Monday, May 28, 2012

Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio on Inside the Eye - Live! - 6.2.2012

To begin the month of June, Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio and with be joining The Fetch on Inside the Eye - Live!, which airs every Saturday morning at 10:00 AM CST - 12:00 PM on the Oracle Broadcasting Network.

Henrk and his team have been long time good friends of the Illuminatus Observor and we are looking forward to having Henrik as a guest on Inside the Eye - Live!

Red Ice Creations contains a wealth of informative, mainstream, and off mainstream content.  An informative news aggregation may be found on the front page, as well as links to the popular Red Ice Radio show, one of the leading podcasts of its kind within the alternative media space.

Henrik's interview style is relaxed and informative, resulting in a wealth of quality interviews covering a wide array of subjects.  The Red Ice Radio team includes helpful and insightful supporting links for each podcast.  Podcast/radio interviews are immediately cut over to Red Ice's Youtube channel where one can easily filter episodes by either date or popularity.

Henrik Palmgren is an independent filmmaker, radio host, musician, editor, director, researcher & graphics designer.  He is also an explorer of the occult, esoteric & exoteric and an observer of everything from conspiracies to subtle nuances of divine communication and meaningful coincidences. Henrik appeared Apr 14, 2012 om Coast to Coast Weekend where he "shared a series of conspiracy observations focused on the new world order, socialism, and the danger of centralized systems."

The interview on Inside the Eye - Live! should proved to be a fun and informative show to be enjoyed by all!

Show Date: June 2, 2012
Show Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST (USA - GMT - 8)

Show Summary

You can listen to the show here without being redirected:

The show turned out to be really fast paced, informative, and entertaining.  We began the show speaking about and Red Ice Radio, with Henrik providing many insights into various aspects of his online work as well as hearing some of Henrik's current interests in his reporting/show production at Red Ice Radio.

Bilderberg Chantilly, the Build-a-Burger Protests

We followed that with a discussion of the Bilderberg protests taking place in Chantilly, VA, and the media circus zoo instigated by a select group of suspect alternative media entities.

Indeed, it seems that that with the time and money being spent on "protesting" you would think that some of these "alterative media reporting" "entities" might spend a little bit of effort actually doing some research.

Had they done so they would be able to report that the Bilderberg Group has 35 members on its steering committee.  16 of these members are either Jews or people with Jewish spouses.  This means that within Bilderberg also, Jews control 46% of the Bilderberg steering committee.  It is the "steering committee" that controls the list of invitees and hence the direction of Bilderberg as a business/government round table venue.  Clearly this is a material piece of evidence about the Bilderberg Group, yet for all the "alternative" and "independent" media scrutiny, all we hear from these suspect and compromised media "entities" is brain dead screaming and ranting at "the New World Order".

Perhaps Alex Jones and his charade of protesters could shift some of their assets and energy to real enemies at and within the gates, America's Jewish organs which seek to destroy liberty and freedom in their effort to create their New World Order with Jews and Israel at the pinnacle of power and influence.

The Facebook IPO

Does anyone really believe that this boy genius is capable of putting together a US$100 billion company?

The fact of the matter remains:

Facebook is a wholly Jewish run operation.  It was promoted by a near total Jewish dominated media.  It was marketing to financial institutions by a nearly complete Jewish run investment banking operation.

The formula to hype Facebook was a text book example of how Jewish assets are used to collaborate to create wealth for primarily Jewish run organizations to the detriment of society as a whole.  Wealth, as is often the case, was not made by generating growth.  Wealth was created through fraudulent and shady marketing practices that sucked billions of dollars out of the non connected retail public.

The end result should have been expected: a few "insiders" would make out like bandits, except instead of riding on horses and robbing armed stage coaches, these bandits use their wide array of weapons (controlled corporate management, controlled media framing, and controlled financial marketing) to create the perfect storm that would contribute to a massive loss by retail (read that non Jews) who were stupid enough to trust in the financial fraud that has become the hallmark of Jewish management of media, finance, and corporate structures.

We covered this issue, and then moved on to one of Henrik's  prevailing interests, UN Agenda 21.

UN Agenda 21

Here, Henrik details how in his childhood he was "educated" in the coming "Agenda 21" campaign that so much of the West now finds under assault by.

We discuss issues Sweden is facing, including the deliberate attempt by Sweden's political elite to accelerate the demise of the car manufacturer SAAB in favor of "service economy" economic models.  UN Agenda 21 really is all about destroying the West's ability to maintain a sustainable manufacturing base.

Henrik also reveals some of the more hidden truths behind the privatization of Swedish industries and national assets.

Henrik the Red Ice Radio Host

We ended the show with Henrik sharing some of his thoughts on some of the more iconic names in the alternative history/conspiracy movement, including Hoagland, Icke, and Jordan Maxwell.

All in all a great show.  You can listen to the archive here of the show here:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marty Leeds, Pi - The Great Work - Inside the Eye - Live! 5.26.12

Update - December 11, 2016

As many of you know, the linking of the English Alphabet to "the Word" and further, as Pi, was an undertaking for which I invested more than 10K hours in research and meditation.  The effort consumed nearly 6 years of my life, and the presentation was leaked over a period of time where the presentation was honed and fine tuned in order to be able to make the information academically viable as well as available to those of medium to higher understanding of English as an historical and esoteric construction.

Marty Leeds did indeed appear on my show, Inside the Eye - Live!, in 2012.

I had been informed from readers across the net who were familiar with my work that Marty Leeds was engaged in wholesale theft of my work.  The idea of Pi linked to the English Alphabet is something that does not appear in any Occult writings aside from allegory and nuance.

