Friday, September 18, 2009

"Roots", "Prepositions", and other Occult Constructions in Language

When we analyze the Alphabet from an esoteric or "occult" perspective, we recognize that the Alphabet is comprised of multiple overlapping philosophical constructions. The totality of the construction, to include the language and all its grammar, oft contains openly declared occult constructions.

The Zohar states, for instance, that "God built the Universe on the letters of the Alphabet".

Each letter contains a wealth of mythological references. The Letter A is the One Eye'd God. It is the formation of 4 dimensional space/time, derived from what I prefer to call "Taoist Metaphysics" of "Point - Line - Plane - Time". All of this is further fused to mathematics, providing the Construct with its self inherent "truth" and "provability".

Pythagorus stated that, "God built the Universe on number". The Sepher Yetzirah states that the world was created through three "sepharim", or ciphers: "letter, number, and sound". The idea that "a creation" was designed upon number, letter, and sound, is just a very rudimentary example of how overlapping philosophical constructions are present.

Letters as A and I each hint of "the One", with "the One" being, essentially, in opposition to each other. One (A) is the creator of all things, while the other (I) is the negation of all that has been created.

The totality of the Construction cannot be contained in a single "Alphabet". Based as it is on Pi as "the Omnific Word", the necessity to fuse multiple languages to the larger Construct was necessary. The Letter G as a phonetic shares a natural placement and design with the Letter C. A "clue" or "hint" had to be embed in such a way as to preserve this occult or esoteric link, for G and C in a single Alphabet could not possess the same position.

C is placed at 3 while G at 7. The additional design in the Letter G, namely a "T" placed such that the horizontal of the "T" appears at the center of the G, provides additional and clear meaning, yet the phonetic structure relative to number had to be maintained. Thus "G" as Greek "Gamma" and "G" as Hebrew "Gimmel" would be set at "3". The link between G and C as "3" would be self defining within the Alphabet of English.

Gimmel as "Camel" would provide the necessary reference code to "prove" the philosophical and esoteric constructions.

"Consonants" would be as "tertiary", or "mortal", while "vowels" would be "immortal" or "gods". The Egyptian tale of the birth of the "5 gods" would provide a literary mathematical riddle, while the belief in the "one god" would remove the other 4 gods, and leave us with a 22 digit primary Alphabet of "Hebrew".

Freemasons would establish some of their larger esoteric constructions through a linking of Hebrew and English.

Prepositions Mean Precisely What They Say

Sometimes, words mean precisely what they say. Prepositions come to mind. As "parts of Speech", we first equate SPEECH to ISIS through gematria. Prepositions, being "parts of Speech" are by necessity "parts of Isis". The transmission of the knowledge would be shared through the "spoken word traditions", meaning that an air of "acromaticism", if such is a word, would have had to exist.

Yet there is a clear layer of "written word" illumination. "Prepositions" means precisely what it says. Parts of words, or the means to deciphering the larger Construct, have been pre-positioned. Forms of pre-positioned phrases include the part of speech known as a "conjunction", as well as pre-fixes and suf-fixes.

Thus when we read words as "reread", we understand that the word "read" preceded the "pre-fix" of "re". What is "read" has been read already. When we discover something, there is a philosophical presumption in the language that what is being "discovered" has already been discerned at some point in the cosmos, for we have "prefix" of "dis" and a root word of "cover".

Thus to "discover" something, we are simply removing the cover to something that has been hidden (but still obviously) existed. Hence "science" was, before the rise of science, known as "the Occult", for through the process of "occultations", what has been has been covered over and subsequently, with the movement of time, simply uncovered.

All of this is basic logic encoded into the language, with ne'er a thought that an Occult force is in play. We have the idea of letters "numbers" and "sounds". Each letter is, equally, an ideogram, or a picture that hides an archetypal reality. Few take the time to philosophically work their way through words and the Alphabet as "Occult constructs" - academia has lulled the masses to sleep with bizarre and oft insane "theories" sold as absolute "probable truths".

