When we analyze the Alphabet from an esoteric or "occult" perspective, we recognize that the Alphabet is comprised of multiple overlapping philosophical constructions. The totality of the construction, to include the language and all its grammar, oft contains openly declared occult constructions.
The Zohar states, for instance, that "God built the Universe on the letters of the Alphabet".
Each letter contains a wealth of mythological references. The Letter A is the One Eye'd God. It is the formation of 4 dimensional space/time, derived from what I prefer to call "Taoist Metaphysics" of "Point - Line - Plane - Time". All of this is further fused to mathematics, providing the Construct with its self inherent "truth" and "provability".
Pythagorus stated that, "God built the Universe on number". The Sepher Yetzirah states that the world was created through three "sepharim", or ciphers: "letter, number, and sound". The idea that "a creation" was designed upon number, letter, and sound, is just a very rudimentary example of how overlapping philosophical constructions are present.
Letters as A and I each hint of "the One", with "the One" being, essentially, in opposition to each other. One (A) is the creator of all things, while the other (I) is the negation of all that has been created.
The totality of the Construction cannot be contained in a single "Alphabet". Based as it is on Pi as "the Omnific Word", the necessity to fuse multiple languages to the larger Construct was necessary. The Letter G as a phonetic shares a natural placement and design with the Letter C. A "clue" or "hint" had to be embed in such a way as to preserve this occult or esoteric link, for G and C in a single Alphabet could not possess the same position.
C is placed at 3 while G at 7. The additional design in the Letter G, namely a "T" placed such that the horizontal of the "T" appears at the center of the G, provides additional and clear meaning, yet the phonetic structure relative to number had to be maintained. Thus "G" as Greek "Gamma" and "G" as Hebrew "Gimmel" would be set at "3". The link between G and C as "3" would be self defining within the Alphabet of English.
Gimmel as "Camel" would provide the necessary reference code to "prove" the philosophical and esoteric constructions.
"Consonants" would be as "tertiary", or "mortal", while "vowels" would be "immortal" or "gods". The Egyptian tale of the birth of the "5 gods" would provide a literary mathematical riddle, while the belief in the "one god" would remove the other 4 gods, and leave us with a 22 digit primary Alphabet of "Hebrew".
Freemasons would establish some of their larger esoteric constructions through a linking of Hebrew and English.
Prepositions Mean Precisely What They Say
Yet there is a clear layer of "written word" illumination. "Prepositions" means precisely what it says. Parts of words, or the means to deciphering the larger Construct, have been pre-positioned. Forms of pre-positioned phrases include the part of speech known as a "conjunction", as well as pre-fixes and suf-fixes.
Thus when we read words as "reread", we understand that the word "read" preceded the "pre-fix" of "re". What is "read" has been read already. When we discover something, there is a philosophical presumption in the language that what is being "discovered" has already been discerned at some point in the cosmos, for we have "prefix" of "dis" and a root word of "cover".
Thus to "discover" something, we are simply removing the cover to something that has been hidden (but still obviously) existed. Hence "science" was, before the rise of science, known as "the Occult", for through the process of "occultations", what has been has been covered over and subsequently, with the movement of time, simply uncovered.
All of this is basic logic encoded into the language, with ne'er a thought that an Occult force is in play. We have the idea of letters "numbers" and "sounds". Each letter is, equally, an ideogram, or a picture that hides an archetypal reality. Few take the time to philosophically work their way through words and the Alphabet as "Occult constructs" - academia has lulled the masses to sleep with bizarre and oft insane "theories" sold as absolute "probable truths".
Philosophy aside - words can mean precisely what they say. Hence the idea of "prepositions", or, more clearly, pre-positions. Within the structure of words, pre-positions, suffixes, prefixes, and conjunctions, are, by design, "pre"-"positioned".
Thus when we turn to analyzing words, we must take into consideration these realities. Through utilizing this element of deciphering Occult signatures, we are then returned back to the core of words, which, we often find, are singly solitary letters. Through this process, we gain insight into the individual letters.
For example:
In this word, the letters "ED" we recognize to be a suffix, and thus the root of the word is "B". What is the philosophical link between BED and B? Well, "to be" is to manifest, as it were. This can only be done through the birthing process at a rudimentary biological function. When we make the letter B, we were oft instructed to "make the bottom bigger than the top". We were being taught a very young age the rudiments of Esoteric Freemasonry - that the Letter B is the "Goddess", that it is a profile of a pregnant woman (make the bottom bigger than the top), that is is two and yet comprised of the glyphs 1 and 3, wherein the sum of 1:2 is 3, and so forth.
A seed of basic truth was planted at the very earliest of child development.
Of course, since words are over lapping philosophical constructions, we could also recognize that in the word BED we have the PRE-FIX of "BE". In this case, the root of the word would be the Letter "D".
Be D.
Since words and letters are comprised of letters, numbers, and sounds, we have multiple ways in which to encode or decode Occult signatures. For instance, since E = 5 and 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 = O, then the letter E in BED may change to an O to form BOD, which of course, with the suffix of Y added, creates the word BODY.
In this way, words take on new forms, while the core philosophical construction remains.
The purpose of all this is to take a metaphysical channel back to the core of the word, which, invariably, will be a single letter, or a set of letters. This core letter, or core set of letters, is known as "the root of the word".
In the word INTERPRETER, for example, we have the words INTER (a prefix), PRE (a prefix), T (a letter), and ER (a suffix). The "root" of the word INTERPRETER is, therefore, the LETTER T. Having established the core or root of the word, with knowledge of the Letters, you now have access to stores of archetypal knowledge to held ascertain the esoteric nature of the Letter T.
