Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Decoded" Casting Call - Poll

Last November, I received an email from an long time online friend and reader.  The contents of the email was that the History Channel is contracting out through an independent production company a new show called "Decoded".

The premium show is themed around "Americana conspiracies" of the type that we deal with regularly here at the Illuminatus Observor.

I prepared my application, short 2 minute video as to why I felt I should be considered for the show, and was a click away from sending the application and video to the casting department.  Then I thought - why should I do a two minute video as to why I feel I would be a good fit for this show?  So I stopped the process and forgot about the idea.

Well - I just received a very nice email from someone who is working in some form with the producers for the show.  The email was as follows:

Mr. Fetcho,
While conducting my research, I came across your blog The Illuminatus Observor.  I am working closely with the History Channel in putting together a new show called "Decoded".  I would appreciate if you could take a minute to read the breakdown we have composed to find our third and final host for the show.  Please feel free to call or email me with any questions.  Thank you.

We are looking for a male co-host, ages 35-55 for a premium cable show that focuses on American Conspiracies, Mysteries and Secrets.  Our host should be a "believable believer," someone who can challenge traditional scientific and historical methods. This person should bring a fresh perspective to the audience and the team that will allow the series to take unexpected turns i.e. conversations with numerologists, channelers etc. On the other hand, one of the important qualities that he should possess is the ability to not be simply a believer, but also  "speak with mathematical and scientific authority" and be able to converse with other members of the team on their own terms. We are looking for someone  who can convince our more  traditional hosts to rethink their position. He should also be flexible enough to be convinced that he is wrong at times. Finally the host should be smart, playful, a strong communicator and have a 
good sense of humor.  Advanced Degree a plus.

If you or anyone on your team fits this description and may be interested, please have them contact me as soon as possible.  Also, please feel free to post this on your website or pass this message along to anyone you feel may be appropriate.  Thank you and I hope to hear from you shortly.  

So if anyone of you out there is interested in hosting the show equally, send me an email and I can forward your information to the contact who is recruiting for this position.  

For the record, I have stated my interest in the show, but since you are my audience, I would like to get your feedback.  Please take a moment to a vote in the above poll and let everyone know what you think.


  1. Go for it Fetch and you can get the network to do all kinds of educational illustration type stuff to present your view. Well I take the last part back because you would have to supervise the whole thing but they may have the technology to make it easier and maybe a few people smart enough to understand what you say so they would get it right. I don't count myself among those because I'm just trying to soak up the info and understand it. I'm reading past posts from a ways back to try to get up to speed but it'll take time to catch up to the present if I get it at all. I just discovered you a week or so ago and I'm going back to the beginning of your archives to start.

  2. Hmm as long as you can keep blogging and dont get your truth taken from you. If you need help let me know. Dont sell your rights to ANY of this material ever i miss chatting with you btw i still only have phone internet . Hope you have a great weekend take care -sky-

  3. Hey Dennis if you were to present Decoded it would be spot on. If they can handle the truth! Dennis from Oregon.

  4. I say 'no way'. How come everybody can talk about how controlling and brainwashing the T.V. (media) industry is, and then in the next instant, drop everything they are doing, and consider teaming up with the Behemoth itself...?

    This makes no sense what-so-ever.

    Stick to your guns Dennis, as well as everyone else...

    We don't need another sell-out...

  5. Go for it :)

    You are perfect for this and it would get you a HUGE audience.