Philosophy aside - words can mean precisely what they say. Hence the idea of "prepositions", or, more clearly, pre-positions. Within the structure of words, pre-positions, suffixes, prefixes, and conjunctions, are, by design, "pre"-"positioned".

Thus when we turn to analyzing words, we must take into consideration these realities. Through utilizing this element of deciphering Occult signatures, we are then returned back to the core of words, which, we often find, are singly solitary letters. Through this process, we gain insight into the individual letters.

For example:


In this word, the letters "ED" we recognize to be a suffix, and thus the root of the word is "B". What is the philosophical link between BED and B? Well, "to be" is to manifest, as it were. This can only be done through the birthing process at a rudimentary biological function. When we make the letter B, we were oft instructed to "make the bottom bigger than the top". We were being taught a very young age the rudiments of Esoteric Freemasonry - that the Letter B is the "Goddess", that it is a profile of a pregnant woman (make the bottom bigger than the top), that is is two and yet comprised of the glyphs 1 and 3, wherein the sum of 1:2 is 3, and so forth.

A seed of basic truth was planted at the very earliest of child development.

Of course, since words are over lapping philosophical constructions, we could also recognize that in the word BED we have the PRE-FIX of "BE". In this case, the root of the word would be the Letter "D".

Be D.

Since words and letters are comprised of letters, numbers, and sounds, we have multiple ways in which to encode or decode Occult signatures. For instance, since E = 5 and 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 = O, then the letter E in BED may change to an O to form BOD, which of course, with the suffix of Y added, creates the word BODY.

In this way, words take on new forms, while the core philosophical construction remains.

The purpose of all this is to take a metaphysical channel back to the core of the word, which, invariably, will be a single letter, or a set of letters. This core letter, or core set of letters, is known as "the root of the word".

In the word INTERPRETER, for example, we have the words INTER (a prefix), PRE (a prefix), T (a letter), and ER (a suffix). The "root" of the word INTERPRETER is, therefore, the LETTER T. Having established the core or root of the word, with knowledge of the Letters, you now have access to stores of archetypal knowledge to held ascertain the esoteric nature of the Letter T.

Even prepositions may contain prepositions, as it were.

Take for instance the preposition UNDER, as in "under the Sun". The word UNDER is comprised of a prefix UN, a root of D, and a suffix of ER.

In a very simple deconstruction, esoteric insights have been provided for the Letter D, for D may be a root with the word BED and UNDER equally.

The primary point to remember is that prepositions mean precisely what they say, and, in the process, you will be led to "your roots".

Alvin Boyd Kuhn's Expose on "Roots" in the Language
In the early third of the 21st century, a revival, or renaissance, in esoteric thought was bubbling in the Western world. Numerous works were released that would give critical insight to the serious inquirer of the "Secret Societies" as to precisely what was being done. Manley P.Hall would release volumes of work, while Godfrey and Frank Higgins would provide added detailed insights. Other authors, more aligned with the Setianist schools as the Golden Dawn and Thelema, would equally release insightful material, albeit for wholly different reasons.

These works would go on to influence generations of individuals seeking added meaning into the nature of the Work.

One such individual was Alvin Boyd Kuhn.

Alvin Boyd Kuhn was one of a few authors who sought to break through history as imposed by the "Church" and, in the process, provide alternative historical light to how Western civilization came to as it was. Whether Kuhn was "accurate" with his history is not of issue here.

What is at issue is that during the early third of the 21st century was witnessed a renaissance in public writing for the main stream public that was designed to shed light on what had been hidden and working within the West's Secret Societies, of which Freemasonry was one of the largest and perhaps most effective.

Frank Higgins' word "Hermetic Masonry" would provide clues as to Pi, the Pi Proportion, the fusing of this number to the Alphabet and language, while Mathers, allied with the Setianists, would be selling a wholly Jewish twist to how letters were fused to number and sound.

Alvin Boyd Kuhn's work was unique in that he was a scholar in comparative religions, linguistics, and language. His work plays prominent in theories concerning "astro-theology", and he contributed a fair amount of time in detailing the Pagan roots to Christianity.

