeles were present within the doorway to Saddam's palace. But more striking was the giant "yoni" which dominated the entrance room to Saddam's palace.
I did not ask the acting governor (behind in picture) as to whether he understood the significance of some of the symbolism, but clearly, someone was clued into the use of symbol in the design of the palace. After a very refreshing stay along the Tigris (it was a beautiful setting), we returned to the IA 4th Inf. HQ.
Day one was complete.
Discussions of Reconstruction
The main request by my Iraqi hosts was to come with ideas as to how to rebuild their society. For this purpose, all doors and relations were to be opened so that I could come and observe and, once I understood the political and social dynamics, provide my input as to ways in which available resources could be better put to work rebuilding Salahaddin Province.
To this end, meetings were arranged with leading US Military commanders, telephone calls were made to responsible US State Department officials, tribal sheiks were consulted, and provincial officials were queried.
Policies regarding provincial reconstruction had changed.
Salahaddin province is divided into 8 "qada's". Each "qada" is like a county comprising multiple cities in the United States, while the provincial government is akin to a state legislature.
The province receives approximately US$110 million in budget from the central government (Baghdad). With the current population density, this equates to about US$110 per person per year. Salahaddin province has no infrastructure for raising revenues on its own, and the qadas even less so, so the province is starved of funds to serve its population base.
In order to keep the province peaceful, much reliance is made on the good offices of General Salah and his force of some 35,000 soldiers. The police are estimated to be 50% regimists, while the Army is largely Kurdish. From my experience, the Kurdish have proven many times to be very professional and able.
Still, there is a huge need to reconstruct the province and this is a responsibility that falls in the American 1st Infantry Division.
The process goes something like this:
The qada's send their requirements to the provisional government. The provisional government funds what it believes to be a priority, and for those projects that are deemed priorities but for which there remains no funding, these are sent to the Chairman of the Provisional Government who then signs and stamps the requests and forwards them to the Civil Affairs unit of the 1st Infantry Division.
But before all this happens, there are from time to time tribal gatherings wherein the local leaders discuss their needs and concerns. In order to understand this part of the process, I was requested to don traditional Iraqi garb know as a "dishdasha" for which my very doing earned much good will and jocularity.
Through it all, however, I was able to get a very clear glimpse into the challenges of reconstructing a divided and war torn country.
Guns and Destruction Everywhere
What identifies Iraq more than anything else is the power outages. Nothing strikes one more than the constant turning off of lights, whirring up of generators, and spurts of darkness or silence as generators are not ready or prepared to handle the fading and failing electrical power.
More than once I was in the middle of a action packed movie only to find at critical parts in the movie the power would fail and not resolve itself for some minutes, after which the excitement of the theatrical scene had passed and the movie had long since rolled along its way.
The second feature that strikes you is the state of housing. Many people are living in poorly constructed masonry and cement houses that surely would not stand a moderately heavy earth convulsion.
Then there are the checkpoints.
Not too many are stopping traffic, but they are located approximately every 2.5 kilometers, with some interspersed with US private paramilitary forces. Then there are the wayward outposts guarding some nondescript bridge, which, if really attacked, the sole guardian would surely have no hope to defend himself, let alone the wayward bridge.
It could all be comical, if it were all not so tragic.
A Hope for the Future?
One of the individuals I met was a British trained gentleman who is now the Vice President for a government organization responsible for investment into Salahaddin. When asked about the state of the province, he replied that the lack of a taxation collection scheme prevented many investors from coming. Even I, with an offer to plop down a geothermal power plant, had to turn when informed that there was no real way to recoup ones investment.
Even those who want to help have no real economic incentive to do so. The province is not ready to tax itself to support itself.
It is a real challenge.
The second issue is the ongoing proxy war between Iran and the United States, at least as expressed by police, US military, local government, and Iraqi army officials.
The idea goes something like this:
Iran has infiltrate much of the Shia area (the south) and controls, essentially, Baghdad to the Sha'at Al Arab. Iran has linked in with the "regimists", which are known in todays double speak world as "terrorists". This is not to say that these individuals and groups do not engage in what is known as "acts of terror" - still, US force, unless secretly working with Iran (not to be discounted) has its primary power base in Kurdistan and Salahaddin.
The "terrorists" are said to be "sleeping", meaning biding their time. So, it is reasoned, when the Americans leave, the regimists are expected to rise back up again, WITH Iranian assistance, to attack those who have been loyal to the American war effort.
Many a soldier asked me, "What do you think of Iran arming the "terrorists" and fighting once the American's leave?" You could see palpable worry and fear in their eyes.
My response remains simple: "It is not of my concern. It is not my business." Many seemed taken aback by my answer and the bluntness for which it is delivered through a translator.
I then explained the geopolitics as I view them.
Everyone that is honest and with half an eye to reality knows that this whole tragic affair was the direct result of Israeli influence and power over US domestic and foreign policies. Essentially, as Sharon said - Jews run America and the Americans know it. Those in power do not dare cross these people and their global project called Israel.
In Occult circles, it is known as "the Jehovah contract", or the unilateral right of the followers of Jehovah to assassinate or destroy anyone who dares get in their way.
It all ties into metaphysical and Occult constructions of the rebuilding of the second Temple and the "return of G-d".
The Iranians are not stupid.
They know full well that the United States Military is a proxy force for what are largely Jewish interests in safeguarding their colony, Israel. It is Israel that makes DAILY threats against Iran, threats that any prudent leadership that cares about its people must take seriously.
So the strategic object is to bog down Israel's army in a protracted war that the United States, like in Vietnam, cannot hope to win on the battlefield. It is best, then, to fight the Americans on Iraqi soil and destroy Iraq rather than allow Israel to take the war to Tehran and have to fight on Iranian soil.
"Do not blame the Iranians for understanding the dynamics." I would tell the soldiers. They must all come to understand the dynamics.
To some degree, there are people in Iraq that get it, but understand that they are in between a larger battle that they did not ask for nor did anything to deserve. They simply wish to build a better future for their families - and in this, we are returned back to the Goddess and for which one can find a reason to aid and support.
When the Americans leave, however, the degree to which scores are settled will determine the real outcome of the future of Iraq.
The time to build good will between strategic factions is closing and it is necessary most of all for the Iraqi leadership to understand this. I left with a clear idea as to how rebuild today, but could not be so sure of any assurances that what could be rebuilt would not ultimately be simply destroyed again.
The Illuminatus Observor will return to its regularly scheduled format soon...