The ONLY person who had brought this information to light was myself, long before a Marty Leeds came to the fore and claimed the link and idea as his own.

Needless to say, I have watched his presentations.  They give me a headache: there is no foundation, nothing to support his work in any academic/occult sense.  In short, it appear pure charlatanism.

I do not endorse nor would I recommend you to take heed of his information.  Much of it is simply lame, to put it nicely.  His cipher reminds me of the admonitions of Cornelius Agrippa when he says that this "cabalae" of the Jews is nonsense, in which they twist and turn numbers and destroy the very essence and nature of the Sacred works.

This is what Marty Leeds is doing.

I have watched some of his videos, and I have watched some of his videos with some of my accomplished students.  His "cipher" in which he tries to prove EVERYTHING is the very same cipher I used to show the idea of "Humpty Dumpty".  The difference is, I provided all the key links from sources writing about Secret Societies to show why this cipher as being used in the manner it was to demonstrate the concept contained within.

Marty Leeds was part of a loose knit cabal who were seeking to infiltrate and silence certain directions of discourse within the alternative media.  I received literally identical complaints about Marty from certain hosts that were also voiced to me personally from others within this cabal.

I regard his work to be a fraud, a form of "search engine hocking" where my concepts were subjugated to his efforts.

I am keeping this page up for pure historical reference.

I do not ENDORSE nor APPROVE of Marty's efforts and use of MY linking of Pi to the English Alphabet.

The Fetch

Original Article is here:

This Saturday, May 26, 2012, Marty Leeds, author of Pi - The Great Work will join The Fetch on Inside the Eye - Live! on the Oracle Broadcasting Network for what should prove to be a fascinating interview into the realm of Occult constructions into the English language.

Marty Leeds is fresh off an interview with Red Ice Radio on April 12, 2012.

Pi - The Great Work is a journey into "anthropology, archaeology, alchemy, religion, spirituality, science, astrology, astronomy, numerology, linguistics, symbolism, music, riddle and rhyme. All viewed through the lens of Pi. It is an exploration of sacred number, geometry and the mathematics that rule our Universe."

Pi - The Great Work is Marty's first published effort.  He can be found at his website, and his Youtube account,  For a primer, what follows is Marty's views on Pi and the English Language:

The Fetch on the Oracle Broadcasting Network

Inside the Eye - Live! continues its strong showing on the Oracle Broadcasting Network.  And, with special hosting appearances on Live Free or Die Radio with Lee Rodgers on May 14 and May 15, 2012 and a special round table show with Alex, the   Celtic Rebel, host of highly popular Rebel Path Radio and Kyle Hunt, author of Star Theory and host of "Star Theory Radio", on May 18, 2012.

There are a couple shows of note that are highly rated and worth a listen.  The May 5th Inside the Eye - Live! show regarding the Jewish concept of Miserah, or the prohibition of speaking out against a fellow Jew regarding a fellow Jew's wrong doing and how this religious doctrine seems to be playing a hidden, insidious, and damaging role in the ongoing banking and financial crisis.

You can listen to - The Bernie Madoff Tale and Miserah, here

Show no longer available

In addition, The Fetch was a guest on Truth Hertz with Charlies Guiliani on May 7, 2012.  An overall great bit of entertainment and conversation with lots of listener participation.  You can catch this show here:

Show no longer available

 Last, but not least, was a three hour interview of The Fetch by Lee Rodgers of Live Free or Die Radio on May 11, 2012. This was a highly rated show, 3 hour commercial free offering loaded with lots of information and typical Fetch insights. Lee Rodgers does a great job here and the results showed such. You can listen to this highly rated show here:

Show no longer available 

Inside the Eye - Live! Archives

For a complete listing of all shows by "The Fetch" on the Oracle Broadcasting Network, visit the Inside the Eye - Live! Archives page on the Oracle Broadcasting Network or join and listen live every Saturday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST USA

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Fetch on Truth Hertz Radio with Charles Guiliani, 5.7.2012

After a wild and informative week hosting Live Free or Die Radio with Lee Rogers, The Fetch will be appearing on Truth Hertz Radio with Charles Guiliani on the Oracle Broadcasting Network. The show should be a highly entertaining and informative show and may be heard live at 7:00 AM CST. So click in and listen live! Phone lines will be open!

Show: Truth Hertz Radio with Charles Guiliani Show
Date: Monday, May 7, 2012
Time: 07:00 CST (USA)
Show Listen Live Link: Oracle Broadcasting Live Stream - Truth Hertz Radio
Show Live Chat Room: Truth Hertz Chat Room on Chatango

Epic Radio with "The Fetch" - The Fetch Tuskin Tussle

The attempt of a Zio-Troll to control the direction of the show can be heard here: The Fetch - Saturday 6 Hour Straight Shooter

On Saturday, April 28, the Fetch was live for 6 hours of straight shooting radio.  Starting with the his own show, Inside the Eye - Live! for 2 hours, the Fetch then hosted TruthQuest with Melodee Hallett, followed with a special 2 hour guest appearance on Star Theory Radio.

6 hours of "straight shooting" talk radio with "The Fetch".

The archives of these shows can heard here:

Inside the Eye - Live!, April 28, 2012

Podcast Powered By Podbean
This show features lots of great phone calls and while entertaining the idea of Jewish power projection and consolidation strategies.

TruthQuest with Melodee Hallett , April 28, 2012

Another really fast paced show.  Entertaining.  Lots of great listener calls.
Special Appearance, Star Theory Radio with Kyle Hunt

In this show, a throw back to traditional work by "The Fetch".  Insights into English Qaballa and the esoterics of the English Language are high on the list of this great, insightful, show.