He received a PH.D. on "Theosophy", the sect of learning attributed to Madame Blavatsky. That you could get a PH. D. on Theosophy from Columbia University in the 1930's hints at just how strong and prevalent were the various "mystery traditions" and "Secret Societies" with the larger society.

One such work by Alvin Boyd Kuhn was entitled, "The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet".

In this work, Kuhn laid out some of the logic employed within the Mystery Schools as Freemasonry.

"As the world below is a mundane reflection and copy of an overshadowing world of spiritual truth, they strove to portray the structural forms of that higher truth by representing it under the forms of its counterparts everywhere existent in the natural world. Even supposed history was oriented into the form of archetypal ideologies. But everywhere, in drama, ritual, choral dance, festival institution and in language the astute formulators aimed to incorporate their figures of fundamental archai. A great structure compounded of the elements of the cosmic logic of creation was inwrought into the pattern of all these modes of human cultural expression. Finally, if not perhaps initially, its structural design was woven into the formation of the alphabet.

"If this cryptic organic form was the structural principle determining the arrangement of the alphabet, it must be seen to have made its significance definitely basic in all literature. For thus the words themselves, carrying the elements of the original letter components would constantly represent the forms of the archaic thought which as symbols they portrayed. So that in reconstructing the hidden outlines of meaning form in the alphabet, we are piercing to the heart's core of the most recondite connotations of all literature.

"It is a commonplace of present educational theory to say that letters of the alphabet are symbolic representations of the sounds universally possible to the human vocal organs. It is hardly as generally known that in shape they are more than mere algebraic x's or sheer onomatopoetic imitations. They are in fact evident forms shaped to picture basic ideas. They are true ideograms.

He would go on to explain the Letters as he understood them, ways in which I would not necessarily agree. However, it was clear he had some insight. Kuhn understood the significance of "roots":

"Nothing has been more revealing than the list of words, in English, Greek, German, Hebrew, which can be traced to the old Egyptian name of this mighty symbol. Its central idea, it was noted, is the production of life through the tieing or union of spirit and matter. The central clue to the meaning of all these derivatives is the idea of tieing two things together. It must be elucidated that in building words upon the A N K H stem, the H may be virtually dropped out of consideration, as K H is equally well expressed by K alone. But K H is also equivalent to C H, which often replaces it. The vowel A is of inconsequential value and can also be dropped. So there is the bare N K left as the hard root.

"The next matter to be noted is that in later philosophical usage it was immaterial whether it was written N K or K N. And in Greek the N K (K N) became N G (G N),--a significant item. With these specifications it is possible now to discern a whole new world of meaning in many common words never dreamed to have come down from so divine a lineage.

In the process, he provided a presumption as to the use of "transpositions" when he stated that it was "immaterial whether it was written NK or KN", and although he provided the link between GN and KN (through the Greek), the precise Occult transposition was not raised, let alone how this might be so.

The Letter G is link a hinge. It provides the means to which two numbering systems (languages) could be integrated into a single larger philosophy. The glyph itself is comprised of two forms, the Letter C and the Letter T, wherein C is 3 and T is 4. C(3)+T(4)=G, yet G, being 7, could not too be located at 3 and so was hinged to Hebrew and Greek.

Says Kuhn,

"It is seen first in such words as anchor, that which ties a boat to a fixed place; knit, knot, link, gnarled, gnaw, gnash (accounting for the odd spelling); ankelosis, a growing together of two bones; anger, anguish, anxiety, a tightening up of feelings. But most interestingly it seems to have given name to at least four joints or hinge-points (hinge itself seems to be another) in the human body: ankle, knee, neck and knuckles. Lung, as being the place where outside air unites with the inner blood, could perhaps be added. Far away as our English join appears to be from a source in A N K H, (N being the only letter common to both), it is certainly directly from it after all. For A N K H was the root of the Latin jungo, to join, N K becoming N G through the Greek. From this we get junction, adjunct, juncture, conjunction, from the Latin past participle form of jungo,--junctus. But in coming into English through the French, all these words were smoothed down to join, joint, and this carried so far into English as to give us finally union, which is really junction in its primal form."

