Monday, March 24, 2014

"The Fetch" on Spingola Speaks with Deanna Spingola - 3.23.14

In a surprise request, Deanna Spingola from Spingola Speaks was kind enough to ask "The Fetch" to appear on Spingola Speaks on March 23, 2014.  In what was expected to be a show focusing on politics and current events, Deanna steered the conversation to a discussion of the Illuminatus Observor.

The show marked a continued expansion of reach of work by "The Fetch" as the show was broadcast on the Republic Broadcasting Network, the flagship station for Deanna's "Spingola Speaks" show.

The show was a very general discussion of concepts contained within the Illuminatus Observor, with a touch of politics and personal interest.

This show should be of interest to anyone who has followed The Fetch over the years and/or would like to catch some fresh discussion regarding the Isisian Codes.

You can catch the edited show here:


  1. Good show Dennis, the effect on our children rips my heart. Adults don't seem to care/believe, almost apathetic.
    Duncan: icenirising

  2. This was a most informative programme. A good time was had by all during the discussions. You and Deanna had a comfortable easy fit and seemed quite in sync so... again perhaps?

  3. Thanks everyone. It has been a long time since I did a show like this. It was fun to return to this level of work...

  4. Inside The Eye Live: 403 Forbidden,


  5. Fear ....the original Sin.

    Fetch, We miss the wonderful adventurous and amazingly Insightful articles you have written and would probably benefit should You write Us another.....

    I am not much of a political gal though I do peek about and research to maintain some sort of current-in-the-know.

    Reason behind commenting ?

    The FifthNSixth --- (Michael Evans, The Geometry of Light)

    The abundance of it: Gerald Pollack (Water As A Battery) and Nassim Haramein (Rogue Library)

    Your Multi-Dimensional Friend,



    No Natter


    You Are

    You Are

    The Center