Even prepositions may contain prepositions, as it were.
Take for instance the preposition UNDER, as in "under the Sun". The word UNDER is comprised of a prefix UN, a root of D, and a suffix of ER.
In a very simple deconstruction, esoteric insights have been provided for the Letter D, for D may be a root with the word BED and UNDER equally.
The primary point to remember is that prepositions mean precisely what they say, and, in the process, you will be led to "your roots".
Alvin Boyd Kuhn's Expose on "Roots" in the Language

These works would go on to influence generations of individuals seeking added meaning into the nature of the Work.
One such individual was Alvin Boyd Kuhn.
Alvin Boyd Kuhn was one of a few authors who sought to break through history as imposed by the "Church" and, in the process, provide alternative historical light to how Western civilization came to as it was. Whether Kuhn was "accurate" with his history is not of issue here.
What is at issue is that during the early third of the 21st century was witnessed a renaissance in public writing for the main stream public that was designed to shed light on what had been hidden and working within the West's Secret Societies, of which Freemasonry was one of the largest and perhaps most effective.
Frank Higgins' word "Hermetic Masonry" would provide clues as to Pi, the Pi Proportion, the fusing of this number to the Alphabet and language, while Mathers, allied with the Setianists, would be selling a wholly Jewish twist to how letters were fused to number and sound.
Alvin Boyd Kuhn's work was unique in that he was a scholar in comparative religions, linguistics, and language. His work plays prominent in theories concerning "astro-theology", and he contributed a fair amount of time in detailing the Pagan roots to Christianity.
He received a PH.D. on "Theosophy", the sect of learning attributed to Madame Blavatsky. That you could get a PH. D. on Theosophy from Columbia University in the 1930's hints at just how strong and prevalent were the various "mystery traditions" and "Secret Societies" with the larger society.
One such work by Alvin Boyd Kuhn was entitled, "The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet".
In this work, Kuhn laid out some of the logic employed within the Mystery Schools as Freemasonry.
"As the world below is a mundane reflection and copy of an overshadowing world of spiritual truth, they strove to portray the structural forms of that higher truth by representing it under the forms of its counterparts everywhere existent in the natural world. Even supposed history was oriented into the form of archetypal ideologies. But everywhere, in drama, ritual, choral dance, festival institution and in language the astute formulators aimed to incorporate their figures of fundamental archai.
"If this cryptic organic form was the structural principle determining the arrangement of the alphabet, it must be seen to have made its significance definitely basic in all literature. For thus the words themselves, carrying the elements of the original letter components would constantly represent the forms of the archaic thought which as symbols they portrayed.
"It is a commonplace of present educational theory to say that letters of the alphabet are symbolic representations of the sounds universally possible to the human vocal organs. It is hardly as generally known that in shape they are more than mere algebraic x's or sheer onomatopoetic imitations. They are in fact evident forms shaped to picture basic ideas. They are true ideograms."
He would go on to explain the Letters as he understood them, ways in which I would not necessarily agree. However, it was clear he had some insight. Kuhn understood the significance of "roots":
"Nothing has been more revealing than the list of words, in English, Greek, German, Hebrew, which can be traced to the old Egyptian name of this mighty symbol. Its central idea, it was noted, is the production of life through the tieing or union of spirit and matter. The central clue to the meaning of all these derivatives is the idea of tieing two things together. It must be elucidated that in building words upon the A N K H stem, the H may be virtually dropped out of consideration, as K H is equally well expressed by K alone. But K H is also equivalent to C H, which often replaces it.
"The next matter to be noted is that in later philosophical usage it was immaterial whether it was written N K or K N. And in Greek the N K (K N) became N G (G N),--a significant item. With these specifications it is possible now to discern a whole new world of meaning in many common words never dreamed to have come down from so divine a lineage."
In the process, he provided a presumption as to the use of "transpositions" when he stated that it was "immaterial whether it was written NK or KN", and although he provided the link between GN and KN (through the Greek), the precise Occult transposition was not raised, let alone how this might be so.
The Letter G is link a hinge. It provides the means to which two numbering systems (languages) could be integrated into a single larger philosophy. The glyph itself is comprised of two forms, the Letter C and the Letter T, wherein C is 3 and T is 4. C(3)+T(4)=G, yet G, being 7, could not too be located at 3 and so was hinged to Hebrew and Greek.
Says Kuhn,
"It is seen first in such words as anchor, that which ties a boat to a fixed place; knit, knot, link, gnarled, gnaw, gnash (accounting for the odd spelling); ankelosis, a growing together of two bones; anger, anguish, anxiety, a tightening up of feelings. But most interestingly it seems to have given name to at least four joints or hinge-points (hinge itself seems to be another) in the human body: ankle, knee, neck and knuckles. Lung, as being the place where outside air unites with the inner blood, could perhaps be added. Far away as our English join appears to be from a source in A N K H, (N being the only letter common to both), it is certainly directly from it after all. For A N K H was the root of the Latin jungo, to join, N K becoming N G through the Greek. From this we get junction, adjunct, juncture, conjunction, from the Latin past participle form of jungo,--junctus. But in coming into English through the French, all these words were smoothed down to join, joint, and this carried so far into English as to give us finally union, which is really junction in its primal form."
I trust those interested may now have a better understanding as to the Occult constructions within words. All parts of speech play roles in the de-constructing of Occult signatures. Knowing your roots is a critical component to ascertaining the larger Construct.