I trust those interested may now have a better understanding as to the Occult constructions within words. All parts of speech play roles in the de-constructing of Occult signatures. Knowing your roots is a critical component to ascertaining the larger Construct.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cymatics and the Metaphysics of English

"The organization or method of transmission he (Bacon) established was such as to ensure that never again so long as the world endured, should the lamp of tradition, the light of truth, be darkened or extinguished" - "Francis Bacon and His Secret Societies", Mrs. Henry Pott, 1891

Let us dig deeper into the Metaphysics of English.

There are hinges that keep the entire Illuminatus system together. "Say what? Hinges?" Yes. Hinges. How they are so requires a comprehensive understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of the language and its construction.

This article will provide additional source and supporting information to assist you to comprehend just what is behind this philosophical construction.

An Esoteric Construction to the Alphabet

We may state unequivocally that there is an esoteric construction to the Alphabet, but the proof, at best, will always be left to conjecture - at least as such pertains to the unknowing masses. However, through a rational analysis of the Alphabet, we may surmise that there is a clear rational and logical design to the structure and layout of the Alphabet.

Seeing how this rational and logical structure is commonly relegated to happenstance and chance within mass market opinions and perceptions, the very fact that a rational and logical structure, fused further to a philosophical reality, would by default intimate that the structure and design of the Alphabet remains a guarded or lost esoteric reality.

For instance. Consider the following:

The Alphabet is comprised of 26 digits.

If we divide the Alphabet in half, we separate the digits at the letters 13 and 14. This is Pi. By pairing the Letters into their respective symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes, we find that the asymmetrical pairings are set into a precise set of digits -

JKL = 3 digit pairing
N = 1 digit pairing
PQRS = 4 digit pairing
Z = 1 digit pairing
BCDEFG = 6 digit pairing

The digit pairings reveal 3.1416, which is again, Pi.

Consider further. The Alphabet has a clear rational shift at the Letter Q. By placing Q back at position 1, the B and R, C and S, D and T, E and U, F and V, and so forth.

This shift occurs at digits 17 (Q). "Z" seemingly vanishes, but is in truth "everywhere".

The Sum of 1:17 (Q) is 153
The Sum of 1:26 (Z) is 351

The shift occurs at a point where there is a "palindrome", or one number (Q) reverses itself as Q = 153 = 351 = Z.

There are 9 "alpha digits", or the letters Q through Y. When utilized in a "sephera fashion", we may add these nine digits to the 351 of Z to arrive at 360 degrees of circle.

We are back at Pi.

We may add then the vowels as another form of sephera calculation and arrive at 365 days in a year. Again. We simply arrive at "Pi Proportion" value. And since "Y" is "sometimes a vowel", we add the value of "Y" as "1" "sometimes to arrive at a "Leap Year", or 366 days - another Pi Proportion value.

Historical Hints of an Esoteric Construction

The "theory" that English was an "esoteric construction" reached its peak in the early third of the 20th century. The release of "Hermetic Masonry" by Frank Higgins essentially gave away "the great secret", that English was a construction based on Pi.

In the preface to "The Beginning of Masonry", Higgins quotes Victor Hugo's chapter entitled "This will destroy that" from "The Notre Dame of Paris".

"...finally, that the human race has never conceived an important thought that it has not written down in stone. And why? Because every thought, whether religious or philosophic, is anxious to be perpetuated ; because the idea that has stirred one generation longs to stir others, and to leave some lasting trace.

But how precarious is the immortality of the manuscript! How far more solid, enduring, and resisting a book is the edifice! To destroy the written word there is need only of a torch and a Turk. To the constructed word there is need of a social revolution, a terrestrial upheaval. The barbarians swept over the Coliseum ; the deluge, perhaps, over the Pyramid.

In the 15th century all is changed . Human thought discovers a means of perpetuating itself, not only more durable and more resisting than architecture, but also simpler and more easy of achievement Architecture is dethroned, the stone letters of Orpheus must give way to Gutenberg's letters of lead.

Occult reality embed into fiction.

