Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bread and Rice - An Epoptic Revelation

An advanced qaballistic analysis of English allows us to peer into some of the esoteric insights into the manner and construction of the English Alphabet.

Watch the above video of bread rising. What esoteric insights can you glean or gather from the properties of bread and the nature of the Alphabet?  Let us review, or share, some of these insights.

Nature is fused to the Language and the Alphabet.  The archetypes, or form contained within the Alphabet, is transmuted into Nature.  Observing and analyzing the properties of Nature enables us to ascertain the correct design of the Alphabet and its underlying esoteric and philosophical constructions.  The names contained within Nature reveal further the absolutes of the philosophical Construction designed, or woven, into the Alphabet and the corresponding language.

Again.  Observe the bread rising.

One should be able to observe two parallel constructions with the words "bread" and "rising", each based upon food and named with perfection.  Each word, "bread" and "rising", reveals overt and covert occult significators, or signatures.

Each significator is as a source of light that reveals "the epoptic part".

The "epoptic part" is best referred to as coming
from the ancient Greek ἀκροαματικὰς which literally translated means "things designed for hearing only" and refers to the lessons which Aristotle himself reserved for his closest disciples.

Similarly, epoptic is also a cognate, this from the ancient Greek word ἐποπτικὰς which literally means "highest mysteries" but refers to the teachings reserved for the ἐπόπτης, or "observer" who is an initiated member, often of a religious group.
- source
These words, being an epoptic part of the design, are hidden by the very nature of words themselves, or the Letters that make up the words.  Hence we say that words as speech are "veils of Isis" that no man hath been able to peer behind.

The Nature of the Veil - Clouds as an Epoptic Part

  Clouds are a seemingly innocuous word to describe a phenomena of Nature.  However, the word cloud (CLOUD) is an epoptic part of the design.


The word "CLOUD" and its observable properties reveals the nature of the Construct. 

Basic Qaballistic principles hold that the source of light is so bright (as the Sun which is the fount) that one cannot behold the Construct in all its brightness without becoming overpowered and blinded by the nature of what one was viewing.  Hence, it is necessary to observe the Nature of the Construct (some may call this "God") through the shadows and adumbrations which are created within the material realm.  These become "the Things" that make up physical reality.

Thus a "CLOUD" at times reveals the whole of the Construct through a lack of covering the construction, and at other times can completely obscure the Construct such that the properties become oppressive.  Generally, however, we find that CLOUDS, or the OCCULT, shades and covers in parts or mystification such that the source remains within sight though obscured.

This advanced qaballistic analysis provides what is otherwise a clear demonstration of what is generally considered to remain epoptic.

Bread and Rice - Parallel Epoptic Patterns

Rice shares an absolute similarity to bread.  Each "rises" when properly prepared. 

However, when we consider that C and S are Isisian Cipher (Code) equivalents, we find that the word RISE and RICE are identical in design.  Although such is apparent and obvious enough, the occult significance is akin to a cloud that covers not the source of light that is shining behind, or if such occult influence is said to be hiding the source, it would be as a very thin mist that barely covers or hides anything at all.

In the case of the word RICE, we can break apart the word into its constituent designs, namely the Letter R and the word ICE, wherein the properties of ICE are such that at 32 degrees, the water freezes and "rises" above the waters.

Peering deeper into the analysis, since R is letter of the Goddess, we can surmise that it is from and through the Goddess that one is able to "rise up" and "see".

We can then expand on the R and relate it to the B as B and R are identical in design and number.

The relationship of BREAD, the root in this case is the Letters B and R, or more accurately BR.  R s the feminine and B is the profile of a pregnant woman.

The BREAD that rises is very much observable in nature as a woman's pregnancy.  Notice in the video how the bread, as it hardens (heartens), it bubbles and kicks (as a child in the womb).

All of this is esoterically being built around the Letters B and R, which is B as "latent life" and R as "manifested life", a past and present tense demonstration: 2 B and U R.

Of course, another word that is working around or patterned after or structured upon the latent life letter B is that of the B (om) B er.

There are many words crafted around the archetypal constructions set within the Letter B.

One needs only to peer with a little bit of extra focus to see the light source behind the mystification created by the clouds.


  1. This sentence did not make any sense to me as it seems to be missing a word or two in the last phrase:

    One should be able to observe two parallel constructions with the words "bread" and "rising", each food and named with perfection.

    hided should be hides over here:

    "source, it would be as a very thin mist that barely covers or hided anything at all."

    extra 'is' over here:

    "All of this is esoterically is being built around the Letters B and R, which is B as "latent life" and R as "manifested life", a past and present tense demonstration: 2 B and U R."

    Here it should be either 'principles hold' or 'principle holds' :

    Basic Qaballistic principles holds that the source of light is so bright (as the Sun which is the fount) that one cannot behold the Construct in all its brightness without becoming overpowered and blinded by the nature of what one was viewing. Hence, it is necessary to observe the Nature of the Construct (some may call this "God") through the shadows and adumbrations which are created within the material realm. These become "the Things" that make up physical reality.

    This famous quote by Camus relates to that paragraph:

    “Truth, like light, blinds. Falsehood, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object.” - Albert Camus

    Other than that, great post ! Hope you do more of these in the future.


    P.S. You might also want to upload all your old podbean podcasts to over here:

  2. Hi Neg,

    Heh. I have always been known for my laziness at editing. :) Corrected and thanks and good to hear from you.


  3. I thought you were going to say that bread was B-Read. Like one reads the alphabet - also the first letter of the alphabet in Celtic is Beth, aka Beth-Louis-Nion, and B is a letter that stands for beginnings.

    There is something in the OT about not letting the leavening of other civilizations into the bread of the Hebrews. And then there's levity/levitation a soundex pun with leavening. And perhaps Levine, but perhaps I'm stretching it like pizza dough now.

    And Ri-Sing, like singing. One can read or sing words, or both or neither.

    Aside from that, just on a real basic level, they're both made from grains, which when people switched to agriculture and eating a lot of grain, things changed a lot.

    Also that bread rising sounded a bit like rice krispies until it started breathing at the end there. Then it looked like the BloB.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "R is feminine." But R is for the radius, from point to circumference in which the latter is feminine O. Stan Tenen says the b (or beth) relates to a demarcation twixt within and without. But latency, b, as to actual, r. is neat also. Brake, bury, bar, rub...hmmm.
