1) We hold that mankind has been drowned. As such, we hold no difference, phonetically and hence esoterically, between the global mythology known as "the Deluge" and that which constitutes a state of "Delusion". The very design in the phonetics holds the core or key of the fabrication.
2) We hold that the "Word" is "Pi" and that English is a hyper-dimensional representation of this reality. As 1 is to the 0, so the male is to the female. Each cannot exist without the other.
3) Gematria is an Occult Science as well as an Occult Art. Gematria is the willful or conscious embedding of esoteric formulae into the language with the intent to hide and yet reveal the core of the Construct, while ART is used as a means of interpretation.
"For the mode of any more abstruse experiment, we explain it,
Lest any mistake arise about it; and to the intent, also,
That we may excite others to excogitate better methods." - Sir Francis Bacon, Alphabet of Nature
ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH
OSIRIS = 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION
In the Oral tradition, we twist the L
4) The Construct is wedded, or embedded, into Nature. In Nature is revealed all things.
"In Nature's infinite Book of secresy
A little I have read."--Antony & Cleopatra i.2"
5) Symbols as Letters are two dimensional representation of 3 or more dimensional concepts. Example: D is as the Sun as it appears on the HORIZON. The word HORIZON is a CODE for the following:
H = Greek Letter Pi Transposition
ON = ON(e) = One

HORIZON as an ESOTERIC CONSTRUCT embeds the code of "Pi (as the Letter H) is comprised of the ZERO and the ONE. The Letter D, being a 90 degree turn of the Sun as it appears to rise on the HORIZON, thus becomes the 3+ dimensional representation of this conceptual.
Esoteric English and the Pi Proportion
Of all the axioms held there remains the primary axiom: Pi is the building block upon which the whole of the Illuminatus system is predicated. If you keep this core thought in mind as you delve further into your own research, this reality will become ever more profound and clear.
However, let us aid in the illumination:
One book you should equate yourself with is "The Beginning of Masonry" by Higgins. He writes in the chapter called "The Pi Proportion",
"It is completely in accord with the ancient philosophy, which, in apostrophizing the Deity as the "Pi proportion", meant what later, in Isaiah, is called "The living Elohim" - The Pi proportion, endowed with omnipotent self-exertion in the ordering of inchoate matter; in other words, a LOGOS active in Cosmos. The Pi proportion is something that is never absent, in one form or other, from every one of the world's primitive religions, and certainly enters deeply and radically into the philosophies that have given rise to what we in these days call "Masonry".
Elsewhere, this excerpt is noted:

To understand how this might be so, the concept known as the Pi proportion has to be understood. Fortunately, it is very, very, simple. The 1 as a diameter cannot exist without the circumference. 1's are encoded as male and 0's are encoded as female. Each cannot exist without the other. This "stupendous mechanism" is only stupendous when set against Jehovian, or Setian metaphysics and its total reliance on male centric, or "1, 1, 1" theologies.
The 1 and the 0, male and female, god and goddess, remain key to the operative nature and plan of the Universe. It is common sense and observable to all, yet mankind's primitive religions insist on a male centric theology.

The Pi Proportion and the Ordering of the Universe

The easiest way to comprehend this is to translate the concept of "cycles" into the word "orbits". Orbits can be divided into their respective Pi proportions through the establishment of key marking points in the observation process.
For example:
The period from a New Moon to a Full Moon effectively divides the orbit of the Moon as it circles the Earth in half relative to the time it takes for the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth. The "1", or "diameter component" of the "Pi proportion" would then be the orbital time divided by 2.
The Synodic Orbit of the MOON is 27.3 days. Divide 27.3 days by 2 to arrive at the "Pi proportion", or the "diameter", which reveals a formula of 13.65. Check your numbers against the Isisian Codes to correctly encode, or construct, the word for MOON.

The Letter M has a value of 13.
The Letter O has a value of 6
The Letter N has a value of 5.
The Formula for MON is M.ON = 13.65 days from New Moon to Full Moon. As the orbit of the MOON is not constant, but changes, the word MOON would simply be set at a formula of 13.665 days, allowing for orbital tolerance.
The Word SUN reveals the formula of
S = 3
U = Sum of 1:6=21 Letter U
N = 5
or, more simply SUN = 365
EARTH = 5+1+18+20+8 = 52 Weeks, or the "circumference" of the "Pi proportion".
The Period from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice is 52 weeks divided by 2 (in half) to reveal 52/2 = 26 weeks. This is the number of Letters to the Alphabet, which should be a clue enough, however, the Isisian Code words for this period is
GOD = 7+15+4 = 26 weeks
Since "GOD" is "masculine", and GODDESS is "feminine", then GODDESS would, by necessity, have a value that equates to the Pi Proportion. This Pi proportion would have to be a circumference reading, and so the cycle time, being observable and hence known, would then be encoded into the word. The proper way (through the use of Art) to decode this (or encode this, as it were), is to understand that the 1 and the 0 exist together. This is a conceptual reality, so words that are feminine will often include the masculine as designed (another observable conceptual reality): SHE contains HE, HER contains HE, WOMAN contains MAN.
There is an esoteric coding in play.
The male is the diameter code while the female component of the word incorporates the circumference of the Pi proportion.
In the word GODDESS, GOD is the DIAMETER while DESS is the CIRCUMFERENCE.
DESS reveals the following digits:
D = 4
E = 5
S = 19
S = 19
The formula, then, is easy to ascertain.
(S*S)+D = (19*19)+4 = 365 days; or
(S*S)+E = (19*19)+5 = 366 days
What is evolving is that the Universe is being set into a form of ORDER, and the order is appearing from the seeming CHAOS of the ALPHABET
The Great Year by Plutarch is said to be 25920 years. The PI proportion, comprised as it from a "diameter" and "circumference" component, would have as its circumference component the period of 25920 years, while the diameter component would have as its value a period of 25920/2 = 12960 years.
The Pi Proportion for the Great Year, or 25920 years is the word HELL. That is right. HELL.
H = 8 = 36
E = 5
L = 12
L = 12
HELL = (H*E*L*L) = 36*5*12*12 = 25920 Years
Of course, the idea of equating Letters to Numbers should not be a secret to anyone who is familiar with the United States Monetary System. The coding is there right before your very eyes.

So when you take the diameter (Pi proportion) of the Great Year of 25920/2 = 12960, this creates the Isisian Code of
L = 12
I = 9
F = 6
and E, having a right to remain silent as E is 5 and 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 = O Letter, the E has a value of O to show the proper Pi proportion formula.
LIFE = 12960 Years = 1/2 of the time of the Great Year.
I hope you have found this to be an entertaining and interesting read into the Ordering of the Universe using Esoteric English and higher level Gematria.