There are two traditions - the Oral and the Written. The written traditions, including the use of books to preserve knowledge, can easily be destroyed through the torch fueled by crafted ignorance. However, the "constructed Word" is far more difficult to destroy, and one should not presume that the "constructed Word" is that of architecture.

"Human thought" had derived new means of perpetuating the "mysteries" and "the Word": since books could be destroyed, the overt use of words to describe the prevailing philosophical truth was as enduring as the whims of those whose care books were entrusted, and time had proven time and again that the burning of books was a favored tactic to regress human thought and development by Setianist force.

What would be needed to destroy "the Word" would indeed be a social revolution or cosmic upheaval. The "Word", an embodiment of "Truth" as defined by many with Freemasonry, was really a philosophy based on the relationship of the circle to its diameter. This philosophy, based as it is on symbols and allegory, would be spread via enshrinement into the Alphabet and spread to the four corners via the Spoken Word through myths, art, culture, wars, media, and more.

The Alphabet, the "lead letters of Gutenburg", would survive. Whether the Letters would be used to create realities real or imagined mattered not. The core truth remained "The Alphabet". The Alphabet, and with it the "vocabulary" upon which the language was crafted, held then and still contains an embedded philosophy, a "Construct" that, once penetrated, reveals that they who crafted the language surely "knew" in the purest philosophical sense.

The metaphysics of English has arrived.

An Esoteric Analysis of the Letters

Years ago I read an obscure Masonic document laced together using Gematria. To paraphrase, as I no longer have access to the text, the author argued that the Letters were a form of medium, that the Letters spoke and revealed insights, that Letters and Words contained mystic co-relations that, once comprehended, became the constituent components of a simple and yet beautiful philosophy that revealed "truth".

As most documents that deal in such esoteric constructions, just what was this "truth" was never revealed. Presumptions on behalf of the authors that their truth and ideas were a defacto truth were taken at writ.

To prove their point, the entire philosophical concept was elucidated using a technique known as "gematria". In Gematria, a very general held belief is that words of similar number added together must, by virtue of their having the same numerical value, be linked in some form or fashion in an esoteric way. Those not familiar with the metaphysical science of crafting ciphers in language often hold up such ideas that "God" or "G-d" must be involved, with the oft inscribed belief that only some supra sentient (God) being could possible have crafted the woven intricately linked words and phrases.

You can find evidence of such beliefs in works sprinkled across Jewish and Christian beliefs, with the concept applied to both English and Hebrew in liberal beatifications.

English, however, is far more subtle and ingenious.

The abrupt assumption that a direct letter for letter addition, be it a form of skip code as NAEQ-11 (EQ-11) or other forms of numbering leaves the genius of English safely hidden. This reality is something that has been argued with the proponents of these other systems to no avail.

The reality is that the totality of the language remains a testament of the philosophy unto itself. What is in play is a "SPEECH RELIGION", or a code of "ISIS" wed to OSIRIS.

ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56 = 19+16+5+5+3+8 = SPEECH
OSIRIS = 15+19+9+18+9+19 = 89 = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = RELIGION

Simple "gematria" may be used to "prove" such a concept. Freemasonic work such as "The Ancient Cipher" from the mid 1920's essentially make the exact argument, but the metaphysics of English remained still blissfully hidden.

In order to penetrate the hidden (occult) nature of the language, one must make a rational, measured, study into the language. One must understand how any given set of concepts was developed and how later forms or versions of the constructed sequences were morphed or built from the previous idea or concept.

One of these rational and measured insights into the language is that of the AUM Triglyph (see the article "The Masonic Word and the AUM TriGlyph").

In an article entitled "AUM" written in 1886, we find the following:

Now we may consider that there is pervading the whole universe a single homogeneous resonance, sound, or tone which acts, so to speak, as the awakener or vivifying power, stirring all the molecules into action. This is what is represented in all languages by the vowel a, which takes precedence of all others. This is the word, the verbum, the Logos of St. John of the Christians, who says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."3 This is creation, for without this resonance or motion among the quiescent particles, there would be no visible universe. That is to say, upon sound, or, as the Aryans called it, Nada Brahma (divine resonance), depends the evolution of the visible from the invisible.

But this sound a, being produced, at once alters itself into au, so that the second sound u is that one made by the first in continuing its existence. The vowel u, which in itself is a compound one, therefore represents preservation. And the idea of preservation is contained also in creation, or evolution, for there could not be anything to preserve, unless it had first come into existence.

If these two sounds, so compounded into one, were to proceed indefinitely, there would be of course no destruction of them. But it is not possible to continue the utterance further than the breath, and whether the lips are compressed or the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth, or the organs behind that used, there will be in the finishing of the utterance the closure or m sound, which among the Aryans had the meaning of stoppage. In this last letter there is found the destruction of the whole word or letter. To reproduce it a slight experiment will show that by no possibility can it be begun with m, but that au invariably commences even the utterance of m itself. Without fear of successful contradiction, it can be asserted that all speech begins with au, and the ending, or destruction of speech, is in m.

Few stop to rationally think through what they are reading.

An article entitled "AUM!" would simply not surface unless there was an underlying current or body of activity upon which the idea for the article would manifest. People don't just write articles of such a nature without some form of esoteric thought and support underlying the inspiration.

What the article reveals is that there had to have been a reasonably active and quite developed body of souls making esoteric inquiries into the language. Science, in the form of "Cymatics", would arrive later to bear out what the esoteric inquirers into the language seemed to be saying.

Cymatics and AUM

At the core of the article entitled "AUM" was thus: that the material Universe manifests on resonance or harmonics, that the initial resonance is codified into language (all languages) as the verb "A", and that this verb, as the introductory letter to the Alphabet, is the first in the representative 7 tones, the 8th tone being but a return upon itself as in "do re mi fa sol la ti do".

While legions of souls would immerse themselves in Hebrew metaphysics (the Meru project, for instance), a form of science called "Cymatics" would, without cause or celebre, validate what the early esoteric inquirers into the English language were openly saying in regards to the idea of AUM.

Cymatics holds, essentially, the same underlying philosophical pretenses as the earlier inquirers into the English language were saying, that the known Universe is a complex web of vibrations.

Alexander Lauterwasser writes in "The Creative Music of the Universe",

"At the physical level the intricacies, beauty and interrelationships of what could be called ‘the super-conscious designs of the universe’ are gradually being revealed. From this perspective there is no essential difference between the structure of an atom, a galaxy, a chakra, a crop circle or even the Sufi whirling dervish ceremony. It is only a matter of scale and perception – ‘as above, so below’. Within these phenomena lies something, some process perhaps, that suggests this super-conscious design with its fundamental, archetypal patterns and displays of unity."

It is the Occult idea that the Letters represent fundamental archetypes, fused as they are to a grand Universal philosophy, that inspired this grand experiment of fusing comprehensive truths to a larger philosophical reality which would become known as "the Truth".

Our Letters begin with the Letter A. The sound of the vowel "A" when viewed through the tools available through Cymbatics reveals that the A is a form of rounded hexagon with a round "hole" or "dot" in the center. This observable reality gives rise to inquiries as to the shape of the cube and the use of the cube as a power archetype within Occult fabrication. After all: the Star of David of the Jews, the Cross of the Christians, and the Cube (Ka'aba) of Islam are all fabricated upon the letter A.

The The Letter A is fused in a mathematical matrix based on phonetics, with an alphabetical shift at Q. The Q, being representative of the fertilized egg, symbolizes a first descent into matter, or the world of form, which is a product of vibration and harmonics. The letter Q is always accompanied with the letter U, and thus U could be said to also be placed cryptically at position number 1, which is A and U the same.

We now have created the first two letters of the AUM TriGlyph. Yet A is Osiris is the Eye of Providence, while AU is the first two letters to the name provided to ISIS, whose name is known as AU-SET. Yet again, ISIS is SPEECH, and AU is the key letters to the word for sound. This word is AU-DIO, wherein DIO hints of "God", which would make AU-DIO the "God of Sound", which is AU, which is the emanation of the Letter A in sound, whose vibration pattern is as that of a cube.

And so the wheel spins upon a metaphysical construction which, perhaps, we could aptly name - The Metaphysics of English.